Whew, I can't believe how fast this year is passing. It's been a wild ride since I last posted, so I'll try to catch you up! First of all, what is Gifted Gorgeousness? This is a challenge Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching has been hosting for a few years now. This is where we showcase stitching that is associated with gifts. They can be gifts we were given (pattern, fabric, floss, embellishments and the like) or things that have been stitched and given to others or given to us. You can read more about it on Jo's blog by clicking here, and you can sign up to join us if you like, it's never too late! If you want to see what others have been stitching, and see the wonderful things Jo stitches, click here.
I've been so busy the past couple of months, between crocheting gifts for our new grandbaby, stitching for exchanges I've been a part of, or working on SALs. I seem to have lost the joy of it for a bit. I hope that now most of the "mandatory" things have been finished, I can relax and stitch something I really want to make.
I'll start with the SALs I've been working on. Two of these were Christmas gifts from my husband. He bought the patterns and the floss, but I had the fabric in my stash. The first is Modern Folk Embroidery SAL. I was two months behind at the end of August, but thankfully I had a few uninterrupted days and was able to catch up, then stitch September's piece near the beginning of September. I love how this looks, but have to be honest, the amount of stitching is insane! LOL Only 3 more months to go, and I think I'll definitely frame this for the fair next year!
The next SAL is Winter Quaker by Wiehenberg Designs. I have been able to keep up with this one, and honestly, I love stitching on it. 28 count Navy is a challenge to stitch on, but I do find it relaxing and a joy. Only 3 more months for this one too!
Next is the Peppermint Purple SAL. I consider this a GG because the pattern is given freely by the designer. A new blackwork block is released each week. I was behind quite a few weeks before, but now I'm caught up. A new one will be released today and hopefully I'll get it done today. I like keeping up with this one! You can find the patterns on her SAL Facebook page.
Next are some Christmas ornaments from JCS Magazine. DH gifts me the subscription every year so I consider these part of GG as well. I'm a bit behind (aren't you glad? LOL!!) but did manage to finish stitching two last month. First is Brittercup Designs Christmas Centerpiece from the Ornament issue 2008 stitched on 28 count waterlilies lugana over one.
Next is O Christmas Tree by Lisa LeAnn Designs from JCS 2020 Ornament Issue. This is stitched on 32 count white over four for the specialty stitches, and over two for the cross stitches. This was a fun one to stitch!
Next was a free pattern from Leslie Teare I think it was on Lakeside SAL FB page? It's called Lakeside Summer Medley. I love Leslie's designs, they seem so delicate and I find the blackwork fun to do. This is stitched on 40 count Antique White over two and was finished into an ornament for a pen pal. Hopefully she has received it by now.
Next was also a free pattern I found, this month we were supposed to stitch something for our pen pals that represented where were from. This is a Baltimore Oriole. I was so excited when I found this pattern, only to realize there was no threads listed for the symbol key. So I dug out my thread chart from DMC and began picking colors. I'm pretty happy with the results. This was stitched on 28 count light blue over one. I'll have to figure a way to finish it off and get it in the mail soon!
This is a Little House Needlework series I've been stitching for my English pen pal. I'm a wee bit behind, as was trying to keep a month ahead so she would have it for the month it was intended. I still haven't stitched Septembers, but hopefully I'll get September and October done this month. Wish me luck! These have all been stitched on 40 count over two Natural linen. Here is August.

The last item I have for this month was one I actually finished yesterday. Many of you knew I was going to be a grandma for the first time this year. We were expecting her around the 27th but she arrived last week, a wee bit early. We didn't know if she would be a girl or boy and had to wait several days before we even knew her name (the parents couldn't decide) and even longer before we could hold her. She is so sweet, and so tiny, but such a delightful new member of the family. This is Aubrey, and the birth sampler I stitched that her mother picked out. This is A New Star by DebBee's Designs, it is stitched on 32 count Summer Skies, Sparklies Hand Dyed Fabric (a gift from Mouse several years ago). Welcome to the world, Aubrey, you were well loved before you even came into this world, and we can't wait to spoil you like all Gigi's and Grandpa's should!

One last thing I would like to share with you, is the entries into the state fair this year. I won a prize on everything I submitted, including the "Special Award" for the top prize in all the blue ribbons in that category. Here is Winter's Majesty.
Christmas Snowflake won second place
and Christmas Caroler won fourth place.
And that, as they say, is all that's fit to print. Sorry for always having such a long post..LOL it's just been such a wild ride lately. Hopefully things will calm down a bit, my body is tired from all the upheaval this year has brought. I'm ready for a little "down time". Off to get more stitching done! Enjoy your day and Happy Stitching!