Tuesday, August 22, 2023

IHSW Again!

It was an interesting weekend!  I thought I would be all prepared for the International  Hermit and Stitch Weekend.  I had all my projects lined up and ready to go...First up I wanted to finish Violets by Riolis.  I had started it the Thursday before and worked all day Friday into Saturday morning when I finished it!  The kit came with 14 count white Aida but I really don't like working with Aida anymore.  So I went for a deep dive into my stash and found 36 count Maritime White which I decided to use.  I didn't like the coverage of one strand over 14 count...and wanted to use only one strand of the wool/acrylic blend fibers they included.  The coverage was better on 36 count over two.  Anyone who really knows me, knows that I love violets.  This was a gift from Marina, from the gift of summer exchange.  She sent some lovely things, and I'll be working on a few other things that she sent soon!  I just love how this turned out!  Thank you Marina!  

Saturday afternoon I picked up another kit...with again, 14 count white Aida.  The kit is from Janlynn and is called Collecting Shells.  This time I substituted 40 count white which I'm not too sure was a good choice but I'm going to go with it.  When I saw the kit it reminded me of my Granddaughter so I couldn't resist.  I was hoping to finish it for a Christmas gift, but realized it's more involved than I thought...so...maybe by her third birthday?  Fingers crossed!  LOL  There was a lot of counting just to get it started...and I finished one line and a little bit more and thought...ugh...I will have to be a little less tired.  It's nearly complete coverage and it's been a while since I've worked on something this involved so...

I decided to start something a little smaller.  I then picked up Christmas Memories by The Victoria Sampler.  I love her designs!!  BUT...I needed to substitute every fiber she had in the list.  I have no idea where you can by Kreinik Mori but did find a conversion chart so I found all the DMC I needed in my stash.  I'm stitching this on 40 count Vintage Country Mocha.  I will be stitching both designs, but started with the truck first.  What a joy this is to stitch!  I had hoped to post this on Monday, but DH was having a medical procedure and needed a designated driver...and the truck was a perfect size to stitch on while sitting in the waiting room for over two hours!  So...I'm a little late posting BUT it extended my weekend by a day and I have a little more stitching to show.  

So that's all I have to show for this IHSW Weekend...let's hope I do better next time!  Thanks for checking in....Happy Stitching!


diamondc said...

Hello DJ: The Violets are beautiful a very sweet Marina to gift this to you.
I am not a fan of 14 count but do use it on some Christmas ornaments.
What an adorable Janlynn design, I am looking forward to your progress.
Victoria Sampler has some very sweet designs, This truck is so adorable.

Have a great week.


Robin in Virginia said...

What a wonderful assortment of projects you worked on, DJ! Love the violets; they remind me of my Gram. The full coverage piece is going to be stunning. The truck is adorable. Happy Wednesday!

Sandy said...

Everything looks great, but I particularly like your violets......truly pretty. Looks like you had a good stitching wkend. Hope whatever medical problems DH had are all taken care of.
Sandy's Space