The day after chemo is usually the toughest day for me in my chemo treatment. Somehow my friend Pat must have known that because she sent me the sweetest surprise and it arrived yesterday...on my usually toughest day! I can't begin to tell you what that did for me, Pat! It changed the whole outlook on my day. Thank you so much!!!
I had seen this pattern while surfing the net one day. Violets happen to be my favorite flower and again Pat must have known this. She sent this lovely pattern (I can't wait to dig my fingers into this one!!) Knowing how I like to pick out my own fabric and floss she sent along a gift certificate to my LNS so I could get the materials to stitch this. Wasn't that a lovely gift? And arriving on the perfect day!! Thanks so much Pat, I'm stunned by your generosity and thoughtfulness!! My only wish is that our friend Sonya was working today because if I felt well enough I'd have my nose pressed up against the door at the Stitching Post at opening time with my tongue hanging out waiting to run my fingers through floss and fabric alike! It's been so long since I've been up there I wonder if they remember who I am. With my new doo they just might not recognize me. LOL
It's early here and my pictures seem a little dark because the sun isn't out all the way, but I wanted my friend to know how much I appreciate her generosity so here are some pictures for you to have a ladylike drool over. Thanks again Pat!! Can't wait till you travel to this side of the Bay so I can give you a huge hug! Take care....I'm going back upstairs to take a snooze and dream of stitching violets!
three cheers for Pat! A lovely and thoughtful gift for you at just the right time! Stitchers just know what stitchers like, don't they?
hugs & prayers,
your friends are always here to cheer you up and support you....xoxoxo
True friend indeed, they are such treasures, and so thoughtful. I don't normally say things like this, but God Bless you Pat. Still thinking of you DJ <> Take care and enjoy the nap.
Beautiful gift for a beautiful person...(((((dj))))
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