13 years ago
Thursday, April 30, 2020
What a week...
I'm getting things ready to file taxes...on both our stuff and Mom's estate. What a nightmare...so much to sort through...but I think we finally found all the paperwork, and we will be sending it to the CPA tomorrow. *Deep breath* I also spent over an hour on the phone with the claims person at Met Life. It's been 14 months dealing with these people. They finally told me today that they had sent her file to unclaimed funds. SAY WHAT??? I've been seriously working on getting this sorted for MONTHS!! If I can believe this guy I talked to today I will have to wait 5 days for them to return the money to Met Life, then they will finally cut the check and send it to me. Whew.....I'm exhausted.
On a brighter note, I finished Blooming Bouquets - Thankful by Jeanette Douglas today. I mean EARLY this morning...like 6 AM!! I knew I was having a Zoom meeting with my stitching pals this morning so I wanted to get it finished so I could show them...then put that challenge away for when stores open and I can get it framed. One of my stitching friends had given me the kit and I wanted her to see how it turned out. Here it is...stitched on 40 count Heartland with recommended silk floss. Most of it was stitched over two, except for the lettering which was stitched over one. I had to tear out one line of the old verse (I didn't really like it) and then stitch the new quote I had found... Remember that children, marriages and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. I love that little bit of wisdom!!
I decided, since it's been a while since I updated you on some of my projects that I would take pictures and show you what I've been doing. I stitched a little on Marie Antoinette....these specialty stitches will be the death of me!! Stitched on 32 black over two. It's a pain to stitch on, but I think it will be worth it in the end.
I haven't got too far on Kringles, and I may put it in time out for a while until my friend Mouse, over in England, can get hers started and we can have our own SAL. I'll have to wait to send her some of the materials until mail is flowing between our countries again...hang tight, Mouse! I'll send it soon, I hope!
Creation has taken a back seat for a while too. I love this, but I kind of hit a wall with it. I'm at a part where there is a lot of confetti stitches, and I just needed something to finish quick and give me a little incentive. Here is where I've got so far...
Flowers and Lace has also been sent to time out...I put the butterfly in the wrong place. I usually frog before I send it to time out when I make a mistake, but I was discouraged...so there it sits...one of these days when I feel like it, I'll tear out the butterfly and add a few stitches...
Gloria is moving along and I've been able to keep up with the SAL. I don't like stitching on this one, the fabric makes the floss shred like crazy...but I'm determined to finish it on time, as I love how it looks...fingers crossed!
I have been sorting and searching and I found this pattern I started years ago. I pulled it out and thought I would try to finish it up this year. It's an older Weihenberg pattern, but I always thought it was pretty...here's where I left it...I may put a few stitches in a week and see if I can finish it up soon!
I started a sampler Heather asked me for for their wedding. It's been postponed for a while, and we are beginning the planning process again. They are disappointed, but I trust it will all work out for the good. I'm a firm believer that all things work for the good. I'm looking forward to seeing what that will be. I found this in a magazine and showed it to Heather. She fell in love with it...I haven't got far, but I'll be working on this to try and finish it before the reception in the fall.
Last is a new pattern I've had sitting around for a while. It took me several months to find all the beads I needed to get it started. I sent for fabric from Fabrics by Stephanie. I've ordered several fabrics from her through the years, she always does an amazing job. It takes at least 4 weeks for her to dye it and send it off, but the wait is worth it. I couldn't wait to get started, so I put the first few stitches in Christmas Snowflake today while chatting with my friends. I'm going to work more on it later tonight. This is a Shannon Christine Design, I have several of hers, I just love them!
I guess that's all the news for today. Because it was such an upsetting and crazy day, my DH is in the kitchen cooking dinner. Salad, tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches...I'm psyched! We've been cooking together since his office sent him home when the quarantine started. The first week was tough, but we finally found a balance and now we are really enjoying spending time together. I think I'll miss him when he goes back to work, but it won't be long before he can retire. At least this is a trial run so we know we can survive being together all day every day.
I've been bouncing between projects, trying to clean up my son's old room to open it up for a stitching room, sorting through old photographs and paperwork that I found at my Mom's house (my Grandfather was a stone mason, I found old notes and prices he charged for his work along with documents that showed my Grandmother was a member of the Dressmakers Union) so slowly but surely my house is getting back in order. I feel good about the things I've been able to accomplish. It has been exhausting...more emotionally than physically though...I guess that's why I'm having trouble keeping with one project.
I hope that you are finding purpose in your quarantine....and if you are an essential worker and still going to work, I am here to cheer you on and thank you for keeping our country going. I'm hoping and praying our country will get back to normal soon, and that all my family and friends stay healthy and safe. Take care...and happy stitching!
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
April Gifted Gorgeousness
It's the 15th, and you know what that means....it's Gifted Gorgeousness day! Jo, over at Serendipitous Stitching hosts this challenge each month. It's our chance to showcase things we have been given, or things we are gifting another person. If you want to sign up or read the rules, click HERE. If you want to see what the rest of us are showcasing...click HERE.
I have a love hate relationship with this silly pattern! Actually it's not the pattern I have a problem with, it's the fabric. I'm working on 32 count white opalescent. While I love how it looks, it is the biggest pain to stitch on....can anyone relate???
This is Gloria, a SAL by Tempting Tangles. It was a Christmas gift last December from DH. I know...I'm spoiled!! Part 8 was just published last week. They are being released about every two weeks....so I have about 10 days before the next one is released. I'm going to celebrate by working on something really fun...or maybe I'll start something new...stay tuned! LOL
I pulled Marie Antoinette out and worked a little bit on her. In case you don't remember where I left off I'll post before and after pictures. This is a Chatelaine design stitched over two on 32 count. I love how it's turning out, but some of the specialty stitches make it a little challenging. I'm also including some close ups of the specialty stitches that are turning my hair grey...LOL This was a gift from my husband a few years ago. He ordered the pattern and tried to find all the fibers and embellishments but it took a little while.
Sorry for the poor pictures, it was taken late at night and it's hard to get a good picture of black fabric in poor light.
I worked on Blooming Bouquets-Thankful a little this month too. This was a gift from a friend who attended a retreat and decided not to stitch this one for herself. This is stitched on 40 count over two Heartland. I love the fabric!! These specialty stitches are proving to be a challenge too. But it's interesting how it came out!
I hope you are all staying well and keeping entertained. I'm finally used to having DH around constantly and we are actually enjoying each others company. Today is turning out to be a really windy, rainy, stormy day...so we may bump heads a little if he can't get out for his daily walk. Wish us luck! And Happy Stitching!
I have a love hate relationship with this silly pattern! Actually it's not the pattern I have a problem with, it's the fabric. I'm working on 32 count white opalescent. While I love how it looks, it is the biggest pain to stitch on....can anyone relate???
This is Gloria, a SAL by Tempting Tangles. It was a Christmas gift last December from DH. I know...I'm spoiled!! Part 8 was just published last week. They are being released about every two weeks....so I have about 10 days before the next one is released. I'm going to celebrate by working on something really fun...or maybe I'll start something new...stay tuned! LOL
I pulled Marie Antoinette out and worked a little bit on her. In case you don't remember where I left off I'll post before and after pictures. This is a Chatelaine design stitched over two on 32 count. I love how it's turning out, but some of the specialty stitches make it a little challenging. I'm also including some close ups of the specialty stitches that are turning my hair grey...LOL This was a gift from my husband a few years ago. He ordered the pattern and tried to find all the fibers and embellishments but it took a little while.
Sorry for the poor pictures, it was taken late at night and it's hard to get a good picture of black fabric in poor light.
I worked on Blooming Bouquets-Thankful a little this month too. This was a gift from a friend who attended a retreat and decided not to stitch this one for herself. This is stitched on 40 count over two Heartland. I love the fabric!! These specialty stitches are proving to be a challenge too. But it's interesting how it came out!
I hope you are all staying well and keeping entertained. I'm finally used to having DH around constantly and we are actually enjoying each others company. Today is turning out to be a really windy, rainy, stormy day...so we may bump heads a little if he can't get out for his daily walk. Wish us luck! And Happy Stitching!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Friday, April 10, 2020
It's Friday, but Sunday's coming...
While I've always tried to keep my posts light, and for the most part, religion free...I just wanted to share a few things.
Earlier in the week, our Pastor asked me to write a devotion. I'm going to share what I wrote about Maundy Thursday here. Everyone knows I love Christmas...but I REALLY love Easter. Not for the candy, or for dressing up fancy and going to church, but for the REAL meaning of Easter. This is the whole underlying belief of our faith...that Jesus suffered and died to forgive us of our sins and to bring us into reconciliation with God. While His life was a series of lessons for us, and ones we should follow, it was His final act on the cross which gives us the chance at eternal life. Here is my devotional...
Last Supper Reflection
John 13:4-17, Luke 22:19-20
Hospitality was
an important part of the Jewish tradition.
It was the custom to remove their shoes when they entered someone’s home
so as not to bring dirt and dust from their travels into the clean home. A servant usually would perform the task of washing
their feet by running water over them, rubbing them with their hands, and
finally drying them with a towel. Guests
were then invited for a meal, as eating together was an important aspect of
friendship and meant that they were at peace with one another. A covenant of peace made at a meal was
considered binding, and a means of reconciliation.
I have often
pondered this moment and thought about the humility and love of Jesus. His actions at this last meal with His
disciples, His friends, was so full of symbolism. He removed his outer garments and donned a
towel as the lowliest slave would do, and taking on the role of servant, He
washed their feet. Symbolically He was
cleansing their souls, purifying their hearts, and washing their sins away in a
loving and humbling moment. In this way He was preparing them
for fellowship with God, for without forgiveness and pure hearts we cannot have
communion with God. He knew what
was about to happen. He knew someone
among them was about to betray him. He
knew He would be denied by those He loved the most. He knew He was about to become the Sacrificial
Lamb to wipe away the sins of all mankind. He knew, in His final moments, that He
would be separated from God, tortured and killed and would face this totally
alone. And yet He took this moment to
become the servant and wash their feet as an example of the type of leader He
wants us to become and to show the tremendous love He has for us. He then charges us to do the same for others.
During the meal He
would offer Himself up, the bread of life broken for us, a symbol of His
sacrifice for us. The cup of wine
represents the blood He shed to cleanse us of our sins. This would become the new covenant that would forgive
us of our sins and bring a reconciliation between God and us. Remember, when this was done at a meal it was
considered binding. We can have
assurance that God will keep His promises!
He asked them to do this in remembrance of Him, so they would not forget
the sacrifice He made for us. When we
partake of Communion we are showing our deep gratitude for Christ’s work on our
behalf. What a powerful demonstration of
His love for us.
It's Friday, but Sunday's coming...I've thought a lot about this statement in the past few weeks. Lent and especially Good Friday is always a time of reflection for me. A time to think about all that Jesus did for us, how He cared for us, His final words to us while experiencing excruciating torture and finally death on a cross. But it wasn't really death, it was our path to eternal life. We've experienced a lot as a country in the past few months. Fear, anxiety, isolation, denial, anger, violence and hatred have all reared their ugly heads. Take heart, it's Friday, but Sunday is coming. We serve a risen Savior.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
On the fourth week of quarantine...
Well....it's been 4 weeks since we started quarantine procedures. How are you all coping? I'm hoping you are all finding healthy ways to get through your days. We've been walking in the neighborhood when the weather is good, and doing some spring cleaning when the weather isn't so good. It's a bit windy today, so thought I would show you some of the sights we saw on our walk today. We learned we had a short power outage while we were out there today.
So, I've been getting a little stitching done. I have a few things that I stitch each month as a SAL and a challenge. I receive the next installment of the Blackwork Flowers and Birds by Lesley Teare at the beginning of the month. This is the April pattern.
I'm participating in two challenges from the Christmas Ornie SAL 2020 blog. I'm stitching theme one and theme two. Theme one is the 12 Days of Christmas. I am stitching a series that was published in the Stoney Creek Magazine in 2019. Four Calling Birds was published in the Spring 2020 issue. I used the fibers they suggested, stitched this on 28 count white evenweave over two, but substituted a bell charm I had on hand instead of the Mill Hill Treasure they suggested.
Theme three is an ornament from the Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue, each month has a different year designation. This month the year they chose was 2018. I chose Dashing through the snow by Lucie Heaton. I stitched this on 28 count Pearl Grey over two substituting the fibers....DMC 321, DMC B5200, and Red Petite Treasure Braid by Rainbow Gallery. This was a fun and quick stitch!
I'm also participating in a FB challenge from the JCS 2020 Ornament SAL. They have been choosing ornaments from the 2019 Ornament issue for each month. This month they chose Trimming the Tree by Blue Ribbon Designs. This one is stitched on 40 count Vintage Mocha over two. I love how this one turned out!!
I made a little progress on Creation by Tempting Tangles...
And I also made a little progress on Blooming Bouquet - Thankful by Jeanette Douglas.
And that is all I've done so far this month. It's mind of amazing the technology that is available these days to feel closer to people. We have been facetiming, zooming, and google duoing. LOL We even have a Bible study once a week through a telephonic meeting...fun! Hope you are all keeping safe and well. Keep smiling and happy stitching!
So, I've been getting a little stitching done. I have a few things that I stitch each month as a SAL and a challenge. I receive the next installment of the Blackwork Flowers and Birds by Lesley Teare at the beginning of the month. This is the April pattern.
I'm participating in two challenges from the Christmas Ornie SAL 2020 blog. I'm stitching theme one and theme two. Theme one is the 12 Days of Christmas. I am stitching a series that was published in the Stoney Creek Magazine in 2019. Four Calling Birds was published in the Spring 2020 issue. I used the fibers they suggested, stitched this on 28 count white evenweave over two, but substituted a bell charm I had on hand instead of the Mill Hill Treasure they suggested.
Theme three is an ornament from the Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue, each month has a different year designation. This month the year they chose was 2018. I chose Dashing through the snow by Lucie Heaton. I stitched this on 28 count Pearl Grey over two substituting the fibers....DMC 321, DMC B5200, and Red Petite Treasure Braid by Rainbow Gallery. This was a fun and quick stitch!
I'm also participating in a FB challenge from the JCS 2020 Ornament SAL. They have been choosing ornaments from the 2019 Ornament issue for each month. This month they chose Trimming the Tree by Blue Ribbon Designs. This one is stitched on 40 count Vintage Mocha over two. I love how this one turned out!!
I made a little progress on Creation by Tempting Tangles...
And I also made a little progress on Blooming Bouquet - Thankful by Jeanette Douglas.
And that is all I've done so far this month. It's mind of amazing the technology that is available these days to feel closer to people. We have been facetiming, zooming, and google duoing. LOL We even have a Bible study once a week through a telephonic meeting...fun! Hope you are all keeping safe and well. Keep smiling and happy stitching!
Friday, April 3, 2020
Bobbing along...
Anybody remember that song? Or am I just an old Fuddy Duddy? There was a song in the Disney movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks...when they were floating at the bottom of the Beautiful Briney Sea in their bed...singing this song... When I find myself puttering around the house without a rhyme or reason, this song pops into my head...and I guess that's what I've been doing for the past little while. It's hard to keep a routine when there is someone else rattling around in our little townhouse when I'm usually here by myself. He's not used to having nothing to do...so I have to keep inventing things for him to do to keep himself busy. Yesterday I devised a plan to help organize my floss. He's been working at it for a while now...so I've been able to get a little stitching done! Yippee!! But...I still keep bopping between projects...does anyone else feel unsettled?
So April 1st I decided to start the SAL with LHN and their newest design, Kringles. I didn't get far...so here is my progress. I am using the fabric they suggested. 30 count Parisian Grey from Access Commodities over two.
I also worked on Marie Antoinette by Chatelaine. I'm working this on 32 count black. I worked on the green Jessica Stitches, but I'm not sure I'm doing them correctly. They may all look different...haha...but they are getting done!
Last is what I worked on yesterday and the day before. It's called Blooming Bouquets - Thankful by Jeanette Douglas. I love the fabric, 40 count Heartland over two using the recommended threads.
So...that's what I've been stitching on while my brain keeps bobbing along. I've read a few articles lately that explains why we may feel unsettled during this time. It's a combination of anxiety and fear about the uncertainty of the world today. Be forgiving of others who appear less empathetic or irritable or depressed. It is a very human response to what is happening in the world today. I'm thankful for my stitching (when DH allows me time for it!!) and for electronic means of connecting with others. Here's to keeping mentally and physically healthy! Happy Stitching!!
So April 1st I decided to start the SAL with LHN and their newest design, Kringles. I didn't get far...so here is my progress. I am using the fabric they suggested. 30 count Parisian Grey from Access Commodities over two.
I also worked on Marie Antoinette by Chatelaine. I'm working this on 32 count black. I worked on the green Jessica Stitches, but I'm not sure I'm doing them correctly. They may all look different...haha...but they are getting done!
Last is what I worked on yesterday and the day before. It's called Blooming Bouquets - Thankful by Jeanette Douglas. I love the fabric, 40 count Heartland over two using the recommended threads.
So...that's what I've been stitching on while my brain keeps bobbing along. I've read a few articles lately that explains why we may feel unsettled during this time. It's a combination of anxiety and fear about the uncertainty of the world today. Be forgiving of others who appear less empathetic or irritable or depressed. It is a very human response to what is happening in the world today. I'm thankful for my stitching (when DH allows me time for it!!) and for electronic means of connecting with others. Here's to keeping mentally and physically healthy! Happy Stitching!!
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