I received an e-mail from a friend this morning, who really gave me words of wisdom and encouragement and made me realize that the only one I can truly count on is my Lord and Savior! He is my rock and my fortress. He will be my shelter in times of trials, and I can ALWAYS depend on him....and that nothing, good or bad can happen without passing through the Master's hand. As long as I'm in HIS will, I will be fine...no matter what happens. That alone made me feel more relaxed and at peace...
Then I went to pick up some glasses at the optometrist. The lady in the office has an 18 year old son (her "baby") that had a rare form of cancer in his sinus cavity. When I had gone for my eye exam weeks ago, it came up in medical history that I was on medication for the breast cancer and she shared about her son. The first thing I asked her today was how was her son...and she was rejoicing as he had had scans recently that showed that he was cancer free!! When I told her that I had found out there were no scans that I could have that would show if mine were gone she shared a story she had read in her Quiet Time this morning about the disciples who had tried to cure a man from illness and were unable to do so. Jesus told them it was because they didn't believe...so she encouraged me to BELIEVE. She's right!! I was putting my trust in humans, and lets face it...there WILL BE human error, and they are not infallible, and until I put my trust in the ultimate healer, there wouldn't be true healing (and I'm not just talking about my body here, as this disease has taken a toll on my mind and spirit too) So from this moment forward, I'm going to believe, and let God do the rest. I'll still see the doctors, as God can use them in His work, but I'll put my trust in God alone. I can't express how "healing" this has been, and how perfectly timed it all was, and that honestly...I didn't know I needed to hear these messages until I heard them. God amazes me in that He knows what we need before we do, and He has a plan in motion to meet our needs at the precise moment. What a truly wonderful God we serve!!
Do you feel like you've been to church? LOL I'm sorry if that was too heavy duty for you, but I can't let it just pass by without mentioning it, it was too HUGE for me today. And now...I have a few pictures to show you.
First is a FINISH!! TA DA!!! I'm so glad I actually finished something in March...it was hard because I've been so busy...but here is Bienvenue by Isabelle Vautier. It is stitched on 28 ct flax over one using Manor Red Crescent Colors. It's hard to see how small it actually is, and now I have to think of a way to finish this off...I wonder if a pillow would be a good way? I'll have to think about it, and any suggestions would be welcome!!
Next is my Spring SAL being offered on this website http://novalee02.over-blog.com/ I'm sweating bullets here as I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the last pattern as the next one comes out after I have surgery and I'm not sure if I'll be able to stitch much afterward. Wish me luck!!
Last is the Sampler Romantique. I have STRUGGLED with this one!!!!! I have to send a picture of the finished section before I can get the next part, and the next one is due to be released April 10th. I am nearly finished now, but then again, after surgery I don't know how soon I'll be able to pick up a needle. *sigh* I'll just have to take one day at a time and see how it goes.
So those have been what I've been stitching on lately. I am behind on the Tree of Stitches, and on Heart of America, but hopefully this evening I'll find time to pick up my needles. I can't tell you how much it relaxes me and how stressed I've been because I haven't had time to stitch lately. I think I need to set some priorities! *wink*
Last, but not least, is a picture of what hopes to be a beautiful spring. We've had some cold weather, even snow has been in the forecast for later this week but the flowers in my front yard are a promise of warmer weather and good things to come. Come on little fellow, you can survive this cold snap and make my yard look pretty and happy!! I believe in you!!
Off to my next appointment...physical therapy, and then rushing back to see my primary care physician. I can't remember why I'm supposed to see her today, but it's in my calendar, I'm sure she'll remind me. LOL So far everything has turned out OK today, whew!! I'll continue to focus on BELIEVING!! Tomorrow is an ultrasound on my liver...I'm hoping that turns out well too! If all goes well, I'll post some pictures tomorrow of the Brenda Keyes patterns I was able to find, one of which I saw at the needlework show at Woodlawn!! *Hugs*
Wow! A few little tears running down my face right now, DJ. You do have a way with words and my heart is so full.
I didn't know you were looking for Brenda Keyes! I have so many of her charts...what are you looking for? or did you find them them all? Man, I hate I missed that. What I don't have in stash, I have easy access to right here at lns.
Today is going to be a good day!
Remember, he's already been where you're going.
DJ my heart is just rejoicing for you right now. In the midst of our biggest battles, isn't it so *restful* to know that our God is there, too? To know that because of Christ's sacrifice in our place, we will never have to go through our trials alone or in our own strength? I'm SO thankful that you received the encouragement that you needed. That is so like our God!! I pray your day will go smoothly and that you will have the peace that passes understanding as you head into this surgery!! Blessings!!
God is wonderful, isn't he! Always there to pick us up, putting the perfect person in our path to uplift us and remind us that he is right there beside us the whole time.
Blessings to you as you continue to remember that he loves you and cares for you at all times, no matter good or bad.
May the peace of God be on you each and every day!
Hi DJ :) oooo longest sermon I've read in ages ;) I am so glad that you are feeling Blessed and got the right words needed at the right time :) and sometimes you just have to be reminded of things :) ... lovely stitching as always .. if you need help with pillow instructions you know where i am ;) and I just may have something that will work with it ... take care and squeak to you soon :)love mouse xxxxx
So glad you heard some encouraging words to counteract the stressful things you are experiencing - It brought to mind the beautiful thought at Prov. 25:11 - "As apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time for it."
Your work is beautiful, as always and I love your Bienvenue. I also found this section of Romantique a bit of a challenge because of its size. Don't know if you're aware that Angie now has the chart for sale - so if you do fall behind because of your surgery, you'd be able to purchase it and finish the design.
Amen sister!! This is something I need to remember myself as well. We are in the Lord's hands and we need to trust Him!
Your finish is gorgeous and all your other projects are looking fab! Hope you are having a beautiful, blessed day!
Congrats on your beautiful finish!!!
And yes, God is So amazing in His timing. I'm so glad you were inspired and lifted up by the people God put in your life to remind you (and us!) of His goodness and sovereignty. Love all the stitching, too. Have a truly wonderful day!
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