Hi Everybody!
Today was our 26th Anniversary. DH spoiled me rotten, with cards and gifts, and a lovely dinner at Macaroni Grill. We had a lot of laughs with the waiter, sometimes I think people don't know how to deal with our sense of humor, but it's always fun to see their expression when we say or do something silly. DH asked for "a little" freshly ground Parmesan cheese. The waiter rotated his grinder a couple of turns and dropped about a teaspoon on DH's plate. DH looked at the plate then at the waiter and was patiently waiting for more, but the waiter was looking at DH to tell him what he wanted. I finally had to interpret the looks and say "When he says a little he really means a lot!", so the waiter dumped a TON of cheese on DH's plate, and then DH asked for a little more. LOL We all laughed. When the waiter left I said "Have a little spaghetti with your cheese?" I wonder if he actually tasted the spaghetti. LOL Later on the waiter came back and asked if we wanted a doggie bag. DH said he didn't want his spaghetti but could he have "a little" cheese to take home! The waiter said "sure!" and turned to head for the door, I had to tell him DH was kidding. Then we all laughed again. Living with DH is SUCH an adventure! LOL But I have to say this...he has taken such good care of me since all this began, shown such compassion and love, that I've fallen head over heals in love with him all over again. He's my rock! And that was the highlight of my day, I wouldn't change that for the world.
If the rest of the day had been a dress, however, I would have returned it!
I had two appointments today, one with the physical therapist, and one with the plastic surgeon. I had one of those conflicting days, when each person I talked to contradicted the last person I talked to. Normally I would let things slide, but having had a bad day yesterday (I felt like I had the flu! Chills, aches and hot flashes) I thought it was chemo related, but I took my temperature. Apparently our thermometer is NOT working!! Today I noticed some redness around one of my incisions. Hm....so I mentioned it to the physical therapist. She didn't seem bothered by it. So after lunch, I mentioned it to the plastic surgeon. The nurse took my temperature, it was 100.2 Hmmmmm..... So they decided not to fill my expanders today (thank heavens because I was already achy) and gave me a prescription for antibiotics just in case and they want me to call the next two days and see the surgeon again on Tuesday. I stopped off at the pharmacy, and finally went home, used my NEW thermometer, and sure enough it was "stuck" on 97.6!! Ok, so I tried the old thermometer and it was now 101.7. HMMMMM!!! It had gone up 1.5 degrees in two hours. YIKES!! And I'm supposed to have chemo tomorrow! So I called the oncologist. I already had an appointment with him tomorrow morning but now I'm going in a wee bit earlier to have bloodwork drawn before I see him and hopefully they can find out what is going on. That explains why I had no energy yesterday, and why I felt like I've been hit by a bus. *sigh* In the immortal words of Roseanne Roseannadanna "If it's not one thing it's another" The nurse seemed to think it would be ok even if I did have a fever and we'd probably go on with chemo. There is something inside thinking this is NOT a good idea. But they know best...right? So...onward and upward! We'll see what tomorrow brings. So, if you don't hear from me in a while, don't panic! I'll be back when the yuck is over!
Take care! *Hugs*
13 years ago
Congratulations to you both! I love Macaroni Grill, don't think we have one here and the one near our last home closed :(
Happy,Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, may you have many more....xoxoxo
Happy anniversary babes glad you had a lovely meal :)..... mmmmm temp and chemo not good I think... let me know what they decide as not too happy like you :(..... t.t.f.n ((((HUGS)))))) love mouse xxxxxxx
Happy anniversary DJ! Sounds like you had some fun and laughs...always good therapy. So glad you have such a rock in your hubby. I see many couples at cancer center and not all are great supporters, but I know there are good & bad days for all of them. I do pray all goes well with this latest development and will be waiting to hear.
hugs & God bless!
Happy Anniversary!! Sounds like you had a wonderful dinner. Hope that they figure out what's going on with the temp and lack of energy. I will be saying an extra prayer or two (or three ;) for you to start feeling better soon. Hang in there! Hugs from the whole clan,
Congrats on your anniversary! Hope they figure the problem and solve it soon. :)
All the best to you! I hope the fever-or-not-fever - thing will be solved soon and you survive whatever the future has in store for you.
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