Sunday, March 29, 2020

More Birds!

I cannot see a cardinal without thinking of my Mom.  She loved those red birds!!  And she loved to watch the birds, she would be in 7th heaven sitting here watching them out my back window.  Here are a few more who visited today.  I have to laugh at the woodpecker...he swoops down in, tries to grab the biggest seeds, then flies off before the little birds chase him away.  The cardinals only stay a few minutes too, as those goldfinches seem to rule the roost....Sorry for the craptastic photos...the windows need washing...haha

Maybe tomorrow I'll have more stitching photos...for now I'm stitching, but they are for exchanges so I can't show them just yet.  The joys of self isolation.........Happy Stitching!!


Clare-Aimetu said...

Howmlively, they are so colourful. We have blue tits, great tits and robins visit our garden.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Those cardinals are gorgeous. When I first saw them in cross stitch designs I thought it was artistic license to make them that bright red.

Katie said...

I love feeding and watching birds. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Robin in Virginia said...

I loved seeing your bird photos, DJ! I love watching the birds here although we have stopped feeding them for the season.