Hi there...
I'm so sorry I didn't post this sooner, but life as usual is on fast forward around here. I just wanted to drop by and say that Astrid is the winner of the PIF contest...so Astrid if you will drop me an e-mail and give me an idea of what you like...I'll get my thinking cap on and start stitching! Congratulations!!
I also wanted to post a few things that have been going on health wise, for those of you who have been wondering. My next surgery is coming up so of course there are lots of things to be done. I've been having tons of appointments (two today, three more tomorrow, two the next day...calgon take me away!!!) and not getting much stitching done. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. And at each appointment they seem to find another strange thing they want another doctor to take a look at. *sigh* When will it end? I went to a "return to wellness" seminar tonight that talked about the after-effects of chemo and how they stay in your system for months afterwards. There were two "survivors" there who finished their treatments years ago and still have moments of weakness and tire easily. It was validating in a way, but discouraging in another. I sincerely hope things will improve soon, as I'm tired of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.
There was a lady at the meeting tonight that looked very familiar. My eyes kept roving back to her face and my mind kept tracing and retracing my steps trying to remember where I had met her before. My son was at the meeting also, and afterward she stopped to talk to him...it was his 5th grade science teacher. I was dumbfounded. She is so very young, only married two years, is such a gifted teacher. A few years ago she was honored at the White House with a special award for outstanding science teacher. I guess cancer knows no age limit. I've been collecting phone numbers of "sister warriors" and so I have a new one for my collection. It's amazing the bond we share!! Pray for this lady...it breaks my heart to see someone so young go through so much.
I also stopped by my old workplace to see about getting something framed. I'll take a pic as soon as I have it framed and tell you the story then. It's a special gift, and I can't wait to give it next week. I ran into my boss, whom I haven't seen since I left work last year. His daughter has been through some serious health issues, and really needs prayer!! She is a very smart girl, has skipped a year of school and will graduate a year early. She has had some very challenging issues this year and has bravely faced them all. She has spent several months in the hospital, has had to have home schooling most of the year and is excelling at her studies in spite of it all. She'll be having surgery less than two weeks after I do...so please say a prayer for her, that she'll heal quickly and be able to make it to her senior prom!! Senior proms are so special and something she would really hate to miss.
Ok, off to bed, I have an early morning appointment tomorrow. Hopefully they won't find anything wrong!! LOL Sweet Dreams! *Hugs*
13 years ago
congratulations to Astrid :) sending thoughts your way for all mentioned ... good luck with the appointments :) love mouse xxxx
What a mess you have there! I hope your boss will survive.
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