Saturday, October 19, 2024

NOEL is finished!

Yesterday was a wonderful day!  It started off with breakfast being delivered.  You may not think this was the best breakfast, but I love McDonald's Egg McMuffin with a Mocha Frappe.  It's a treat to receive one and that's what the kids brought me yesterday morning....along with my granddaughter to spend the day.  We had a wonderful day, full of painting ceramic Christmas ornaments, singing, dancing, playing with Bluey and friends, napping (when I had time to work on my Noel Banner), imitating animals, and lots and lots of laughter until it was time to go and meet her parents.  One last slide on the slide in the neighborhood playground halted the tears then off to meet Mom and Dad for a quick trip to pick up their tags for the marathon this morning.  

We made a side trip to Little Italy in Baltimore to have dinner at Chiapparelli's Restaurant.  Little Miss A was so polite she made the waiter smile and the ladies at the table behind us laugh and coo at her antics.  They all sang Happy Birthday to me and as we left, the ladies wished Little Miss A a Happy which she replied...It's not MY birthday, it's Gigi's!  Then off to Vaccaro's for cannoli chips and dip.  Yummmmmm!!  

We got home just in time to see the season premier of Fire Country which we watched while I finished stitching Noel Banner by Stoney Creek.  If you count the letters individually this was my 99th finish of the year!  I'm looking forward to fully finishing it in the next few days so it will be ready to hang this Christmas.  I'm beyond thrilled to have it done as I never dreamed I would have it finished in time for Christmas this year!  

I had kind of challenged myself to fully finish anything I stitched this year.  I'm doing fairly well, except for multiples of things (like the 12 days of Christmas stockings and the things I hope to finish into pin drums and stand ups).  I'll need a little courage to tackle those but I'm determined!  Anyway, here it is...the stitching and attaching beads and buttons are finished.  I have the Bell that will be next on the agenda.  Wish me luck!  I'll be adding these patterns to the pile for the giveaway!  

That's all the news for today.  For those who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!  Now I think I owe my husband a backrub, as he was up at O'dark thirty today to participate in the Baltimore Runfest 5K with our son this moring.  I usually go with them but my knee has been acting up, so I begged off this year.  They were home before 10 and DH is tucked up warm in his  I'll make sure he is properly made the conquering hero when he wakes up!  Til next time...Happy Stitching!! 


Lee said...

Your Noel stitching is beautiful!

Robin in Virginia said...

The Noel banner looks fabulous, DJ. Well done on getting the stitching and beading finished! How did I not know it was your birthday? It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Happy belated birthday wishes to you!

diamondc said...

Happy Birthday DJ: It sounds like you had a very fun filled time, Little Miss must be a hoot to have around.
Love the Noel so beautiful.
I am working on many things that I have had kitted up for many years, it feels good to be working on them.
I have not heard about this Fire Country I must look it up.
