My goodness this has been a busy week!! Where has the time gone? I swear the older I get the faster time goes, although sometimes it depends on the day/week/month/year we are talking about LOL Where do I begin? Uh oh, chemo brain has taken over.
Let's go back to last Tuesday. I had a great day!! As some of you know I belong to a breast cancer support group. I've met some amazing ladies and continue to meet more and more as time progresses (sadly because more are being diagnosed). Anyway, one of our ladies is moving out west to have the support of her family while she battles this disease. She organized a day for us to meet and have dinner to say goodbye. Here is a picture of us after our dinner.
We shared our stories, talked about our treatments (as we are all in different stages of our treatments), talked about our triumphs and our setbacks. It was joyful and tearful all at the same time. I made up cards for us calling ourselves the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Ta Ta's" LOL I hope the others didn't mind, I couldn't resist.

I know that Karen, who found her cancer in the most unusual way, would love to share her story, and as soon as I get her permission I'll share it here. Cancer has a way of hiding itself, and when I heard her story it sent shivers down my spine. God had a hand in getting her diagnosed just as He did in mine! I'm praying everyone will continue to get their annual mammogram!! Ok, stepping off my soapbox.
Wednesday the guys went with me to my oncologist appointment. Have I mentioned that I adore my doctor? When I first met him he immediately put me at ease, but he seemed a bit stiff. When I asked for a prescription for a hair prosthesis, I told him I was thinking about getting a pink wig. His face turned shades of red and he couldn't look me in the face after that for a while. I didn't think he had a sense of humor until this week. I guess one of the ladies in the lab offered him a pen. He asked her if it was a trick pen and she said no...but when he tried to use it he got shocked. He was explaining the story, chuckling as he told the story, then proceeded to knock his pen off the desk, then the kleenex, and said his thumb was still numb. I was the last patient of the day so he said he was going to keep me just a little while longer because he wanted to keep the lady late in the lab to get her back for shocking him earlier. I said..."So you're the type that doesn't get mad, you get even? I'll have to remember that!" LOL I have to say, a few other things happened too and I was in stitches after I left the office. He talked about bringing a whoopie cushion into the office but thought it might be too unprofessional. I asked if he was going to use it on patients, he said NO, that he heard enough whoopie from some of his patients without that device. LOL!!! Chemo does have that effect on you. I have to admit. *blush* Thankfully it hasn't happened in public yet, and I'm sure the public would be thankful to know that too! ROTFL!! I learned that I'll be seeing this particular doctor for many years to come, but now that I know he's a character, I just might have to act on this. *wink* We all need to keep our humor!
We went out to dinner after that, then saw a movie... "The Other Guys". My son loved it, DH and I had other thoughts. It did have SOME funny spots, but I was expecting more. That was a very long day for me, and I was really tired. But I slept the whole night through!! That was a treat for me!! Still I was tired for chemo the next day.
I love going for chemo with Miss M. She and I always manage to laugh our way through the day. It sure makes the time pass quickly! DS came with us too, and we kept him busy making him run back and forth to the snack machine getting us one thing or another. I was a zombie by the time I left though. Thankfully this is the last dose of these particular medicines. The next medicine I've been told I won't even need nausea medicine. Inside I'm jumping for joy!!! The next doses will be three weeks apart so in theory I'll have one yucky week, then two good weeks. If that's the case I might actually get some working days in. I'm excited to maybe be getting back to work. YAY!
I have made some progress on my violet sampler, and when I feel up to it I'll get some pictures and post them for you guys!
DS starts back to school next week. I think we'll both be happy to have him back in school. He's missed his friends and I've missed my peace and quiet! I've been thankful to have him around for most of my yucky chemo, he really has been great about helping out, but I think sometimes there's a little too much togetherness. We both need our space. So next week will be a bit of a breather for both of us.
Guess that's all the news that's fit to print. Have a great day!! *hugs*
Love to hear about your "good" days. I'm sure you are such a hero to your f2f friends and're an inspiration to ME and thank G-d I am as healthy as a 65 year old can be!
Love you....(((((dj)))))
Glad you had such a good time!
I hope the violet project will go well. I wish you the strength to face whatever the future has in store for you.
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