Happy Valentine's Day!
And welcome to the Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop! Yes, I know I wrote Hoppy in the title of this posting....I thought it was fitting for today! Thanks to Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching, who set up this lovely blog hop, you can enjoy a little game! Each of us who are participating sent Jo a picture we thought represents Valentine's Day. She then gave each of us a different picture, and we are supposed to hop around and find the picture we submitted. That person becomes our Secret Stitching Sweetheart. Fun right? It all begins on Jo's blog, so hop on over to Serendipitous Stitching (click here) and enjoy seeing what other stitchers are sharing on this special day! Whoever stitched this one must know my heart! It's my favorite food group! And now I must run out and find some chocolate, because I now have the biggest craving! Beautifully stitched isn't it? Thank you Jo for setting up this fun hop, and thank you Secret Sweetheart!
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all have a special sweetheart to share the day with! Happy Stitching!
It's no me even if my heart belongs to chocolate too! Great calorie-free stitching, lovely and tasty cookies! Joyeuse Saint Valentin ! xxx
Oh, I know I've seen that somewhere, but I'm not sure whose it is. Happy Valentine's Day!
Lovely but not mine.
Oh how fun! This is not mine though. Happy Valentine's Day DJ!💌
This is a lovely piece, but it’s not mine sadly! I was already craving chocolate and now I really want some 😂
Great design but it isn't my stitching, happy Valentine's Day 💕
You received a lovely valentine, but it’s not mine. Happy Valentine’s Day!
What a SWEET Valentine! My heart belongs to chocolate too! :) But not my stitch!
Lovely stitching full of love, but I am not your valentine. Happy Valentine's Day!!!
It isn't mine, but the sentiment is so true!
Thanks for taking part in the Secret Stitching Sweetheart this year.
Chocolate is a great Love of mine too!
Tee hee, it’s very SWEET!
But no, not mine. I hope you find out whose it is soon!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Barbara xx
Oh I love this stitch so much. What a great Valentine. It's not from me but it is adorable. Have a very happy Valentine's Day. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever
This love of chocolate is stitched my me. One can never have enough🍫🍪🍬, I'm thinking brownies tonight!
Happy Heart Day!
Happy Valentine's Day. Sweet stitch from Astrid.
I love chocolate .... yummy!
I love this Valentine - it's so sweet.
Oh, that's a cute one!
Hopping by looking for my piece. Astrid stitched this beautiful piece. I recognized it right away. Off to keep looking.
That would be an apt sentiment for me, DJ. Astrid has hit the nail on the head :)
Now that's ma kind of valentine for sure!
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