I'm thankful for this morning off! I worked another 10 hour day Monday and I didn't realize it when the schedule was written, that it would be a holiday and I would be there totally alone all day! As always happens, my lunch was interrupted with a 2 1/2 hour "rush" of folks. I never left the design table except to move artwork to the back room and make room for more! I was afraid I would be sitting there staring at walls all day but I was pleasantly surprised. I have to say though, that I'm bushed today!
Between yesterday (Sunday) and today I was able to finish the rest of the little squares in the ASAW SAL. I still have the center square to finish (so I guess you CAN "encourage" me a little, Gillie) as I haven't quite decided what to do with the middle yet. While I'm thinking about it I'll probably move on to something else for just a little bit. Stay tuned though, I know through Gillie's "encouragement" that I'll be back at it to finish it very soon! So here are pictures of the fairy ring, the squirrel, the reindeer, the Christmas tree, the partridge and the whole thing.
I have a co-worker who I rarely see, she comes in at night to work on the books. I showed her the finished Camelot Sampler because it's at work right now waiting for framing and she told me that she has a HUGE stash of cross stitch supplies that she probably will never use and asked me if I would like it. LOL WOULD I LIKE IT? IS SHE CRAZY? So I made her this offer, if there is a pattern that she would like to have made for her, I would gladly make any of her choice in return for whatever she wishes to gift to me. I have no idea what I'm in for here, but I thought it was a fair exchange. What do you guys think? I hope I don't have to eat my words! LOL
Ok, I have to go in to work this afternoon. *Sigh* I don't get a day off until Thursday, that will make 7 days in a row. And I thought the boss was going to cut back my hours!?!?!?! I'll have to have a little discussion with him I think...LOL
Off to the daily grind. Hope all is well in your little corner of the world! *Hugs*
Oh wow! This is so stunning. I really want to go home right this minute and start working on more than the borders :)
Congrats on lovely stitching!
So beautiful. I love that rabbit.
Have a blessed day.
Gorgeous DJ - love the little Christmas tree with the star and the moon.
Your ASAW SAL looks great. I didn't realize that it was continueing on. i am a member on Friendly stitchers but don't get a chance to post often. All of your squares are lovely.
Your ASAW looks wonderful, have you decided which you want to do in the centre panel yet? Mine is now hanging proudly in the lounge, couldn't wait until I'd decorated in the end!
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