It's the first day of Spring! Too bad it's so chilly out there, but that really doesn't matter, it's a lovely day, sunshine and sparkling, the perfect "look" of spring. I saw a flock of robins in my front yard a few days ago. When I was a kid living in NY state my mother would always tell me it was finally spring when the robins arrived. The last time I talked to her, the robins still haven't arrived up there, but I can tell you, they are on their way! The sign of fall was the geese flying overhead, I still get a flashback to crisp, cool, fall days when I hear geese flying overhead.
Not much to report these days. I'm still busy stitching (but haven't taken any new photos...keep watching this space though!) I'm finally beginning to show some progress on my spot sampler. I've reached the half way point so now it's downhill all the way *yeah right*! I've found a new SAL that is starting up, you have to sign up for their newsletter but it sure looks to be a beauty!
Isn't it great how needlework sort of transcends language barriers? It seems the people who love the needle arts love to share, love to inspire and help others who are learning. I'm so grateful to those designers who make some of their patterns available for free, especially in these economic times. They are keeping their passion alive, while inspiring us to keep stitching. They have to know that eventually we'll buy their patterns when we're able.
Well, DS is planning on inviting someone over tonight so I need to get some cleaning done, think about something nutritous for dinner, and try to get a few stitches in before the barbarians begin knocking at my gate.
By the way, the lovely orchids at the top of this post is a picture I took at the Botanical Gardens in Washington, DC just before Christmas, aren't they beautiful? I wish they were growing in my house, but at least I can admire them when I visit the gardens.
Have a wonderful first day of spring!
Your first day of Spring is the beginning of Autumn for me which means Winter is on it's way, enjoy your warmer months just give a thought to us over here who will be feeling the cold while you bask in the sunshine, anyway have a great day love reading what you get up to always something there to put a smile on my face....Margaret.
I thought those flowers were Amaryllis ones.
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