And sleep....
And sleep!!
The picture above reminds me of the scene in ET where ET is hiding in the closet amongst all the stuffed animals...can you see him amongst the pile of junk in DS's room? He'd be mortified if he knew this picture of his room was online *snicker* Maybe it will be incentive for him to CLEAN HIS ROOM!!! LOL
Thomas will find the most interesting places to lay his silly head, but he tends to like this one box in particular. It's the strangest thing how one moment he'll be laying this way...
And the next...
This way!
Sometimes it's hard to tell where his nose begins and his tail ends LOL
*Shaking head* He's a male, what more can I say? They can sleep in the most unusual positions and fall asleep at the drop of a hat. *sigh* I'm quite jealous actually! LOL
I have a picture somewhere of my cat Punkin sleeping in the crockpot. LOL It is too funny.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Such memories both of the feline sleeping arrangements AND messy rooms! I only miss our cat, lol!
Crazy cat! :D They are so funny creatures.
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