I know you are probably wondering why the title of "Thanksgiving"....well that's how I feel today. Yesterday I was exhausted, and had felt betrayed by someone, discouraged with doctors and feeling pretty well "trashed" by life. But today is a new day!! And I'm truly feeling THANKFUL!!
I received an e-mail from a friend this morning, who really gave me words of wisdom and encouragement and made me realize that the only one I can truly count on is my Lord and Savior! He is my rock and my fortress. He will be my shelter in times of trials, and I can ALWAYS depend on him....and that nothing, good or bad can happen without passing through the Master's hand. As long as I'm in HIS will, I will be fine...no matter what happens. That alone made me feel more relaxed and at peace...
Then I went to pick up some glasses at the optometrist. The lady in the office has an 18 year old son (her "baby") that had a rare form of cancer in his sinus cavity. When I had gone for my eye exam weeks ago, it came up in medical history that I was on medication for the breast cancer and she shared about her son. The first thing I asked her today was how was her son...and she was rejoicing as he had had scans recently that showed that he was cancer free!! When I told her that I had found out there were no scans that I could have that would show if mine were gone she shared a story she had read in her Quiet Time this morning about the disciples who had tried to cure a man from illness and were unable to do so. Jesus told them it was because they didn't believe...so she encouraged me to BELIEVE. She's right!! I was putting my trust in humans, and lets face it...there WILL BE human error, and they are not infallible, and until I put my trust in the ultimate healer, there wouldn't be true healing (and I'm not just talking about my body here, as this disease has taken a toll on my mind and spirit too) So from this moment forward, I'm going to believe, and let God do the rest. I'll still see the doctors, as God can use them in His work, but I'll put my trust in God alone. I can't express how "healing" this has been, and how perfectly timed it all was, and that honestly...I didn't know I needed to hear these messages until I heard them. God amazes me in that He knows what we need before we do, and He has a plan in motion to meet our needs at the precise moment. What a truly wonderful God we serve!!
Do you feel like you've been to church? LOL I'm sorry if that was too heavy duty for you, but I can't let it just pass by without mentioning it, it was too HUGE for me today. And now...I have a few pictures to show you.
First is a FINISH!! TA DA!!! I'm so glad I actually finished something in March...it was hard because I've been so busy...but here is Bienvenue by Isabelle Vautier. It is stitched on 28 ct flax over one using Manor Red Crescent Colors. It's hard to see how small it actually is, and now I have to think of a way to finish this off...I wonder if a pillow would be a good way? I'll have to think about it, and any suggestions would be welcome!!
Next is my Spring SAL being offered on this website http://novalee02.over-blog.com/ I'm sweating bullets here as I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the last pattern as the next one comes out after I have surgery and I'm not sure if I'll be able to stitch much afterward. Wish me luck!!
Last is the Sampler Romantique. I have STRUGGLED with this one!!!!! I have to send a picture of the finished section before I can get the next part, and the next one is due to be released April 10th. I am nearly finished now, but then again, after surgery I don't know how soon I'll be able to pick up a needle. *sigh* I'll just have to take one day at a time and see how it goes.
So those have been what I've been stitching on lately. I am behind on the Tree of Stitches, and on Heart of America, but hopefully this evening I'll find time to pick up my needles. I can't tell you how much it relaxes me and how stressed I've been because I haven't had time to stitch lately. I think I need to set some priorities! *wink*
Last, but not least, is a picture of what hopes to be a beautiful spring. We've had some cold weather, even snow has been in the forecast for later this week but the flowers in my front yard are a promise of warmer weather and good things to come. Come on little fellow, you can survive this cold snap and make my yard look pretty and happy!! I believe in you!!
Off to my next appointment...physical therapy, and then rushing back to see my primary care physician. I can't remember why I'm supposed to see her today, but it's in my calendar, I'm sure she'll remind me. LOL So far everything has turned out OK today, whew!! I'll continue to focus on BELIEVING!! Tomorrow is an ultrasound on my liver...I'm hoping that turns out well too! If all goes well, I'll post some pictures tomorrow of the Brenda Keyes patterns I was able to find, one of which I saw at the needlework show at Woodlawn!! *Hugs*
Hi there...
I'm so sorry I didn't post this sooner, but life as usual is on fast forward around here. I just wanted to drop by and say that Astrid is the winner of the PIF contest...so Astrid if you will drop me an e-mail and give me an idea of what you like...I'll get my thinking cap on and start stitching! Congratulations!!
I also wanted to post a few things that have been going on health wise, for those of you who have been wondering. My next surgery is coming up so of course there are lots of things to be done. I've been having tons of appointments (two today, three more tomorrow, two the next day...calgon take me away!!!) and not getting much stitching done. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. And at each appointment they seem to find another strange thing they want another doctor to take a look at. *sigh* When will it end? I went to a "return to wellness" seminar tonight that talked about the after-effects of chemo and how they stay in your system for months afterwards. There were two "survivors" there who finished their treatments years ago and still have moments of weakness and tire easily. It was validating in a way, but discouraging in another. I sincerely hope things will improve soon, as I'm tired of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.
There was a lady at the meeting tonight that looked very familiar. My eyes kept roving back to her face and my mind kept tracing and retracing my steps trying to remember where I had met her before. My son was at the meeting also, and afterward she stopped to talk to him...it was his 5th grade science teacher. I was dumbfounded. She is so very young, only married two years, is such a gifted teacher. A few years ago she was honored at the White House with a special award for outstanding science teacher. I guess cancer knows no age limit. I've been collecting phone numbers of "sister warriors" and so I have a new one for my collection. It's amazing the bond we share!! Pray for this lady...it breaks my heart to see someone so young go through so much.
I also stopped by my old workplace to see about getting something framed. I'll take a pic as soon as I have it framed and tell you the story then. It's a special gift, and I can't wait to give it next week. I ran into my boss, whom I haven't seen since I left work last year. His daughter has been through some serious health issues, and really needs prayer!! She is a very smart girl, has skipped a year of school and will graduate a year early. She has had some very challenging issues this year and has bravely faced them all. She has spent several months in the hospital, has had to have home schooling most of the year and is excelling at her studies in spite of it all. She'll be having surgery less than two weeks after I do...so please say a prayer for her, that she'll heal quickly and be able to make it to her senior prom!! Senior proms are so special and something she would really hate to miss.
Ok, off to bed, I have an early morning appointment tomorrow. Hopefully they won't find anything wrong!! LOL Sweet Dreams! *Hugs*
I'm probably dating myself here, and if you live abroad you may not know about Ricochet Rabbit...but there used to be a cartoon on Saturday mornings called Deputy Dawg and Ricochet Rabbit. The beginning of the show would picture Sheriff Ricochet Rabbit...and he would bounce off the nearest telephone pole, then a rock, then a cactus singing out Bing Bing Biiiiiiiing...LOL That's kind of how I feel lately. I bounce from one place to another to another at lightning speed. I am having trouble remembering which day it is, and if it weren't for my calendar with lots of room to write multiple appointments and meetings I would be totally lost in a fog. I don't like being this busy...and as I look at my schedule there is no let up until April 8th when I have my surgery. I'm getting tired...and then it's hard to focus and take things in stride. The next few weeks are going to disappear fast. I'm dreading them...
Already this week I've had two doctors appointments, had blood drawn, had a massage, had a physical therapy appointment, ordered DS's class ring, had my B-12 shot, made numerous phone calls to check on lab tests and schedule more. I saw the Gastro guy today, who informed me that I have Mediterranean blood in me...(That's news to me since I thought I was of Irish, Welsh and Native American descent!!) Well my sister always tried to tell me I was adopted...maybe she was right? Mom...Did you find me at the orphanage? Or maybe....I was switched at birth...you know that MIGHT just explain a few things!!! LOL I have some kind of anomaly in my blood that causes my blood cells to be smaller in size than normal. Obviously it hasn't caused any permanent damage...but it does cause me to pause and shake my head in wonder. LOL Other than that, I seem to be fine. On a brighter note, I was able to visit Sonya and stitch for a while on Monday, and meet a "Sista Warrior" today and have a little conflab in between running from one appointment to another.
But...enough of that...let's discuss stitching! I saw this particular pattern called Renouveau by A Mon Ami Pierre at the needlework show over the weekend. I saw it stitched over two threads on linen and as a miniature stitched over one linen thread. It is just precious and I HAD to have it! I found it at In Stitches, and here's a picture. One of these days I'm going to stitch it!
I've stitched on a few projects in between events...I just haven't posted pictures until now. So here's a few updates...
Stitching Mends My Soul by Erica Michaels...
Lighthouse Sampler from By the Bay Needleart...
Bienvenue from Isabelle Vautier...
I stitched on Heart of America from Little House Needleworks on Sunday instead of Monday but didn't get too far...
And I stitched on my UFO (Rose Quaker from Stickideen von der Wiehenburg) on Monday because Sonya and Pat wanted a peek at my progress....so no wet noodle for me this week!! LOL
I didn't get a lot done because we decided to take a break and go to an Irish Pub for dinner. Mmmmm (Thanks again Pat!!)...and topped off with Bailey's Irish coffee...it's nice to do something different once in a while!!
I came home to find this little plant that DH had found. I LOVE African Violets, and he found this little miniature. Now...the blossoms are no bigger than my index finger, I know it doesn't look like it in the picture, but they are just precious. He and I have had this discussion many times. I LOVE getting flowers, but he thinks it's much nicer to get a living plant than cut dead flowers. Perhaps he's right...and it is nice to have the plant that keeps on blossoming, but I love the smell of roses. In the end, it's the thought that counts, and he was very sweet to bring me flowers and brighten my day. Thanks, Honey, You're the best!! Sonya had some LOVELY yellow tulips sitting on her table yesterday as we were stitching, and it was refreshing to have a sign of spring to brighten up her home! What a wonderful gift from God, He really knows the way to the heart of a woman, doesn't He?
So, that's the end of my blog for tonight. Have you thought any more about the PIF? There is still time to sign up!! Just leave a comment on the entry before this one and I'll be sure to put your name in the hat! Tomorrow I'm meeting Astrid and Marie for some stitching at a local bookstore. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys! Onwards and upwards! *Hugs*
Guess where I was today....come on...give it a little guess...you can do it I just know you have it in you! If you said Woodlawn...you were correct! Today four of my stitching buds and I drove to Woodlawn, the former home of George Washington's wife's granddaughter, Nelly. Not only was the setting lovely, and the home beautiful, but it was decked to the nines with all kinds of needlework in the 48th Annual Needlework Exhibition.
And what lovely stitching there was too. I'm still in shock and my mind is reeling with all the ideas of things I've seen there. I can't wait to go back next year! We roamed the house for quite a while, and some rooms we hit more than once, but still saw something we hadn't seen the trip before. I can't even begin to tell you all that was there...you would HAVE to experience it yourself! The tea room was up and running so we had a lovely lunch when we were finished being mesmerized by all the stitching, topped off with a yummy lemon tart. I'm going to have such wonderful dreams tonight!
One of the wonderful things I saw today was this little beauty! http://plays-with-needles.blogspot.com/2011/02/becoming-queen-part-ii.html I just learned that the lady who stitched this lives not too far from me...and I have to say... this picture is beautiful, but the finished artwork is a sight to behold! I am in awe of her creativity and her expertise with a needle. Her blog has become a "must see" each time I visit the net. I would love to learn how to do some of these stitches!!
And as if THAT wasn't enough, we headed off to "In Stitches", a little needlework shop within a few blocks of Woodlawn. I looked high, and I looked low, and I found nearly all the patterns of some of the projects I drooled over at the exhibit. I'm still looking for one final one...and I probably won't sleep tonight until I lay eyes on it on the net somewhere tonight! LOL
Thanks Alice, Pat, Sonya and Wendy for an incredibly fantastic day!! (I put you all in alphabetical order because I don't want any of you to think I love any of you more than the rest!!...LOL) Pat took a picture of us in front of Woodlawn, but when I said..."I'm putting THAT on my blog!!" I heard a collective groan...so you guys are safe. I won't put stuff on here without permission!!
Another piece of news....Gillie was my partner for the Spring Pincushion exchange. She has received her pincushion, so I'll just pop a picture of it up here on my blog. I sent along some silk thread as part of the exchange and a little kit for her birthday. I'm sorry it was so late, Gillie...if you only knew how hectic things are on this side of the pond you'd understand!! I hope you liked the pincushion!

I've been stitching...and I actually realized I don't have all the pictures here just now, but that's ok. I'll post them later when I have even more stitching done on things. I've been visited frequently the past week by the dreaded frogs...but even so I was able to make some progress.
Here is my Spring SAL found on this website http://novalee02.over-blog.com/ I've finished part 4...YAY) This is such a lovely relaxing stitch!
I've also worked on my UFO last Thursday. I am working the Rose Quaker over one linen thread...and I can't tell you how many times I miscounted and restitched...but I finally finished the darker red motif near the bottom. *Whew* I am so close to the end that I can nearly taste the finish....but after ripping and restitching, I will be glad I don't have to pick this up again for another week!!
The next little bit I'm going to show you is another SAL I am working up really fast. This is small, and a little piece that is supposed to teach us hardanger. I'm working on this first, so that when I start working on another project later that has some hardanger in it I will have had some practice in some of the stitches. Forgive me, Mouse, I will feel more confident after I've practiced a bit on some of these stitches first...ok? This is stitched on 25 ct Jobelan Lambswool using Caron Watercolors/Wildflowers Pale Lilac. I love the way the colors look on this fabric, and I have to admit, I'm having fun stitching this! This is being offered on The Stitch Specialists Yahoo group.

I just learned that I was chosen to participate in a PIF (Pass It Forward) on Mouse's blog!! Mouse chose three people to stitch something for each of them in the coming year. The rules are that I have to choose someone to participate in the PIF. I will stitch something for them within the next year, and they must have the same contest on their blog and pick someone to stitch for and so on. I think it's so much fun, but I'm not as ambitious as Mouse...so I'll only be choosing one! If you would like to participate, please leave a message on THIS POST ONLY, and I will choose a winner on Saturday, March 26th. Remember, you must be willing to stitch something for someone else in order to participate!
And that, Dear Friends, is the end of that. I'm going to have an incredibly busy week next week, and if I don't get some sleep sometime soon, I'm not going to make it to next Friday *grin*. So....I'll try to keep you updated on my stitching, but if you don't see me for a little while, don't worry! I'm just "socializing" with my not so favorite people...I have a TON of medical appointments next week. Wish me luck in the paper chasing department, in the bloodwork stick department, and in the lab results department. It's going to be an interesting week. Take care, and hope to see you back here soon! *Hugs*
It's Monday, so you know what that means! LOL
That's right! It's the day I work on Heart of America from Little House Needleworks. Babs and I agreed we would stitch on this on the same day, creating our own little SAL. If you remember how much I had stitched last time, you'll realize I barely got anything done. That's because the frogs visited today. BAD FROGS!! BAD, BAD FROGS!! Did I mention I was having a giveaway today? I'm sending FROGS to a good home, free of charge! They ate through my floss faster than locusts in a wheat field. *sigh* So...I tore out all that I had stitched incorrectly, and restitched it so I have a "clean slate" when next I pick up my HOA...AND...I set it aside for tonight. Now I'm debating, do I stitch on something else, or do I chock today up as a wasted day? I'm blaming my mistakes on the fact that I got a couple of shots today, the flu shot and the tetanus shot. Those on top of the cold I already had has left my head in a fog. LOL (I know, lame excuse, but I refuse to take full responsibility!! LOL) Gee, I sound like my teenager!
I had my annual physical today...and it was SUPPOSED to be my pre-op check up too. BUT...the Doctor didn't have clear orders from the Plastic Surgeon and when I called there they said the hospital is the one needing bloodwork...and when I called them I got a pre-recorded message asking me to leave information and they would get back to me... and they never called back. *sigh*
But I guess I really shouldn't complain. I could be in real trouble like the people of Japan. I should have written about them sooner, because they have been heavily on my mind and heart. I've been watching a blog for well over a year now written by a man living in Japan. I thought of him when I heard the news and visited his blog that day. He was fine, but his daughter and family were living near where the tidal wave struck also. I've been praying for him and his family almost non-stop...and today I read that he had heard from his daughter. Big sigh of relief!! But from the sounds of things the people of Japan are not out of danger yet. Will you join with me in praying for them and for the people who are arriving to offer aid? If you want to read some first hand stories from Japan...Please visit this man's blog. I love the way he writes, he always makes me think and see things from a different perspective, but he's written about some of the things happening there and it really brings their tragedy to light. http://pureland.blogspot.com/
If you scroll down to "Quake day 3", you'll find a link that shows before and after pictures of the devastation there. It gave me chills. It's so hard to imagine that so many lives could be snuffed out in moments. You'll also read stories that touch your heart of some of the experiences from survivors. Make sure you have tissues on hand.
And last but certainly not least, I'm going to ask for prayers for a "Sista Warrior". I haven't asked permission to tell her story, so I won't go into details but if you think of it would you pray for her? The cancer hasn't returned, but she's having issues and could use a healing touch.
And now, I think I'm heading to bed. I debated on getting the flu shot, and should have heeded that quiet voice in my head...LOL Good night all!
The behinder I get!
I've been stitching every spare minute this weekend. I had a couple of SAL's give out the next portion this past week. I'm trying to keep up and am nearly there, but the Sampler Romantique is catching me up! There is a lot of stitching this month!! She releases two sections each month so I do have part 5 done and am working on part 6 but I fear that one will take me quite a bit of time...and as of right now I'm a bit burned out. I'm going to show my progress pictures, then go stitch on something else for a little bit.

The spring SAL from http://novalee02.over-blog.com/ released their part 3 the other day. I sat down and finished the egg in just an hour or so. People have been very creative how they've been finishing each piece off...but I'm being boring and just stitching it as a sampler.
The Tree of Stitches SAL from the Stitch Specialists yahoo group is coming along nicely. The rice stitch was the next stitch in line, along with beads. I didn't know I needed beads...and haven't looked any up at the moment. I think I'll add them later when I've moved away from the area I'm working on enough so that the thread doesn't catch on them while I'm working on it. I love more with each additional stitch!
Finally...my UFO. I worked on this on Friday this past week, for some reason...even though it was a rainy day, I didn't get much stitching done at all!! I have to say though, that I've finally reached the bottom of the pattern on the left side of the picture. I get a sense of relief when I reach the bottom, as I know the end is in sight. I think it will still take me a couple of months before this baby is done, but I'm looking forward to that day!! So here are before...
And after pictures...
There, I think that's all I have to say. I was tired when I wrote my last post and I think I might have gone a bit too far in my description of my recent doctors visits. LOL Considering I've had people pocking, prodding, taking my blood, starting IVs, removing spare parts and running various and sundry tests on me for over a year now I've done pretty good in the "not complaining" department! Every now and then I let what little hair I have on my head down and let it all out...sorry about that. While going through premarital counseling just before I married DH 27 years ago, the pastor told us there were two types of people. Some deal with difficult issues by hiding in their shell and brooding about things...he called them turtles. The rest deal with difficult issues by letting loose and spewing it all over the place, and then walk away as if nothing happened. He called them skunks. Guess which type I am??? LOL Poor DH has had to live with stinky ol' me for over a quarter of a century. He's a brave man!! LOL
Speaking of doctors, tomorrow is another physical. I'll be fasting tonight, *sigh*. Wish me luck tomorrow! *Hugs*
Hi Everyone!
As of this moment in time, I'm caught up in my SALs that I started this year! YAY!! Tomorrow will be another story...LOL.
First is the Friendly Stitchers yahoo group SAL with specialty stitches. The Algerian Eye is the most recent stitch at the bottom.
Second is the Star Sampler from Periphaeria. This is such a lovely stitch and if you don't like the colors I've used, she has examples of other colors you might like. Here is my progress so far...the first and second parts. The patterns are still available on her site, just click on her name.
I"m supposed to meet Astrid tomorrow at our LNS for some shopping, a quick stop at Peace a Pizza for lunch, and hopefully we'll find a spot to get some stitching done. I'm looking forward to this since Astrid and I have met a couple of times and we've talked non-stop...like we've been friends for ages! And...any excuse to get out of the house and stitch with someone who shares my passion is GREAT in my book! We are supposed to get quite a bit of rain tomorrow...but I'm like the postman...neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail, nor dark of night will keep me from my appointed stitching!! (I even drove to Sonya's house toward the end of a hurricane to stitch once!! LOL)
I've been so busy going to doctors appointments I've decided I'm going to put "quick change artist" on my next job resume...and I was thinking that I've stripped so much lately for complete strangers (even if they ARE Doctors) that I'm beginning to feel like an exotic dancer (I wonder if this is how they got started?)....I should be getting paid for this don't you think? I wonder what they would think if I had sequins sown on my underwear and brought in my own cd player with burlesque music playing? Um...my guess is they would reach in the nearest closet for the strongest straight jacket they could find and ship me off to the funny farm. LOL Ok, this is a sign that I need some sleep...so off I go! Have a good night everybody! *Hugs*
Hi folks!
Hope you are having a fantastic day!! I've been busy, but accomplished more than I expected today!! I was supposed to stitch with Sonya today, but I lost my voice yesterday with a cough/cold that just doesn't seem to be letting up, so decided I should stay away from her so she doesn't catch it. I missed you today, Sonya!
But, I guess it was a good thing that I stayed home today. I got lots of phone calls, and made a few that I needed to make, and got a LOT accomplished that I needed to get done...so where do I begin?
Hm...I stitched a bit yesterday morning on Heart of America. I usually try to stitch that on Monday, as Babs and I have our own little SAL going. I decided to spend all my time on outlining the little borders because there is so much counting and it seems like I get nowhere fast. LOL Now they are done, so I can stitch on the fun stuff next time! Here's a picture of what I have done so far.
I have friends at my LNS, and the last time I was there, they gave me a pattern with all the stuff to stitch a model for them. What fun!! So I started last Thursday and by Monday I had finished this piece for them. I LOVED stitching it, and may have to make one for myself before I'm done. I just adore nativities...isn't it cute?
I am participating in a spring exchange through Friendly Stitchers. I stitched the pin cushion a week or so ago, but was completely stumped at how to finish the thing. I e-mailed Mouse in a panic and asked what I should do and she sent me such good instructions that I was finally able to get it stitched together today. I learned a valuable lesson though!! When you are using backstitching and whip stitching something together....DO NOT do it on 40 ct over two!! I nearly went blind trying to whip stitch it together! Hopefully my partner will love it...it was hard to part with because I loved it so much and...after all it was my FIRST pin cushion. It's in the mail as I type, so when she has received it I will post pictures.
Ok...the next step in my reconstruction is April 8th. I'll be having surgery to put in the implants, and I will be getting rid of the tissue expanders...boy will I be happy to have something a bit more comfortable under my skin! I can't wait to hug people without fear! The expanders are quite hard and I'm sure it must feel weird to get a hug from me. LOL He'll also be removing a lump I developed somewhere along the way...*sigh* He's not getting excited over it so neither am I. But just in case...a few prayers wouldn't hurt!
I had a couple of tests yesterday at the gastroenterologist and they sent off some more biopsies. He didn't seem too concerned, but the results won't be back for a couple of weeks, so wish me luck with that. It seems I have a lot of things to do to prepare for surgery so I'll be busy from now until then, and I'll be going back to the lymph edema clinic for more physical therapy. *sigh* My calendar is looking a bit crowded now... Hopefully it won't cut into my stitching time too much! *wink*
Ok, off to catch NCIS...my favorite show! *Hugs*
Tis the season, I guess. With the warm days, cold days, high winds, and no winds, I finally caught a dreaded something-or-other. I've been coughing and sneezing and not getting too much sleep. *sigh* And it was a busy week too. Ah well...this too shall pass...and to be honest...I would rather have gotten this "something-or-other" now then when I was going through chemo...so again I say...BRING IT ON!!
As I mentioned, it has been a busy week. On Tuesday I sat down with all those referrals and called to make appointments. To my surprise, I got appointments for 3 of the 5 last week! Of course, in my world, one appointment is usually not enough...they lead to more appointments. Luckily though, the other appointments are scheduled a few months from now. I saw the cardiologist who tells me I DO indeed have a heart, and it's right where it's supposed to be, doing what it's supposed to be doing, just at a faster rate than normal. Two months of walking at a brisk pace three to four times a week should get it back where it's supposed to be. Wish me luck!! LOL I had a sonogram done of my heart at that visit, and the technician looked at me, looked at my chart...looked at me again, asked me my name, and date of birth, and said "You sure look young for your age! I never would have guess you were 50!!" *grin* Now that's what I call a bedside manner!!
The Gastro man (G-man as I'll call him) was a trip in himself. He scheduled a couple of tests which I will have done on Monday. I won't go into detail, but I didn't like him much, of all the doctors I've seen he had NO compassion and just told you like it is. I guess some people like that, but I found him rude and insensitive. Just because you are busy and good at what you do, does not give you the right to treat someone like an inconvenience and an interruption to your day. Oh well, hopefully the tests will show nothing, and I'll be on my way, never to darken his door again!
I saw my plastic surgeon as well, I must say I DO like him!! We scheduled the surgery date for the next stage of my reconstruction so I may be missing in action in the middle of April. Now I have to make MORE appointments to get ready for surgery. Did I happen to mention I am beginning to dislike doctor's offices and waiting rooms intensely??! I had a sonogram done of my leg this past week, and the technician knew my plastic surgeon and his family. She mentioned that his favorite patients were his breast cancer patients and that he prayed for each one of them. I liked him before she told me that, but I like him even more now!! He really is a sweetheart!
So...you're probably asking...did I get any stitching done? The answer is....yes of course! I had a lot of time waiting in those waiting rooms, so I try to have something handy to work on in a pinch. I chose this one, because it's monochromatic and small and I didn't have to carry a lot of stuff around with me. It's one of the crazy 15...and I've gotten quite a bit done!
The next one is the Spring SAL. The second step came out this morning, and because it was small, I just stitched it up quickly so I am ready for the next part when it comes out.
The next one is my UFO. I didn't get much time to stitch on it, but managed to get a couple of strands stitched on Thursday. I was just under the wire, because Thursday was an incredibly busy day. Here are before...
And after pictures...
I'm also working on a SAL from Oakhaven Designs. The March owl was released last week, and I stitched that up quickly too. I want to stay ahead of my SAL's because with my luck, you never know what tomorrow holds!!
Lastly, is a little picture of something Mouse should be happy about. This is the fabric and thread I've chosen. I don't know when I'll get a chance to start this, and I do have a couple of questions for you...but at least I have the materials to get started now. It's hard to see in the picture, but the fabric is a pretty purple...and I chose it because I thought that was your favorite color...am I right? I am dying to get started, I just need to find some time...
And one of these days I'll be able to show you a picture of the other project I'm working on. It's a spring exchange piece, I have it stitched, I just need to bite the bullet and put it together. Please send stitchy thoughts my way so I get the courage to get going! I need brain thoughts too, so I can figure out the best way to get this thing together. Maybe I need a kick in the pants...LOL I know I'll be kicking myself when it's done thinking..."Why was I worried?", and "It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be!" Maybe Tuesday? I just know I need to get moving because I have to get it in the mail soon! Wish me luck!!
Ok, off to rest my head...and try to get rid of this cough. Hope you are well and getting lots of stitching done wherever you may be! *Hugs*