I made this little beauty for DH for his Birthday in January. It is a blackwork chessboard. It was my first attempt at blackwork, and although I enjoyed it tremendously I think I'll pass on blackwork for a while. Here is a close up picture of some of the blocks. I found this in an Anchor book teaching blackwork designs. The fun thing about this is that I didn't put a wire on the back, I cut a large piece of felt so it doesn't scratch the table!
Next are some Carriage House Samplings pieces I did. They are done on 40 ct fabric so are quite small....but I love them!

These last three were my favorites to work on. The face is from the stitching studio "Mouth of the flower". I have the companion piece to work up "Family of Birds" one of these days!
Next is a heart design from Wiehenburg and I should have gotten this one framed for Valentine's day...what was I thinking? Oh well, there's always next year. And last is a Quaker Sampler from Midnight Stitching. I've forgotten the names for both of these, but I'm sure you can find them on their sites. Ok, that's all for today that's fit to print so I'm off to download the next page of the Christmas Quaker and see if I can get caught up on that. See you later! (I hope)

Hi DJ I love you work, but I'll be honest I come by your page knowing that I'll have a giggle and yes i did..
I love the Quaker one, and 'Mouth of the Flower'very special. I never saw something like this before!
The Carriage House ones are awesome! You can stitch!
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