Well, it was a crafty day yesterday for sure! I'm determined to get these Bride's Tree ornaments finished !! I snipped, and stitched, and stabbed my fingers a few times, and maybe threw a few darns and rats in the air yesterday, but I think I like the outcome! Here are the latest Bride's Tree ornaments I've fully finished. If you want to know pattern names (or kit names) or meaning of the symbols, please visit my 2020 goals page and they are all listed towards the bottom of the page. I have two left to finish, the little stockings, and I'm mulling that over the best way to finish them. If you have any ideas, or tutorials you can send me too, please post in the comments. Thanks!

Last, but not least, I let myself stitch on something. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I "signed up" for a challenge to stitch at least 20 minutes a day. So even though my fingers were sore, I decided to pick up Gloria and stitch a little to try and catch up. This is a SAL by Tempting Tangles that started this month and they are already on the second part! I'm still working on the first part. I'm not sure what it is about this pattern, but I've stitched, and frogged and stitched some more. I'm hoping my brain sorts itself out before I lose interest in this poor project! Wish me luck!!
And that's all there is to print today! Happy Stitching!
I don't know what has got into me, I seem to be a swinging pendulum lately! I have so many lovely things kitted up that I don't know where to turn so why not just start them all and see where things lead? haha I guess I'll blame my sudden swings on finishing my challenge piece really early this month...and then I was focused on making the Bride's Tree ornaments so I was switching up projects ever other day or so. No boredom there! Then a friend wanted me to have a SAL just between the two of us with a kit she received at a retreat/class she attended. (Another friend attended the same class and gave me hers because she didn't want to stitch it ... lucky me!!) For Christmas my husband gave me the SAL Gloria by Tempting Tangles and I've been dying to start it. And there you have my dilemma. I started Flowers and Lace (a gift from my DH a while ago) on New Years Day. All of these are a joy to stitch!! But I really want to keep up with the SAL Gloria (I'm already two parts behind!) Decisions, Decisions! Anyway, they are all started now, so when I feel like one or the other, I just pick that one up and get a few stitches in. Hopefully I will catch up with Gloria...wish me luck there! Anyway, pictures, I'm sure you want to see them.
Here is Gloria by Tempting Tangles. I started this on January 26th, it's being stitched on 32 count white opalescent over two.
Flowers and Lace by Kooler Designs. This is being stitched on 32 count Antique white over two.
Blooming Bouquets- Thankful by Jeanette Douglas (I think this is my favorite so far because of the gorgeous silk threads that came in the kit...it's like stitching with butter!) This is being stitched on 40 count Heartland by Picture This Plus over two.
In a few days I'll have to start my next challenge piece so these beauties will be put on hold for a while. I may have to think about a rotation...I like stitching on all of them!!
And now today, I hope to finish off the remaining Bride's Tree ornaments. I have 6 left to finish and I might redo another one that I didn't like the trim...The stockings are going to give me trouble I think...wish me luck!! Happy Stitching everyone!
Whew! It's been a bit of a whirlwind around here lately! I've been participating in a challenge through one of my online groups to stitch at least 20 minutes a day. It's helped me while I was away for the weekend, to actually finish a couple of small ornaments. I'm still working on the Bride's Tree ornaments, and I think I have now finished stitching all of them. Seven of them have been fully finished. Hopefully within the next few days I can fully finish the rest of them off! Wish me luck!! Here are the others I have finished stitching.
First off are two ornaments I stitched from the Red Stocking Collection II by JBW Designs. I chose this one because of the house and it symbolizes a family's shelter and protection.
I chose this stocking because of the hearts and they symbolizes true love and love in the home.
I thought the stockings would be fun so there would be different shapes mixed in with all those different ornaments.
The last one I stitched is Sail Away Kit by Mill Hills. I stitched this on 32 count ice blue fabric over two. It should have been stitched on 28 count but I couldn't find the right color fabric in 28 count. I'm not a fan of the perforated paper. The boat represents the couple sailing across the waters of life, both smooth and rough. I just had to stitch a boat since they will be having a beach wedding, and I thought it fit them so well. I can't wait to see how this looks finished! Incentive to get moving on fully finishing off these ornaments!
I sneaked in a couple other ornaments I've had kitted up and set aside for another challenge I'm participating in. The first is Christmas Cardinal by Stoney Creek from the 2016 JCS Ornament issue. I stitched it over two on 32 count natural linen.
I also stitched a Partridge in a Pear Tree from the 2019 Winter Stoney Creek Magazine. I'm going to stitch another series of the 12 Days of Christmas ornaments this year. I love these cute little ornaments. And this year I hope to finish off both sets and display them next year!

I've also been asked by a friend to have a private SAL just the two of us. Two of my friends attended a retreat where they took a class from Jeanette Douglas and each received an exclusive kit from her Blooming Bouquets series called Thankful. Most everything was included in the kit so I found some lovely 40 count fabric called Heartland from Picture This Plus. One friend decided she didn't want to stitch her kit, the other wanted someone to stitch with...so we started this month on this kit. I am loving this sooooo much!! There will be a challenging part, as it's supposed to be stitched on 36 count, but because I chose 40 count, I will be stitching some letters over one on that. ugh!!! But so far it's been a dream to stitch. Here is where I am so far.

I had a wonderful weekend away just my DH and I. We like to go to the beach during the off season. We relaxed, played some mini golf, visited the Salty Yarn needlework shop, enjoyed walking on the beach, saw a couple of movies in heated reclining seats, and several trips to Dumser's Ice Cream shop (where they make their own ice cream!! yummy!!) We stayed at a lovely place called the Dunes Manor, just a block from the boardwalk but right on the beach. They had a piano player there Friday, Saturday and Sunday night so we enjoyed the entertainment while we had dinner in the lounge. The breakfast buffet in the morning was amazing!! The sunrise was stunning!! I just know there will be more trips to stay there in our future!
Here are a few of the highlights...
Who let the dogs out? Woof woof
Honey I shrunk DH!
What in the world did you find on the beach???
The sunrise was amazing!!
And that is all that's fit to print! I hope you are all safe in the crazy weather that seems to be happening all over the world! Happy Stitching!
After I finished those 4 ornaments yesterday I was soooo tired, but as usual with me, I can't go to sleep really early. So....I put a few more stitching into the Lesley Teare SAL Birds and Blackwork. I was nearly done when my eyes started to close...so finished the outlining this morning. I should be packing and getting ready, but ... I swear it's an addiction. I just couldn't leave that little bit more until I came back from the beach. Here is the January portion of the SAL
Ok, off to get packed and sort through the stash for a small project to take with me. Whatever will I stitch now?? (she said tongue in cheek). I hope you enjoy your weekend! Happy Stitching!
Whew! Yesterday was a jam packed day! I had a gathering with friends in the morning, a trip to Walmart to get some double sided tape, home to stitch for a couple of hours, then off to another gathering with friends in the evening, followed by a mad dash to just south of Baltimore to watch DS play floor hockey. We didn't get home until 10:30!! So...today I had a pajama day and finished off 4 more ornaments. That makes 7 and I'm more than halfway done! I probably won't get any more done until next week sometime, as it's DH's birthday and we are off to the beach (hopefully headed out before the snow starts falling). Why the beach? We like secluded places, so the beach in the wintertime is the perfect time for us! I don't like crowds. I like walks on the beach bundled up covering all the bulges and stuff. Call me weird, but that is like heaven to me! We will be leaving the house in the capable hands of DS....if you hear of any crazy, loud parties, DON'T call me, maybe they'll actually clean the house before we get back...hahaha So....here are the 4 I finished off today...and there are only 5 left to finish!
Now back to my regularly scheduled Birds and Blackwork SAL by Lesley Teare! Here is where I left off yesterday!
And that is all that I have to say on that! Will you miss me if I stay off the blog for a few days? haha I know I'll miss you! Happy Stitching!!
It's the beginning of a new year for Gifted Gorgeousness! I'm excited to show what I've been working on! Thanks to Jo, over at Serendipitous Stitching, who created this fun challenge, we showcase on the 15th of the month the things we are stitching that fall into the category of gift. It can be the gift of fabric, pattern or thread. It can be a gift we have been given or a gift we have given someone else! But if you want the official rules, please visit this page on Jo's blog to read what she had intended and sign up if you want to participate. Then, if you want to see what others are stitching, look for her Gifted Gorgeousness post each month and all our links are there!
Ok, as many of you know I've been working on some gifts for my future DIL. I'm making Bride's Tree Ornaments for her wedding shower. Originally I thought of making 12. I have 12 stitched, but there are a few more I hope to add to it. If you don't know what Bride's Tree ornaments are, it is a German tradition to gift the Bride with ornaments for her first Christmas tree with her new husband. Each ornament has a special meaning. You can find the pieces I've stitched and their meanings at the bottom of my 2020 goals page. I'm beginning to make them into ornaments now. I have three completely finished. I pictured them on the fabric I used for backing except for the first one. This is a repeat of the Flower basket, but I thought the trim was hard to see on the backing fabric. I wish you could see the sparkles!

I was gifted a kit quite a while ago as a Birthday gift from my husband (it's nice to have an enabler in the family...haha) I finally pulled it into rotation this past New Year's Day. I've wanted to wait for a special day to start it and I can't wait any longer! He gave me the pattern, floss and fabric! Here is Flowers and Lace by Kooler Designs. I'm stitching it on 32 count antique white.
I was also gifted a SAL that started this month. He bought the pattern and floss. I had the fabric in my stash. This is Birds and Blackwork by Lesley Teare and though you can stitch all 12 parts together, I've decided to stitch them individually. This is the January section.
I also participated in a 12 Days of Christmas exchange that started on the 12th of last month. I'm going to show you the handmade gifts I sent my partner after the 15th of last month. I thought I should include them in the Gifted Gorgeousness post of this year.
I like stitching for other people!! I hope they get as much enjoyment from their gifts as I have from giving them! Ok, I'm late for a gathering today so I must rush! I hope you are having a wonderful day! Happy Stitching!!
Whew! Number 12 in my Bride's Tree ornament set is Flower Basket. This symbolizes good wishes and beauty in the home. This pattern came from the Better Homes and Gardens 2001 Cross Stitch Designs book. It is stitched on 32 count white lugana over two.
There are still two more I would like to stitch, but some folks have given me a good idea....to continue this tradition in the coming years. I'm going to think on that one, I do appreciate your great ideas!! I guess my motivation is to have all these "good intentions" for them for their first year together. The last two I hoped to stitch were a heart and a house which represent true love and shelter. I'll see how much time I have left. But now that the 12 are done, I guess it's time to get them made into ornaments. I wish there were more hours in the day!! haha
Off to meet a friend for lunch! I wish it were a prettier day...it's kind of a mess out there today!! Happy Stitching!
It was a productive weekend!! I just didn't have time to write about it! While I was supposed to help DH take our tree down (I had already taken all the ornaments off last Monday) he was reluctant. haha It never fails! Oh well, the poor guy...I love him dearly but he's never on my timetable! haha
So...I stitched and stitched and stitched! I started two ornaments on Saturday (I'm trying to keep things secret from future DIL) and finished them on Sunday. Then I started another on Sunday and finished it today!
First up is Moose Joy by Angel Stitcin'. This was published in the 2019 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue. I'm working on a few challenges this year, and this challenge has picked specific ornaments from the 2019 issue that we are to stitch each month. This was the one from January! It was a fun stitch. I used most of the colors called for (I had them in my stash) and substituted others in my stash for the ones I didn't have. I realized I still need to find the snowflakes (I have them in my stash, I just need to find them) and will finish it before I fully finish it into an ornament. This was stitched on 32 count white linen over two.

Next is another Bride's Tree ornament. This is Santa and his sack from a leaflet by Zweigart called Whimsical Santas. I just loved his full length coat...so different from most US Santas. It symbolizes giving and sharing. My FDIL loves cute things. And while most of the stuff I'm stitching wouldn't be considered "cute", I hope to include enough that she will love hanging them on her tree every year. This is stitched on 40 count white linen over two.
The last I'm posting for today is called Reindeer Mini-hoop by the Vermillion Stitchery from The Book of Christmas Cheer. This is also a Bride's Tree ornament my choice for a rabbit. The rabbit symbolizes peace with nature, faith, hope and fertility. I love how the two animals are kind to one another here. I KNOW my FDIL will love this one!! It's also stitched on 40 count white linen over two.
That one makes #11. I know I'm only supposed to stitch 12...but there are so many more that I like (and more symbols too!) but what I think I'll do is stitch one more....and then begin finishing them into ornaments. Once that is done, if I have time to stitch more I will. If not, at least I have 12 for them to start off with!! Now the hard part....finding the ONE! haha
I hope you are having a wonderful day! Happy Stitching everyone!!
Would smell as sweet? I am trying very hard to stitch from stash, I guess that's why I'm having trouble finding patterns that fit what I'm looking for. I was able to find this rose, and I specifically wanted a yellow rose, in the same book as I found the fish! Yay!! The rose represents the Virgin Mary, affection and the yellow rose symbolizes faithfulness in the marriage. It was also my Mom's favorite flower. I'm not sure why she loved yellow roses, but she did. So I guess I'm tossing a little of my Mom into their ornaments! haha This is from the Better Homes and Gardens book 2001 Cross Stitch Designs. It was stitched on 40 count over 2 on Flax linen.
I did run out to Michaels today and pick up 8 skeins of thread. That should get me through the next 10 designs I have lined up to stitch. Not all of the projects I have are for the Bride's Tree...haha Don't panic! I had a hard time limiting it to 12 though...so they may have a few more than the traditional 12. This one makes #9.
Off to start #10! Which one will it be this time? I think I'll have to flip a coin! Happy Stitching everyone!
I spent the morning sorting through floss and patterns and I found a few more patterns for Bride's Tree ornaments. I found this adorable fish, which symbolizes Christ, and fertility. I never realized how hard it was to find fish patterns! haha I stitched this on 32 count light blue over two. The pattern came from a book published by Better Homes and Gardens 2001 Cross Stitch Designs. The picture really doesn't do it justice...
I found 11 patterns I would like to stitch, totaling 89 skeins of floss needed for them all....and I only lack 8!! I guess tomorrow I'll be hitting Michaels...haha Once I'm done stitching, I'll be finishing them all up into ornaments. I'm hoping these will be done soon as wedding planning is in full swing!
I hope you are all keeping safe and warm!! Happy Stitching
How many of you sang that song when you saw the title? haha I'm happy to report that I did, indeed, finish my little teapot today! Yay!
This is Teapot and is from the leaflet Victorian Treasures for all seasons by Douglas Designs. The teapot symbolizes hospitality. This was stitched on 40 ct. natural linen over two.
Today was also WIP Wednesday, so I pulled out Flowers and Lace when I finished up the teapot. I made a mistake after stitching quite a few stitches, so had to rip out...I didn't make as much progress as I would have liked, but I do like how it's turning out!!
For those who have been asking, the boys made it home safely. They used their GPS app on their phone to avoid long delays in traffic, and were home in almost record time! I'm relieved!! They had a delay opening this morning too...darned weather!! But it's all supposed to change by the weekend. What a roller coaster the weather has been lately!
That's all for today! Happy Stitching everyone!
Whew....well pulling out all these little ornaments sure has given me a boost of confidence! I'm in a rush to finish up these Bride's Tree ornaments as I know I have a limited time. And because they are not ones I would usually pick to stitch, I'm rushing to finish them off so I can stitch something I REALLY want to stitch!

So this one is called Blue Bird and is a bird in a nest. This symbolizes confidence in the home. I find it kind of ironic that I started stitching it over the weekend when we visited the apartment complex they will be living in! It came from the leaflet Victorian Christmas Treasures V by Douglas Designs. A friend of mine gave me these leaflets last year as she was cleaning out her stash (and she knew I was looking for specific designs for these ornaments). I have to say....these leaflets came in very handy for this project! I've found a few that fit perfectly into what I'm hoping to accomplish! This is stitched on 32 count over two antique white lugana. It was pretty tight stitching...was tough on the old fingers and my hands are sore today because of it!!
I've started another one, this one is a teapot. It's found in the leaflet Victorian Treasures for all Seasons by Douglas Designs as well. I don't have a picture yet, but hopefully in a few days. These designs don't look big, but with all the backstitching and specialty thread (they use a lot of Kreinik...I wish the sparkle showed up better) which slows my stitching down considerably!! Anyway, fingers crossed I can finish these up this month!!
I'm watching the weather today, we are expecting snow during the evening commute. Sadly they aren't letting the guys out early today (even though they are letting them out at 1:00 in Washington) so I'll be praying them home! The drivers here do NOT know how to drive in snow. I know my husband learned to drive in the mountains in Northern NY so I know he knows how to but it's the other nuts on the roads who don't!!
Off to watch West Wing (yes I'm binging on Netflix) and get a few more stitches in. Happy Stitching everyone!
Yippee!! Dance by the light of the moon is fini!
I heard back from Kooler Designs and they needed a little more information so I'll be answering them and maybe I'll be able to get back working on Flowers and Lace!
For tonight I'll be back to Bride's Tree ornaments. I ran into a snag with the one I was working on so...I guess I'll start on a different one. It's not like I don't have a ton of things to choose from.
Happy Stitching everyone!
I got just a little bit of stitching done on Dance by the light of the moon before we headed out to see Ben and Heather's place they will be moving into soon. What a lovely place they've chosen to move to!! But before I get to that, I'll show you have far I've got on DBTLOTM...
Only a few more snowflakes, the lettering and the moon to go!! This has been a pretty quick stitch!
Ben and Heather have been searching places to move to, then Mike heard about a place from a coworker and they went to check it out. There was a move in special and after sleeping on the decision, they decided to sign up. After the background check, they are all set up...now to wait for their apartment to open up for them! Here are a few pictures we took today as we went for a little tour of the place. I'm ready to sign up to move in there myself!!
Here is the bedroom...
The closet....
The Bathroom...
The kitchen, from one angle...
And another angle...
The Living room...
The Community room...with an amazing fireplace that is see through to the outside...
The Billiards Room (they also have a poker table too!)
The Pool (closed for the season)
I don't have pictures of the exercise room or the theater, but they are pretty impressive too. The building is in a square with the parking garage in the middle. The parking garage has a door that opens and closes, so it's completely secure. It seems small with nothing in it, but hopefully will be cozy once they have it furnished.
Afterwards we went to see the movie Knives Out. We all had the same reaction to the first part of the movie, we struggled to stay awake, but that didn't last long. It was so full of twists and turns right up until the very end. I highly recommend this movie!! It's the second movie we've seen this week, and we loved the first one just as much....the Jumanji movie. Rarely to people clap at the end of movies anymore, but both these movies got the same reaction.
Off to rest up and get some more stitching done. Life seems to be on fast forward lately...I'm getting soooooo tired!! I think we might take a long weekend away at the beach soon. I need to recharge! Happy Stitching everyone!