Thursday, September 30, 2021

Crocheting along...

You never know what you can accomplish if you don't try!  Hi everybody!  I guess, because all that has been going on,  I am all over the map with my creativity.  I'm kind of in a slump lately, not sure what is going on in my brain.  I know it looks like I'm accomplishing a lot, but in all honesty, I could be doing a lot more!  I find myself in kind of a slump.

To that end, I decided I would make a few things for our little DGD.  I knew some rudimentary crochet stitches, just enough to make a few little things here and there.  Mainly afghans and bookmarks.  LOL  I have tried my hand at crocheting doilies but they always end up looking like bowls.  I guess I crochet too tight. that I have a baby to crochet for, I thought I would try a few different things.  I know you saw the sheep snuggle sack I made for her for her shower...but I've been messing around with a few more things.

Dear DIL loves dressing her up, so I thought I would make her a dress.  She is so very tiny, that I decided to try a different type of yarn, and a smaller needle, and made her this dress.  I hope it fits!  I'll be visiting her today, so maybe next time I'll have pictures.  If this fits, I have a few more ideas in the works...this was just left over yarn from an afghan I made earlier, so it's not like it cost any money, only my time...

I also saw this adorable snuggle sack online and thought it would be perfect for her for Christmas pictures.  We will see what they do with it.  I just thought it was too cute to pass by.  Again, experimenting with sizes, so we will see if she fits in it.  It's great being a grandmother, I would never have had time to do things like this when my son was a baby, but as a grandmother, I have so much more time now!

Ok, I've had my break from stitching, and since the next part of Winter Quaker has been sent, I'm off to get some stitching done.  Hopefully my little break was enough to jump start my stitching bug.  Hope you all are safe wherever you are, and well.  Happy Stitching! 


diamondc said...

DJ: I tried crochet it was not good, I can do a chain stitch and that' about it.
The little dress is so sweet, the sack looks fun and perfect for the upcoming Christmas Season.
Life can sure keep us busy.


Shami Immanuel said...

The dress is so cute.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is a sweet little dress and a lovely Christmas sack too. Crochet does make up a lot quicker than stitching!