Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Is this cheating?

Hi Everybody!  I bet the heading of this post made you think...huh?  LOL  Well there's a story here....

I went to my LNS over the weekend and they were having a model sale.  There have been a couple of models I've had my eye on for a few years.  The first is by Victoria Sampler and is the Jingle Bells Christmas Tree Farm.  I have several of these patterns, some are even kitted up, but for some reason they keep getting pushed farther back in my to do pile.  Anyway...I have loved this from the first moment they hung it up in the shop.  I love the framing when I saw it for sale (and some of the proceeds from the sale goes to charity) I couldn't resist it.  I just know there are things I will never get to in my to do why not enjoy them hanging on my wall while I can...right?  But is it cheating?  Hmmm...  

I have also had my eye on this frame for the lighthouse.  I have had the pattern (with the charms) in my stash for ages.  I have been looking for the Kay's Frame with this particular finish.  After this was framed and hanging in the shop, she couldn't find the materials to make this particular frame again.  I offered to buy it and swap out a new frame for their model but the owner refused. I have the fully finished product!  I will be able to use the charms elsewhere I no big loss right?  I just love lighthouses, so HAD to have this one!!  

And the BIG  news over the weekend, is that my husband found a chart he wants to stitch!!!  I nearly fell over in shock when he brought me the chart and asked me to get the fabric for it.  He has stitched one little thing many years ago...I wonder if this stemmed from a conversation we had a little while ago...where I told him (as he is nearing retirement age) that men who have no hobbies tend to do poorly after they retire and was there anything he might be interested in doing once he has all this free time.  I guess he must have thought about that for a bit.  I'm trying not to get too excited ... he did pick a rather involved pattern, so we'll have to see if he sticks to it...LOL  Fingers crossed I have TWO stitching buddies in my house, my cat and my  husband!  My Daughter-in-law stitches too!  We could start our own retreat!!  LOL!!!

I'm off to get some stitching done....I may (or may not) have Aubs tomorrow.  She was exposed to someone with Covid late last week, so they are keeping her away from us until they are sure she didn't catch it.  Fingers crossed she will be ok.  I miss her though....but...I should make hay while the sun off I go!  I'll leave you with a picture of Aubs with her newly developed talent....she cracks me up!  I call these two "Fine Dining".  Didn't your mother teach you NOT to eat with your feet???  LOL!!!

Happy Stitching everyone!


dianne said...

ha ha ha!!! my baby girl (now 35 and my very best stitching buddy) held her bottles with her feet - her hands were always too busy being busy!!!

Clare-Aimetu said...

No it's not cheating, there are many cross stitch pieces of work sold, look at all the antique samplers. These are antiques of the future. She is so cute with her foot bottle.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

How wonderful to own the models, especially that beautiful Victoria Sampler design. As long as you don't pop your initials on them it's not cheating in the least!
Fortunately neither of my boys used their feet to feed as I breastfed them both LOL Sometimes I'd have a little hand resting on my breast as if to say "I'm holding on so you don't move"!

Sandra said...

I don't think it's cheating picking up a ready stitched, ready framed piece (or two) they are both lovely. I don't normally like anything to do with lighthouses, not living anywhere near the coast, but that design just called to me, so please could you let me know the name of the design/designer. I have searched under lighthouses with charms, but nothing came up.

Robin in Virginia said...

Love the pictures of the grandbaby, DJ! What a cutie! I don't think it is cheating by purchasing pieces that you have wanted to stitch, but haven't gotten around to it. That lighthouse frame is darling. I look at it as saving a completed piece from either the recycle bin or the thrift shop.