Monday, October 21, 2024

IHSW October

Hi and welcome to the October International Hermit and Stitch Weekend!  How ironic that it fell on the weekend of my Birthday?  I was afraid, originally, that I wouldn't get much stitching done.  Little Miss Cutie Pie needed a place to go because her daycare was closed Friday, so she came to stay with us for the day.  

She is a busy little girl, but we love having her visit.  And though I was busy, she took a 2 hour nap, and I was able to get quite a bit done while she slept.  Saturday was the Baltimore Runfest which we usually participate in.  While the boys went and participated in the 5K, I begged off because my knee has been acting up, so I had the whole day to stitch, and of course Sunday was a stay at home day as well.  So...let me show you what I accomplished!  

First off, I finished Noel, which you saw from the previous post.  I had to show that as soon as it was finished....I never dreamed I would finish it this year!!  

Next in the hoop was Starry Stable - Nativity SAL by Tempting Tangles.  I am stitching this on 32 count light blue over two.  I was able to finish part 10.  Only two more parts to go, I can't wait to see this finished, and with a little luck I'll have it done in November!  

As I was looking for charts to give in the giveaway, I found this little kit that was all ready except for the metallic thread.  Even the frame was present!!  This is Tie One On by Just Nan.  I couldn't wait to stitch and finish it which I did in one day!!  I love how it turned out!  

Next I pulled out this cute pattern for Thanksgiving.  I decided even though the original was stitched on one piece, I'm going to stitch them individually and finish them off in tart pans.  This is George and Martha Gobbleton by Aury TM.  

Such cute little quaker turkeys!!  I started with Martha and with a little luck I'll finish her today and start on George.  I'm excited to have these ready at the beginning of November.  

And that's all I have to show today.   I've decided to throw in Tie One On (just the chart) and Noel Banner in the giveaway pile too!  So...don't forget to comment!  Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Wow lovely stitching. I only added 200 stitches the whole weekend haha. Oh well I sure look forward to Winter no plan weekends ahead soon hopefully. I love your idea about the Quaker Turkeys I always think they would look better separate too.