It's the little things in life that make it worth know? It's that morning cup of coffee...and let me tell you, it's worth getting up in the morning for a taste of this!!
It was a gift from my future DIL for Christmas, but I didn't get a chance to try it until the other day. I'll be making this a ritual every morning until the goodness runs out! LOL Always served in my Polish pottery mug I bought in Germany when we lived there. It fits perfectly in my hands to warm them up on those cold winter mornings! Ahhhhh....perfection!
It was a stitch day I attended with friends yesterday. These guys feed my soul! It's so good to get together with like minded people and share something we all love. There was "show and tell", there was collective shopping and looking at the new stuff coming out at the Nashville Market, there was laughter, but more than anything, it was seeing all those friendly faces and forgetting about the chaos in my life for most of the day! I hated to leave.
This group I belong to have a group chat...we share pictures of our finishes, we share the good things happening in our lives, we share projects and have our private SALs. A week or so ago, I shared that I needed a get together desperately. They had no idea so much good and bad were going on in my life, that I needed something to look forward to that didn't involve weddings or funerals or empty nest syndrome. (DS is moving out this coming's hard wrapping my head around this. Don't get me wrong...I'm excited for him to start the next chapter of his life, but he's been a source of love and laughter for 24 years and I know it's going to be so weird without him here.) And these ladies IMMEDIATELY set aside some days for some stitch days, and made plans for our annual retreat. I'm talking within minutes. You cannot imagine how that feels, when you hit your lowest low and these caring ladies stepped in to lift me up. They will never know the depths of my gratitude or how much I care about them!
Ok, enough of the sappy sentimentality...LOL!! I guess my mind has been on so many things lately, that I have had the most difficult time with this...
This is Jungle Baby, a birth sampler I'm making for a friend's daughter. I think I have frogged more on this piece than I have in my entire life!! haha I just have this monkey and one other animal to finish. While I'm excited to make this for my friend, I'm beginning to hate this project!!! haha I even made up a little jingle I play in my head...Sung to a little tune that used to play on Hee Haw (a country TV show from waaaaaay back that my Dad loved ... and my sister and I hated) Where oh where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found mojo, froggie visited and pffffft you were gone. I've been stitching on this pretty regularly, but yesterday I decided I needed a I stopped here....

And picked up Gloria. This is a SAL by Tempting Tangles. I LOVE the colors in this...and all the little details! It looks so Medieval...I love it!! (I have to say, the fabric which is an opalescent white, takes some getting used to to stitch on it...but I'm powering through because I love the look of it!!) 4 parts have been issued so far...and I'm working on the 4th part now. I'm trying so hard to keep up!! Wish me luck!! I got quite a bit done yesterday between the laughter and the moments we were looking at other things. When I get back from running errands today, I'm going to finish part 4 before returning to Jungle Baby.
So that's where I'm at today. In the right head space, and after that long, deep, cleansing breath, I'm ready to carry one. I'm off to run errands this morning then back home to take care of DS who is home sick today. I hope you all have a wonderful day, and Happy Stitching!