My Mother always had a saying, and today I learned it was from her Mother... "So goes Monday, So goes the week". Well if my life is anything noteworthy, it is a testament to that statement!! Last Monday was THE PITS!! And the rest of the week went downhill from there. I won't bore you with any details, lets just say, it's in the past now, and nearly forgotten. Because THIS Monday, was GREAT!!
I got the phone call I've been waiting to hear! The pathology report was back late on Friday so decided to wait until today to call. I'm glad they did, because it was NEGATIVE for cancer cells! I've never been so thrilled to hear something so negative in my whole life! I've been doing the happy dance ever since!
I also decided to show you a few finishes I've had since I got home from the hospital the first time. I have started AND finished each of these since my first hospital stay...
This is from Little House Needleworks, the first in a series of Christmas Ornaments, and is called Fa La La. Stitched on 30 ct. cappuccino over two. It's bigger than I expected and have been thinking I may stitch it over one to see what it looks like before I go any further.
This is a Button and Beads kit that I found. While working I saw someone bring in Peace On Earth, button and bead kit. I went looking for it and didn't find it, but found this one instead. One day I'll have to share pictures of my Nativity collection, but I thought this one would fit in nicely, so here is Silent Night, Holy Night finished.
Last is a Mill Hills Kit I just finished called Coin Purse. I started it yesterday and finished it today! I put sticky felt behind it and fastened a magnet to it so it is ready to hang as soon as it dries!
I've been working on Rose Quaker too, and here's a picture of my progress...
I had a wonderful surprise a few weeks ago when flowers began growing in the front yard that I thought had died over the winter. DH finally went out to take a picture of these lovelies that are blooming in the front yard. We purchased them through a fund raiser the school was having, and didn't really expect much from them as they arrived in pretty poor shape. What a surprise to see them blossoming now, a promise that good things come from seemingly bad.
I received something a few weeks ago I should have shared before now. This has a lot of meaning in it. I've said before that when I stitch something for someone, I think of them while stitching, I take my time thinking of what I will stitch, then pray for them while stitching it. A lot of my heart and soul go into the pieces I stitch for someone. Well, this particular item was made for me by a friend of mine. It's called a prayer shawl. She crocheted it for me and prayed for me while doing so. I've covered myself many times with it, and maybe it's my imagination, or maybe it's the prayers that went into it while being made, but it has warmed me from the inside out. Thank you from the bottom of my heard, Debbie. I will continue to use it, I love it very much!! It's soft as velvet and such a beautiful color!
I had a wonderful surprise in the mail today. My stitching pal from across the big pond sent me a lovely humbug. She shared in her letter that she filled it with orts. When life begins to unravel, I can find strings in here to tie things together and carry on! What a wonderful thought, and I'll think about that every time I look at it, Mouse!! Her stitching is flawless, and I love the colors she used! It's hanging in my "dining room" so I'll see it often and it's where I sometimes sit to stitch. I adore it Mouse! Thank you!!
That's all I have to share today. I hope you are all having a wonderful Monday and that the rest of your week goes as well as today! Thanks for reading!
Hi DJ,that is the best news I've heard in a long time I'm so happy for and hugs....xoxoxoxo
I'm so glad for you, DJ - great news!
I love the news! the finishes! the flowers! the gift from abroad! and the prayer shawl from a friend.
I've always felt that way about Mondays, but didn't know there was a saying...might have to stitch that and hang it above my computer :) Thanks for sharing,
Fantastic negative news!! That prayer shawl with before, after, and during prayers can't help but give you comfort and peace! Lovely finishes and beautiful stitching, too!! Hugs to you.
Fantastic news! And beautiful stitching too!
Keep all good thoughts.
Such fantastic news - I'm so glad! Your stitching is wonderful and I love the prayer shawl and the gift!
I wish you a life full of Mondays like this :)Such great news, I'm dancing with you!
The flower is awesome!
I am happy about the news too. But you still have a long way ahead. I wish you the strength to bear what the future has in store for you.
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