Saturday I woke up later than I wanted to...I had to run to the store to frame something so I could give it to them today. I ran back home and met up with a former coworker and we dashed off to pick up supplies for a wedding sampler that she wants to make for her brother. You know the ultimate compliment is when someone wants to imitate something you've done.
You may remember that I was a bride's maid in a wedding a few years back for a coworker, and I stitched her a wedding sampler. Now this lady's brother is getting married, and though she doesn't want to stitch something as elaborate as I stitched for her, as she is a novice, she has decided to stitch something a bit simpler, yet very elegant and much to the Bride and Groom's taste. We had fun looking at fabric, floss and getting the supplies she would need to start stitching...then we drove back to my house and I helped her learn the basics. Hopefully she's well on her way to creating something special in honor of their wedding. I had such fun and who knows? Perhaps she'll get the stitching bug as bad as I have it!!
While I was teaching Ms. C, I started my crazy for the 28th. Here is Too Pretty from Aury TM, part of the Snow Row series. I just love this one, it's just too cute!! It's stitched on 32 ct Sea Spray over two using the recommended specialty fibers.
Today, Astrid drove over to pick me up and we raced to Ms. D's house for a stitch day. In our excitement we surprised Ms. D by arriving an hour early. I'm so sorry Ms D!! We were just so anxious to meet up with all of you and spend the day stitching, and laughing, and eating and just enjoying the company of some pretty special ladies. I know one of them mentioned this, and I'm sure the rest of us agreed, it is such a pleasure to spend time with other women who share the same passion. I love my guys, but I must say, it's a joy to socialize with other women. Honestly, don't you agree that men think differently than we do, and after spending lots of time with my guys, I find myself thinking I'm daft for looking at things from a different angle. It sure is nice to have my feminine thoughts validated! LOL I had such a blast with you guys and I sincerely hope we can do this again soon!
I stitched on The Great Escape, a pattern available from the Stitch Specialists yahoo group and designed by Abi. I was a few parts behind but managed to catch up today. The owl is finally finished (I must say, the wheat stitch nearly drove me insane before I finished and there was quite a bit of that one to do, and the next two stitches went pretty quickly after that). So I've learned three new stitches, the wheat stitch, the button hole stitch and the queen stitch. Whew!!
When I got home, I searched around for another project to start. I have had my eye on this pattern for YEARS!! It reminds me of a certain someone, and as I was leafing through some patterns I had found for free floating in the ether on the internet, this one caught my eye. I decided to stitch Luten de Noel on 32 ct antique white over one using DMC 815. Les tites croiz de Ludiveneuh is the designer of this pattern and her freebies can be found on this blog. Just click on grilles gratuites on the left and scroll through her designs. She has quite a few lovely patterns!
And now I'm headed to bed. I scheduled a day off for myself, I must admit the weekend wore me out!! I must be turning into a wimp...LOL This week promises to be full of appointments so hopefully I can squeeze a couple of work days in there. Take care and hopefully tomorrow I'll have another crazy to show you! Goodnight!
I love your Great Escape. The colors you've picked and the specialty stitches really made this design pop! The Snow Row series is gonna be so cute when you finish them.
I love the wedding sampler, it looks fantastic! With you teaching her, I'm sure she'll do fine making her own.
Too Pretty is very unique, I like it! You're owl turned out just great, even with it giving you a hard time on Sunday. I know exactly what you mean about too much guy time, I love having a girls get together - especially a stitchy one! We have to plan our next one...
ooo for some reason this post didn't turn up in my reader but hey ho am here .... glad you had a fab time and love the snow pretty it is really cute and awwwww to the freebie ... off to go and looksie *sigh more enabling
love mouse xxxxxx
I am happy for the woman who will get a sister - in - law, once her brother has said "I do!". I am happy you could teach her how to stitch. I am glad you learned new stitches yourself.
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