Good question, don't you think? I thought that stitching a snowman might make me think of cooler times...hahaha Sadly it didn't work. As we reach the 25th day in a row with temperatures reaching over 90 degrees (and the heat index reaching 100 most days) I keep hoping the days will cool such luck! But thankfully someone invented the air conditioner many years ago and we are the lucky recipients of their technology! I feel like a hermit!!
Anyway....I received a lovely gift from my Montana friend, Cindy...she asked me if I would like this publication from Craftways called Hoops for the Holidays. I said ... yes please! and if you pick one of the patterns inside, I'll stitch it for you! it is finished!! It's called Gentle Hearts make Christmas Heavenly!! I'm kicking around ideas how to finish it's stitched on 28 count light blue over one with a few color changes. I will get it finished off soon and into the mail for her...I hope she likes it when she sees it up close!! LOL

I've been working on a few other things. United We Stand (an exclusive kit from Blackbird Designs and sold through Quilters Station) arrived a couple of weeks ago...but I've been busy with Cindy's piece...I finally sat down to get it started two days ago. I love the design...I had trouble finding a hoop/frame to stitch it I had trouble getting into the stitch groove. I've frogged and lost my place, and any number of issues...but it's finally on the go! I haven't taken a picture of it today, so I'm a little farther along than this picture, but here it is so far. This fabric is a challenge for me to stitch on (Others really like it) so I'm struggling, but I'm determined...I love the look of the finished project! I'll get there...!!! This was a gift from DH for our anniversary next week. This is our 36th!! The man must be a saint to put up with me all these years!!

I took on a huge project for our church, and I'm wishing I hadn't...LOL I did start it, but it's going to take some doing to get me motivated. After I said I would stitch it they wanted me to change some things about now my heart isn't in it...oh well...I'll trudge along...Here's where I am so far...
Today was a day!! I've been running around like a crazy woman since I got up...Bank business (that took an hour), card store, bird store for bird seed, call to the life insurance company (for the umpteenth time), and later the grocery store. And I still have a couple of things to do's either feast or famine around here! LOL Looks like I'll go back to hermitting on Friday! I'm off to get some stitching done...what are you all up to? Keep safe and Happy Stitching!!
Just a quick finish....this is a freebie from Crossed Wing Collection. I thought I'd just whip it up to see if it might look good on a mask...I like it, but now I have to figure out how to get it on cotton fabric.....
You can find the pattern here. Have fun if you decide to stitch it!!
Happy Stitching everyone!
I finally found some time to stitch on Gloria! And look what appeared....the roof of a little house! Almost every part of this SAL has a surprise, and it's been so much fun waiting for each piece to be revealed. I can hardly wait for part 16 to see what is in the next line!
DH finally went back to work today after months of being home. It's with mixed's oddly quiet here at DJ's Digs. I know he was yearning to get back to work, he was bored silly here at home. I know he'll feel more productive, but I worry for his safety, he was always picking up something at colds and the flu. Oh well all I can do is pray he stays healthy.
Here's hoping that someday we will be back to some sense of normalcy. Take care! And Happy Stitching!
It's been a while since I've been able to get some quality stitching done. I finally have my craft room all organized and it's so easy to find things now! Yippee!! The only problem is I promised to do a few things for others, so I can't really stitch for myself now, but that's ok! I did finish up my 12 Berries of Christmas...and here are the last 4 that I recently finished! These are designed by Erica Michaels and these are stitched on 32 count fabric over two.
8 Maids a Milking
6 Geese a laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
Now to find time to actually get them fully finished!
I had a day last week when I got some framing done. I showcased two last week for Gifted Gorgeousness, so here are the other two that I finished up. They are proudly displayed on my mantle!
The first is Be Still by My Big Toe. This was stitched on 28 count Ivory over two and is in a 8X8 frame.
The other is Count Your Blessings by Little House Needleworks. This was stitched on 40 count Burch over two, and is framed in a 3 X 3 frame.
I finally finished up my Christmas Snowflake by Shannon Christine designs. It was a challenge to me to get this finished. I am not a big fan of beading, and this was truly a toughie for me! But....I love how it came out and now I have to think how I want to frame it...This was stitched on 32 count Midnight fabrics by Stephanie (I love her fabric!!!) over two!
I also finished up 6 Geese a laying and 7 Swans a swimming in the 12 Days of Christmas series published in Stoney Creek Magazine over the 4 issues printed in 2019.
I also finished up Giving Thanks by Little House Needleworks. I'm debating on how to finish this off....frame or cube? Decisions Decisions. Any ideas?
I guess that's all I've had time for this month. I need to catch up in Gloria and work on the wedding sampler...but first I have to get started in The Last Supper that I promised to stitch for my church, and get some masks decorated for a friend of mine. Never a dull moment at DJ's Digs!
I hope all is well with everyone, stay safe, keep well, and Happy Stitching!!
My goodness time is flying! I can't believe this year is half over!! Seems like the days are long but the weeks fly by! I will say I've got quite a bit of stitching done lately though, now that my craft room is settled and I can find things easier!
So....if you haven't heard of Gifted Gorgeousness before, this is a challenge that Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching has been hosting for a few years now. I like it because it challenges me to stitch those patterns that have been gifted, or use the floss or fabric I received. I also get to showcase those things I've made for others. If you want the official rules, or to join in the fun (you can sign up at any time!!) stop on over to the sign-up page (click here) and get on board! Or if you just want to see what the rest of us GGers are doing, you can visit her blog and check us out by clicking (here)
So...what have I been up to since last month? Let's see....
DH always gifts me the Just Cross Stitch magazine for Christmas each year, so I count anything I've made from the ornament issue as a GG. This month I stitched Merry Christmas from the 2015 JCS Ornament issue by Samplers Not Forgotten. It's stitched on 32 count antique ivory linen over one with a charm substituted for the snowflake in the upper right corner.
From the 2019 ornament issue I stitched Christmas Robin by The Little Stitcher. It's stitched on 32 count antique ivory over one! Someone gave me some metal button forms and I wanted to stitch something really small to mount on them. Hopefully I'll get some finishing done soon!
I was late stitching the ornaments last month so I'm including them in this month's GG as well. The Stockings Were Hung is also from the 2019 Ornament issue by Rovaris. I think I may finish this in the oval hoop I stitched it in! It's stitched on 32 count antique white over two. My brain is still storming over this one!
I stitched Waiting for Santa by Swallick Stitchery from the 2016 JCS Ornament issue on 32 count natural over two. I love those cute little sheep butts!!
I've been keeping up with Gloria by Tempting Tangles. This is a current SAL that DH bought for me for Christmas last year. I've been working really hard to keep up to date so that I will finish it in time for Christmas this year. It's been a challenging piece because I'm stitching on 32 count white opalescent over two and my thread keeps tangling. But I LOVE how it looks and can't wait to get to the next level and see what unfolds next! Isn't it lovely? I love Deborah's designs!!
DH also surprised me with another SAL called Birds and Blackwork Flowers by Lesley Teare. Each month she publishes the next bird in the series. I have stitched both June and July since the last GG post so here they are! Both are stitched on 28 count white over two. First is June...
Then July...
I've made a couple of gifts and I recently got them framed! These are now in the postal system on their way to their recipients. They each know what I've made so it's not a surprise. I cut off the bottom of the baby sampler to keep their name private, but the first is Jungle Baby by Imaginating.
The second is Take Time to Stitch by Jeanette Douglas. This is the third time I"ve stitched this piece and give each one away. I'm going to stitch one more....but keeping that one for me!! LOL I love this design! I love challenging pieces like this!!
And I guess that's all the GG I have to show this month. I have others that I have finished stitching but I'll share them another time. I hope you all are staying safe and keeping well. Happy Stitching everyone!