I was lying in bed tonight thinking (dangerous I know! LOL) and I had a thought. I know others have been through chemo before, and maybe if I ask nicely, someone might have a suggestion. Let me first say, though, I'm not looking for sympathy, I really don't feel sorry for myself, I just want to be prepared for the next round. I'm thinking that I'll never know some things unless I ask. And most of you have been so very kind to pray for me, think of me, send healing thoughts my way, that maybe you can send some practical help my way as well.
My first round of chemo wasn't fun. My primary problem was that I was supposed to stay hydrated and NOTHING tasted good to drink. Plain water was probably best, but has always made me feel yucky. There are flavored waters, and I did try some, but they either had an artificial sweetener which gives me migraines (and believe me I had a few after the first round) or they tasted yucky and left me nauseous. Anything with a lot of carbonation or high in sodium left all my tissues swollen making my body ache and the lymph edema flair up. Anything dairy left me with acid reflux. Anything with caffeine is on the no-no list as it can have a dehydrating effect, though coke and iced coffee tasted sooooooo good and soothed my stomach (in frustration I finally drank some though they told me if I did I was supposed to drink the same amount of something else to compensate). Ginger ale was recommended, but was too sweet...another nauseating effect. Anything citrus (orange juice, pineapple juice, grapefruit juice and lemonade) gave me mouth sores. Mouse mentioned peppermint tea (thank you Mouse!!!) and I'm going to get some before the next chemo session and try it! Maybe others of you know of something I could try. I could feel my body dehydrating and it left me so frustrated as it's something that should be easily controlled, but nothing seemed to work.
I know that some of you aren't able to leave a comment here, so if you could e-mail me with your suggestions at tickledpinkone@gmail.com I would really appreciate it!! And just so you know, I belong to a breast cancer support group and I know there are other ladies who attend who haven't started chemo yet that I'm going to share this information with. So you won't be helping just me...I've been doing my best to share successful helpful ideas with others, because I honestly believe that sometimes the Lord allows things like this for a variety of reasons...to either strengthen us for another task that lies ahead, or to offer help to someone else. We're all on this journey together, and any help we give or get along the way is not coincidence!! I'm still thanking God and praising Him for cancer!
I got to attend church last night for the first time in a long time (our church has started having Saturday night services). I've been either recovering from surgery or chemo and haven't been able to attend. Because my white blood cell count will be lowered due to the chemo I'm afraid to be around large groups of people, especially church going huggers and kissers. I love God's people!! I just don't love the germs....I feel a little like Howie Mandel LOL. Having a smaller Saturday night service offered at just this time doesn't seem coincidental to me! Amazing how God provides, isn't it? Anyway, it was good to thank the people who have been praying for me and to show them that God has been listening and answering. The message was on God's Grace, and learning to relax in His Grace. Something I needed to hear! Thanks Pastor Kevin!
Last, but not least, I'm going to ask for prayer for the kids in our church. My son and a bus load of other teens and chaperons are leaving this evening for Florida for a week long youth conference. My son has been so good to me since I've been diagnosed. I am going to miss his sense of humor and his sweet spirit so much. Will you pray for their safety with me? He's been my companion through so much of this journey, I think I'll miss him in ways this year that I've never known before. Thanks for listening and thanks for your help! You guys are great!
(Just a small edit here...)
I've been e-mailing my buddy "Needlworker" (another yahoo groupie) about a proposed "gown" I'm tempted to make and bring to appointments. She and I have been tossing around ideas and she has me rolling on the floor!! What do you think? Should I really make this gown and would I have the intestinal fortitude to actually wear it to an appointment? Anyone have any suggestions? I'd love to hear them as well. And if I do make a gown, I'll be sure to post pictures. Let's see what we can come up with! LOL I told one of my doctors that I had my eye on a pink wig and his reaction was to turn 15 shades of red and shuffle through some papers he had in his lap. He had trouble looking me in the eyes after that. I think he's been searching for the correctly shaped screwdriver to use to tighten my loose screws! I tell you, I'm making a name for myself, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing? LOL
13 years ago
Have you tried Twist water? it's an all natural blend of water with a twist of juice. I enjoy the pomegranate blueberry or the strawberry. I hate drinking plain water so this makes drinking my required amount of water a lot easier. Also, if you like tea, have you tried the Sweet Leaf tea? They are located at www.sweetleaftea.com and have a list of the beverages. The green tea has the least amount of caffeine and the lemonade has none. Hope this helps.
I wish I could help, DJ, but you've listed so many of the things that I would suggest. My dh keeps a bottle of water beside him all the time and takes tiny sips often. The sickest people we see at cancer center every week are those who become dehydrated, so please, tiny sips of something! I love how God worked out the Saturday night church...of course His doing.
I second the suggestion about tea -- iced and decaffeinated with maybe some mint leaves. I drink iced tea (we just put teabags in water in a glass jar in the refridgerator -- no need to make it hot just to make it cold -- let it steep for a day or so.) Also, since it is cold to begin with, you don't dilute it with ice cubes.
As far as the gown...GO FOR IT! I think it will really make you and everyone around you smile.
Good thoughts coming for your son's youth-group.
(((((((((((((((dj)))))))))))))) -- Edy
I am sad you had to go through an earthquake too. In the middle of all this! But one day at a time. I wish you strength for what the future has in store for you.
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