I made a decision last year that I would start framing some of my favorite pieces so I could look at them rather than leave them rolled up in a box in my closet. I couldn't wait to frame my little caroler Chanson de Noel by Ekaterina Chaykovskaya once I had her finished. Didn't she turn out lovely? I have her hanging in my dining room where we eat all our meals, so I see her at least three times a day! I bought a companion piece when I bought her so I'll have to dig around and see if I can find that one and stitch her too.
This next piece is Victorine Marker 1897, a SAL I found here. It was unfinished for a long time because I was interrupted while stitching it, and didn't get the last few pages. If you visit the link above you'll see the last few pages are still missing. Luckily for me most that was left was border and I was able to do the mirror image from the side that I did have the pieces for. I also searched around until I found the exact alphabet and was able to fill in the last few letters. Where there's a will, there's a way so they say! I guess I can't understand why some designers don't allow you to finish something you've put so much time, effort, and materials in just because life gets in the way. It's free to begin with...I just don't get it. Anyway, here it is framed and I love it.
And now, if you don't like reading about "real life" you can stop reading here. I had a very rough weekend. A friend of mine took her husband to the emergency room Friday for what she thought was something that needed treatment but didn't think it would require admittance. Turns out it was cancer, and he lost his life yesterday. My mind is reeling over this horrific turn of events. Also over the weekend, Ben's girlfriend's step dad was admitted to the hospital and they are recommending Hospice care for him. Another friend's daughter -in-law lost a baby she was carrying for the past 6 months over the weekend. I have to say, it's almost like PTSD with all that Katie went through during the last few months of her life and losing my Mom so suddenly earlier this year. It seems lately that you can never be too comfortable with your life when it seems to be going well, because things could change in the blink of an eye. It would be so easy to sit here and yell at God and blame Him for all the heartache and evil in the world...or wonder why He hasn't heard my prayers and saved the life of such a godly man and healed relationships in a family torn apart by tragedy. I guess this is where faith comes in, and honestly I've seen Him perform great miracles, but I'm angry He didn't perform them here and now. I guess I'll understand one day, but today is not that day. Lord, help me in my unbelief. If you can, would you help me pray for those involved in all these situations, and pray I have the right words and actions to help those who are hurting today? Thank you from the bottom of a weary prayer warrior's heart.
13 years ago
Beautiful framed pieces. Framing can be expensive but it's so worth it for some pieces. I bet you will cherish this for a long long time.
I'm so so sorry to hear about all the bad news. It sure seems to hit in waves. Life is so short. That's why we try so hard to enjoy every day. My life has been hectic and stressful being a caretaker for not one but two people. I'm finding myself rushing my life to get to the weekends. I told myself I have to stop doing that. Life already goes by too quickly. I will keep you in my thoughts. I know answers are hard to come by. Sometimes and more often than not it seems the world can sure be cruel. Virtual hugs coming with this message.
DJ, your framed pieces are gorgeous. I love how you had both of them framed. I will add you and those around you to my thoughts and prayers. You can be angry because I know the Lord expects that as a reaction from us. We truly don't know his plan, but your faith will continue to guide you. Sending you gentle hugs.
I feel for your pain and the pain of your friends. Life is truly a mystery and only God has the map. Keep on plugging on. As an aside I love the little caroler cross stitch Robyn Sydney
I just said a quick prayer for you and those affected by these events. I love the little girl finish -- she is soooo cute!
Both of your framed pieces are just lovely. DJ, Robin could not have said it any better. I agree with her completely. God bless you my friend.
That is the perfect frame for your little Winter girl.
I am so sorry for all the recent losses in your circle of friends. Sometimes all the bad things come at once. Like Katie says, we have to appreciate what we have, while we have it.
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