Friday, April 15, 2022

April Gifted Gorgeousness and more...

Hi Fellow Stitchers!  It's been a bit crazy here since the last time I posted.  As I gather my thoughts, let me explain a little about Gifted Gorgeousness.  The lovely Jo, over at Serendipitous Stitching, hosts this challenge once a month where we post things that were gifted...either to us, or to others.  Here is the link if you want to read the rules or sign up to join us.  It's never too late to join in the fun!  And...if you want to see what everyone else is stitching, you can click here.  I see that Jo had her blog hop going on at the same twice the fun!  Enjoy!!  

Where to begin?  Well... Let's start with our pen pal gift exchange.  The lovely Ms. K down in Texas is spoiling me rotten!!  Her boxes to me seem to get bigger each month...LOL!!  I say this each month, but I really love what she sent this month, isn't this chick the cutest?  I don't know where she finds these hoops, but I love the oval...and love the finishing.  They make such a cute addition to my mantle that I try to switch up for the holidays.  

I don't have the full picture of what I sent her, but this is what I made her this month.  I'm tempted to make one for myself, but when I went back to buy another wood "paddle" I couldn't find one.  Oh well, maybe next year!  I need to remember to take pictures before I box things up!!  

I've been busy stitching things for another exchange I'm participating in.  I haven't quite decided what all I'm going to include, but here are a couple things I've been working on.  The Winter is Past by Blackbird Designs from the book In Friendship's Way.  

This is Winter Rose Manor  Pincushion by Black Bird Designs.  I have a few other little goodies, but I'll save that for next time.  

I attended two classes last weekend at Hobby House Needleworks in Pittsford, NY.  I had such a great time!  Jean Farish taught the classes hosted by Kathy and David Mills.  We were gifted these books, along with a little shopping spree worth $30.00 So the little Prancer Pattern could be included in the "freebies" we received.  I love the little zipper bags they included...what fun!!   

I still haven't started stitching the pattern I designed, hopefully by the next update I'll at least have a start!  LOL   I do have a wee bit more done on the Melbourne Sampler...have a look!

Ok, I think that's all I have for this month.  I hope you all are safe and well and happily stitching!  Take care!


RONI said...

So many lovely gifts! I'm always amazed at just how prolific everyone else's pile of stitching is every month!! Thanks for sharing x

Elfie said...

Lovely gifts, beautiful stitching, projects for the future ... what more could one want! I did enjoy my visit!

jocondine said...

Lucky you to have those classes in HHN, that must have been nice. Great books and lovely stitchings in your post again. xxx

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I do love the exchanges gifts you've been sending each other.
Those needlework books will give you enough projects for GG for many years to come too!

diamondc said...

DJ: I can tell you are loved; the chick design is so sweet.
Your display is beautiful, the wedding sampler is amazing.
Nice progress on your projects.
Its nice to get back to normal with retreats.
