Sunday, August 8, 2021

Hobby House Needleworks

Hi Fellow Stitchers!  I know I've been MIA for a little while.  Sometimes you just need to "get outta town" ... LOL  It was our anniversary last week, so my husband decided we needed a little trip to celebrate our 37 years of marriage.  So we decided to take a trip north to visit friends and family.  

When I saw a new needlework store was slightly out of the way on the way north, we decided to visit there first. and I'm so glad we did!  When we walked in the door to Hobby House Needleworks our first sight was of a lovely fireplace with needlework models displayed around two inviting chairs.  

Kathy greeted us at the door as we walked in.  She asked what I needed (floss of course!  LOL) and walked me over to find everything I had on my list.  Just look at how well stocked they are!!!  I have to say, as soon as I walked in the door, I felt a peace ... but also a sense of WOW!  I was amazed at how well stocked their store is.  There was so much there, but it wasn't crowded.  It was well laid out so you could see most things at a glance.  They had all kinds of fibers...and they were there for the taking (not like some stores where they are on display but you have to order them).  

Their stock of fabric (even though some is hard to find right now) was amazing, and even though they didn't have the exact fabric I was looking for, they searched and found the color I needed, then found a substitute that would work well.  It's a new fabric I haven't used before, I'm anxious to give it a try!  

Not only did they cut exactly what I needed, they surged the edges and ironed it before they slipped it into a plastic sleeve and wrapped it neatly in tissue paper.  Amazing!   They told me they do this for their mail orders too!  Their philosophy is that when you receive anything from them, you can take it out of the bag and begin immediately.  They also wrapped their floss in tissue paper so it wouldn't get tangled in the bag with any other item you are buying.  I found some things I've been looking for (like bell pull hardware, charms (lots of them!!) and smaller tart pans).  It really is a stitcher's paradise!

They are well stocked in patterns as well.  They are in baskets, bins, turning display racks, but separated by designer so things are very easy to find!  And if you can't find something, Kathy is right there to lend a  hand!

In the loft of the store is a long table with chairs around it for their stitch events.  It's surrounded by all kinds of goodies, wool swatches of different sizes, more silk fibers, charms, needlework stands (they took time to show me one which I actually bought...all the parts, how they worked together, and all the pieces I would need, then let me sit and try it out...) and various other things.  You don't know how much I would love living near there to attend their stitch events.  They truly love what they are doing and really cater to their customers (I'm going to call them guests because they treated you like they really wanted you there).

I enjoyed my visit there so much, and I know if  you are able to go there too, you'll find the same experience.  They helped me find charts I was looking for, then showed me models they had hanging around the store and had stories to tell about who stitched them, or about the pattern.  Here's the's near a lot of lovely sights in the area too, with a lot of wonderful restaurants and hotels.  We plan to go back and see more of the sights!  

Hobby House Needleworks

50 State Street (The Green Log Cabin)

Pittsford, NY  14534

They do a lovely mail order service too, here is their website...Just click on the link!

And you can visit them on Facebook by clicking this link!

Thank you, Kathy, for such a lovely visit to your shop!  I'll be watching for any stitching events you  may have in the future and hope to see you again!


diamondc said...

DJ: What a nice tour of the store, thank-you for sharing with us.


Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

I'm envious that you have stores like this to visit.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a fantastic shop! That's real customer service too. It must be very easy to spend too much money there LOL
Thanks for sharing the photos with us.