I haven't had a chance to pick up a needle today, I've been sorting through my stash to see what I wanted to stitch in 2020. I think I've settled on starting Flowers and Lace by Kooler Designs tomorrow. I've had the pattern, the floss and the fabric sitting in my stash for a while now, so that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. I'll still keep working on the Bride's Tree ornaments but I always like to start something new and inspiring on New Year's Day. So...I'm off to get things picked up and sorted and ready to go tomorrow!
I did finish another ornament last night. This one is a Dove by Mill Hill, which represents The Holy Spirit. It symbolizes joy and happiness.
I really need to get my act together and fully finish things off!! Especially all those ornaments I stitched last year. I decided I'll do a few of the ornament challenges this year, but I'm not going to put the same pressure on myself that I did last year. Maybe I should put this as one of my goals, to finish off so many a month...there's an idea! Haha...I'm hoping to finish off another advent calendar for my future DIL, but again, no pressure. I'll work on it but if I don't finish, it's not big deal this year. There will be a lot to do once 2020 hits, wedding plans will be in full swing then! We did get together and address "Save the Date" notices that were sent out just the other day. So....here we go!!
I'm wishing all my stitchy friends a very Happy New Year, full of dreams fulfilled, stash enhancement, and lots of uninterrupted stitching time! Happy Stitching!
Once I got through Christmas and other gatherings I seem to be making up for lost time! I finished another THREE Mill Hill kits yesterday, and started another today. If only it were this easy to get them finished into ornaments!! Again I substituted fabric for the perforated paper. I hope to finish them into round ornaments, except for the church...I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to finish that one. Where there were little "extras" to stitch and attach later (the bird in the angel's hand and the apple next to the basket of fruit) I either stitched it where I thought it should go, or I stitched it alongside the original design. I thought the apple looked better sitting to the side anyway, it looks like the basket overflowed...perfect for symbolizing "plenty".
Here we have Christmas Angel, the Angel symbolizes faith and God.
And Sunday Night, the church symbolizes God's presence in their lives.
And Autumn Bounty, the basket of fruit symbolizes plenty to eat and also generosity.
I'm hoping to have at least one more finish before the New Year...I better get busy figuring out what I'm going to start on New Years Day! Have you decided what to start? Have you decided on your stitching goals? I'm still working on setting goals. I may have to put "getting organized" on my New Year's resolution list...haha I'll be back in a couple of days to let you know what I'm working on. Till then....Happy Stitching!
Just when I thought I was done for the year, I pulled another "rabbit" out of the hat! This is Pinecone ... a Mill Hill kit. Instead of stitching this on paper like the kit suggests, I stitched this on 28 ct. light khaki lugana over two. I like to stitch them on fabric because I can finish them a little more durably that way. I'm not fond of the perforated paper.

I've decided to choose a few different patterns that would fit the Bride's Tree ornaments that are a German tradition. I googled Bride's Tree ornaments and found a couple different lists. They offer an explanation of the symbolism of the different items they suggest. So far I've only stitched this Pinecone. It symbolizes an evergreen, which represents fertility, fruitfulness, eternity and motherhood. I hope to include a note with all the ornaments listed and what their symbols represent in a box and give it to my future DIL at her shower. I hope I can finish at least 12 to put in the box. I'm working on an angel next. This way they will have a few ornaments to start off their first year of married life! If only I didn't have all these other things I need to do, I'm anxious to get these done because I don't know when her shower will be and there are a lot of things coming up that will keep me busy! There are still three days left....do you think I can finish a couple more off? We will see!
Happy Stitching!
Whew....it's been a wild month, let me tell you! Thankfully I was able to fit in a few days here and there to work on some WIPs I have floating around. The biggest accomplishment this month was finishing Winter's Majesty. I also was able to finish up Quakers in Holland this month, a SAL I started earlier this year. I had others I signed up for but they have all fallen by the wayside. I'm hoping to get them up and running soon too. But here she is, in all her glory....my last finish for the year! This was stitched on 40 ct. light mocha over two and is about 9 x 9 finished size. I think I'll wait until I have all the Quakers finished before I decide how to fully finish them off. I still have England, France and Japan to work on!

I was spoiled for Christmas and my husband gifted me Birds and Blackwork flowers SAL by Lesley Teare that starts in January, and also Gloria SAL by Tempting Tangles that also starts in January. I'm searching through my stash looking for fabric, but he told me I can buy the fabric I want as part of his gift too! There is a sale on at my LNS that I might go and see what I can find tomorrow...we'll see. I also received a few By The Bay Needleart patterns for Christmas too! They are stitch an inch pieces so I think I'll stitch a few here and there this coming year as well!
I've been trying to decide what goals I want to set for myself next year, and while I'm still participating in the challenge at my local needlework store for a few more months, I'm hoping this will be the year I really concentrate and finish up some really old WIPs. I'm hoping in the next few days (but they are already being spoken for with wedding plans) I'll be able to search through my stash and search out things that have been set aside for too long. I also hope to make those Bride Tree ornaments in time to give them to Ms. H for her shower. Fingers crossed!!
If this happens to be my last post for 2019, I'm wishing you all the best in the coming New Year...with lots of fully finished projects and very Happy Stitching along the way!
Here it is, the last day, and Christmas Eve. It's kind of sad that this has come to an end, I really woke up excited to see what the new day would bring. It also kept me focused on the joy of Christmas, the excitement that comes from giving and receiving. Sometimes that gets lost in all the hustle and bustle. Today Georgena gave me some bell pull hardware. In my search for hardware for the Christmas bell pull I finished earlier, I know how hard it is to find these things, so I'm truly excited and impressed to receive them!! I have a few little ornaments I finished that could use this hardware and I'm excited to get them finished off. Watch this space!! I can't thank Georgena enough for all the lovely little gifts, so useful and fun! I hope Marcy enjoyed her exchange as much as I did preparing it for her!

Here is the gift I gave to Marcy, a little crocheted heart I made. I couldn't find any potpourri to put inside it, so I made a little pillow, sprinkled some scented powder inside with the stuffing, and made a little pincushion for it. I hope she likes it, it was my first attempt to make something like this.
It took a few days but I finally squeezed in some stitching!! Only two more pages to go before this beauty will be finished...I can't wait! This is Quakers in Holland by Tempting Tangles.
As I said before, it's Christmas Eve and we have plans to attend a party at our son's fiance's mother's house. LOL That was a tongue twister, eh? So I'm off to have my hair done, make some meatballs with red sauce for the party, and get my party duds on. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and I'll be back when I have something new to report.
Oh...it's day 11...Christmas is almost here! Are you ready? This little gift from Georgena is going to come in so handy considering the stitching plans I have for next year! I have a TON of Mill Hill beaded kits I'm planning on stitching and this is going to help sooooo much! I can't thank you enough, Georgena!!
And here is what I sent Marcy. I hope she enjoys the gifts I've been sending as much as I've enjoyed mine! I made this little guy out of a battery operated tea light...I hope it lights up her life! haha
So yesterday I didn't get any stitching done either. DH always has so many plans and none of them include me stitching...haha. I have to say, he makes life interesting though! We saw the new Star Wars movie yesterday. How sad to see the trilogy of trilogies end. I've been watching them since my high school days...42 years ago! I had so many plans...and a full day planned for tomorrow and Wednesday...but I think I might be coming down with something. UGH!! I'll live but there will be no joy in Whoville if I miss all the fun I had planned. *Sigh* But on a high note, that means I can rest and stitch....there's always a silver lining!
Off I go...to sip come Coke a cola and hope my tummy cooperates! Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'll see you in tomorrow's post! Happy Stitching!
It's hard to believe Christmas is only a few days away now! It's already day 10 of the 12 Days of Christmas and I still have so many things I want to get done before Christmas day!! Oh well, if they don't get done, it's no big deal...my family will understand. I hope...LOL
Today I received this cute kit from Georgena. Isn't this the cutest thing? I keep snowmen out for a few months after Christmas, after all they are kind of a winter decoration, right? I can't wait to get this stitched up, it's just too cute!
And this is what I gave Marcy. Everyone can use a little note paper right? I thought the butterflies were pretty! I especially liked the little box (there I go again, being a boxaholic!) I hope she enjoys her gift.
I didn't have a chance to stitch yesterday. When DH is home I never get anything done that I want to. We wrapped gifts, then went out for a last minute gift we forgot to get....and because the traffic was so bad in the shopping center we were in, we decided to get soup and salads at a restaurant in the same shopping center. I'm glad we did...the food was amazing AND... I discovered they made a beer just for me...
I promise I didn't drink any...I was driving!! (Plus I really don't drink much, if ever). Besides it interferes with my stitching abilities...and is like a magnet for the frog...who needs him? LOL!!! . I hope you have a wonderful day...and Happy Stitching!
This has been a fun exchange for me. I love giving gifts...and it's fun to open them too...then have the whole day to enjoy the gift you've been given. Today I received two gifts that are very timely. Needles, and even in the size I need!! I also received little floss rings, which I'm excited to try. I use floss tags to keep my floss in order, now I can clip the ones for different projects together so everything stays organized. Perfect! I also received these hemp cords. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these, but I'll put my thinking cap on and come up with something. They would be really neat couched on something, or used for finishing...great gifts, Georgena! Thank you!
And here is what I sent Marcy... a knife used in crafting. I use mine all the time, I hope she likes it!
I had an "off" day yesterday and though I've been looking ALL OVER for a magazine I bought and can't find...and spent time organizing what I hope to stitch next year...I still spent some time stitching on the SAL Quakers of Holland by Tempting Tangles. I had a page finish! Yippee! That leaves three more pages and I'll be done. I think I'll have another finish for this year (now that I've said that I'll probably jinx myself...haha.) Here is where I am now!
Only 4 more days until Christmas! Are you excited? I'll be wrapping things today...what are you up to? I hope you'll find time for stitching...
On this, the 8th day of Christmas, I opened a package with a beautifully made pot holder. I love everything about it, the colors and the design. I also found two hand made (quilted?) ornaments. They look like quilt block material...so cute and they will look awesome hanging on my tree! Thank you so much Georgena!
And here is what I sent Marcy. A little kit to help keep her tools in order. There is a pincushion, a needle threader, and a tiny pair of scissors and they all fit in a little zipper bag. I was tempted to keep it myself...haha
I've been asked what I will be stitching next. I have to many old WIPs hanging around it's hard to decide which one should get my attention. But....I have always loved this SAL by Tempting Tangles, Quakers of Holland. I'm excited to be nearing the end...even though I'm late stitching it. So here is where I left it last night...it is a little lighter than this, the light was terrible for the picture....
And that is all there is to tell today! I hope you are enjoying your day (only 5 more days until Christmas!!!) I'm off to rest a bit, I had a rough night for some reason so I'll be taking it easy today. Happy Stitching everyone!
Can you believe it? Winter's Majesty is finally finished! I received this Maia kit on my birthday in 2012 and started it on New Year's Day in 2013. I worked on her here and there but she is pretty overwhelming. I don't know if you can see in the picture but she has metallic thread outlining all the flowers and the snowflakes...and is a PAIN to use!! Someone suggested thread heaven half way through, but by that time you can't really start as it does change the appearance of the thread a wee bit and would have been noticeable. She is almost completely covered too, and is about 13" x 13" finished size. I could stare at her for hours...well in reality I guess I have...haha She was also this months challenge piece from The Stitching Post challenge. Another challenge completed! Anyway, there is Happy Dancing going on all over the place here today!
Then on the 7th day of the 12 Days of Christmas I received these golden needles and this adorable pair of scissors with the most darling scissor fob! There are flowers and a bird on the other side. The scissors work like a dream too, I can't wait to test them out on my next project! Thank you so much Georgena! I'm truly spoiled!
And this is what I sent Marcy. A little armchair needle minder. I hope she likes this little guy that I made.
I'm happy dancing all the way to my stitching spot...what are you doing today? I hope you have a wonderful stitchy day! Happy Stitching!
Day 6 is dawning and promising to be a beautiful warm sunny day! What a change over the past few rainy, foggy mornings! I'm looking forward to heading out to Bible study and spending time with some lovely ladies I have recently been getting to know. But first I had to open my gift for today! Georgena has been spoiling me with such fun things to stitch. Today she gave me pre-finished hot mitts and a pretty brown color. They will look wonderful in my kitchen! Now to find something appropriate to stitch on them...decision, decisions!
Here is what I gave to Marcy. It's been a challenge keeping the price to $2.00 a gift...but we can all use a writing pen sometimes, can't we? I thought this was pretty with the flowers on it! I hope she likes it!
I got news last night that Ms. Mouse received her package! I can now show you the little package I put together for her. Enjoy, Ms. Mouse!
And here is what she sent me! I actually received two packages from her, the second included the project bag and the ort bag...and just because she showed me a picture and I said I liked it...yes, I'm truly spoiled!!
I'm happy to report that only the outlining is left on Winter's Majesty!! I would love to sit home and finish up the stitching on this piece, but friends are calling so I must go.
Maybe tomorrow I'll have good news! Only 6 more days until Christmas!! Are you ready? See you tomorrow, until then...Happy Stitching!
It's day 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas! Today I received fabric for a bread cover, and an eye glass case to cross stitch. Just in time, I would say, as I was fitted for new needlework glasses just last week. I only need to go get them made, but I have time to stitch this first! Isn't that providential? I'm really being spoiled by my partner Georgena!
Here is what I gave my partner, Marcy...a little scissor fob I made myself!
Slowly but surely I'm getting the decorations out. With moving my mother's things in, and rearranging the storage, it was a challenge finding all of the Christmas tree to assemble...hahaha But we managed! I'm still missing some ornaments but for now it's enough to have some decorations out and make it look more Christmas like in here. I have a small tree with only ornaments that were handmade on it...
I even have a portion with just ornaments that Mouse has made for me...I love them all!
And here is our big tree....we were trying to figure out when we bought this tree. I think Ben was three, so it makes it over 20 years old. It's probably time to replace it, but we haven't found one we like as much...they make all their trees so skinny these days!
And now I'm off to stitch on Winter's Majesty...she's coming along! Here's hoping I can finish her before the end of the year! Happy Stitching!!
What fun!! Today Georgena sent me a kit to stitch and make Gift tags! Just in time too...I can probably knock one or two of these out for a present or two this year! Thank you so much Georgena!
I sent Marcy this stamp, as she likes to make cards and other things. I hope she likes it...it has different sayings on it so you can use it for different things! I do try to find gifts that include all their hobbies!
I hope all of you are enjoying the season. I saw a wonderful post on Facebook this morning about remembering the true reason for the season. It's meant to be a time of remembrance of the gift of salvation, a time of peace and reflection. I do get caught up in the hustle and bustle so this was a timely reminder. I did have a busy weekend putting up our tree, and decorating a bit (I'll try to post pictures of our tree soon!). But now that that is over (and I have most of my gifts bought) I can finally unwind and start to reflect. I do love this time of year...AND we even got a wee bit of snow overnight. So...try to slow down and enjoy your family. And...find time for stitching!! Happy Stitching everyone!
Well, another year of Gifted Gorgeousness comes to a close. It's been a year of ups and downs but as I look back at all the things I was able to finish considering what all transpired this year, I have to give myself a pat on the back! While I didn't meet all the goals I had set for myself, I did get a lot more done than I thought I would after my Mom passed in February! Let's hope next year will be better and brighter for all of us!!
If you've been following me at all you'll know that this challenge is being offered by Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching. You can find the rules for the challenge here. But if you want to peek and see what everyone has been stitching, you can find them here. Thank you, Jo, for another great year of challenges! I love this challenge as it's a good way to get those items we've been given out of the closet and showcase them....but also to showcase the things we have given to others.
First off....I have another finish! This was a free chart given on the Charting Creations Facebook page. I started this as a challenge last summer and though I didn't finish it while the challenge stitch a long was going on, I did finally finish it, just in time for Christmas! This was stitched on 32 count linen (sand color) over one using DMC 814 floss. There sure are a LOT of stitches in that little piece!! haha The finished size was about 14 x 6. Now to decide how to finish it off.....but what is so exciting is that they asked if they could include this picture in their newsletter. I'm so honored, and you can find the newsletter here.
I'm still diligently working on Marie Antionette's Caleidoscope. This one has been such a challenge! I think I'm finally getting the hang of those Jessica Stitches....if they aren't perfect, I'll take what I can get. I tried to follow the diagram that came with the pattern. Hopefully it looks ok...
The challenge for this piece ended in November, so this is where I left off stitching on the Chatelaine.
I'm back to working on Winter's Majesty. This was a Christmas gift from my DH one year (many years ago) and because of its size (and difficulty) I put it aside now and then to give myself time to get excited about it again. There is still quite a bit to finish, but I'm going to give it the old college try!! Here is where I picked it up this month...
And here is where I am now...
I participated in a few exchanges this month as well. Here is the package I sent to Ms. S in Washington state...
And here is the package she sent me! I adore everything she sent!! What a fun exchange!
Here is the package I sent Ms. D in Connecticut....
And here is what she sent me.
I've been trying to finish up some of the many ornaments I stitched this year. Some are for gifts but they should be in the mail by the time this post is published...so here are some of the other ornaments I have finished...
All of these ornaments were stitched from gifted charts. I wonder if I will ever get them all finished? These will probably end up on my son's tree, as they don't have many ornaments for it yet.
I went to a Christmas party last Friday, and was the lucky recipient of this lovely stitched stocking! It's full of candy, Godiva chocolate and Andes chocolate. Yummmy!!
And now on to Day 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas!
I've been participating in a gift exchange through a group I belong to, and we are sharing the 12 Days of Christmas. Each day we open a gift in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. Today we are on day 3. Here is the gift Georgena has sent me for the third day. Underneath hers you will find the gift I sent her.
These are counting pins that I made for her. If you would like to see the other gifts we've been exchanging you can look back in the last two posts.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you are enjoying the holiday season spending time with friends and family. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the coming New Year!