Saturday, April 2, 2022

Life throws curve balls...

Hi Fellow Stitchers!  It's been quite a week!  Very little stitching to speak of, but my oh my have I been busy!  This little peanut had kept my hands busy!  She loves rocking, being sung to, and is happy when music is playing.  She loves...what I call...her busy chair, long walks in her stroller...and is 6 months old and 13 pounds of pure joy!  Meet little Miss date for the last week.  I'll have her for the first part of next week too.  She doesn't smile much...unless you play with her "piggies".  I'm waiting patiently to hear her laugh...  

I love this picture...she has recently discovered her face in the mirror.  At one point I was standing behind her looking at her in the mirror...she did a double take, looked back at me, then again in the mirror.  I guess she couldn't figure out how I could be in two places at once.  She's smart as a whip...I love watching her little mind tick.  Can you hear her thoughts?  Mirror, mirror, on the wall....who is the fairest of them all?  Or maybe that's my thoughts?  

Sorry for all the "baby talk".  On to the stitching!  As I said, I haven't been stitching much, but I was able to finish Pray For Peace from Scattered Seed Samplers by Tammy Black.  This was stitched on 40 count Vintage Country Mocha over two.  I substituted the fabric, I like mine smaller.  I truly love the designs I received in these clubs, but thought this one was very appropriate for the times we are living in.  

While I pray for the situation and the people in the Ukraine, I had to stop watching the news every day.  My heart breaks for them.  That's all I have to show for now.  It's amazing how much time a little one takes from your day...and how exhausted you are after 9 hours of play time!  LOL!!  Hopefully I'll have more to show next time.  Till then, Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

What a pretty stitch you finished, DJ! Other than watching the local news to catch the weather, I don't turn the news on. Like you, I do pray for the situation and people of the Ukraine as well as the situations occurring in our country. Your little peanut is a cutie. Enjoy your weekend!

diamondc said...

Hi DJ: What an adorable sweetheart, I bet you have been having a ball with her, I hope she giggles up a storm.
Nice progress on Scattered Seeds design.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a lovely photo! We have a few new babies at my Toddler Group and I love seeing them grow and progress each week. They all love the singing time at the end of the session. And watching the big boys and girls run around.
Lovely work on the Peace design.

Clare-Aimetu said...

A super photo of Miss A, I'm sure there will be smiles in the mirror soon. Super stitching too.