So, where shall I start? First, let me show you my accomplishments...
I finished the Camelot Sampler. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief *sigh* Now all I have to do is get it framed! Here are pictures of the finished product, a close up of the corner where you can see the specialty stitches and beading, and a close up of the center "sword block" with the beading done too. I'm sure you're as sick of hearing about this as I am stitching it! So, this is my final word on the subject! LOL
Today is UFO stitching day at Friendly Stitchers Yahoo group. I've been given a reprieve from the "wet noodle" that is brandished if we don't stitch on UFOs on Thursdays until I finished the Camelot Sampler. I decided since I finished it earlier today that I would pick up on the ASAW SAL. I only have 6 more blocks to finish along with the center block, so that is my next project to finish. Gillie said she would be "encouraging" me to finish it next, so to save her fingers and voice from commenting, I'm going to work extra hard on that. Here's a picture of what I accomplished on that today.
Are you sick of snow pictures? Sorry, I have a few more to show you! LOL I got out of the house today and took a little walk around the neighborhood. The sky was so beautiful today, such a pretty shade of blue, that I couldn't resist showing you. Here are a few snowbanks, and cars buried. Even street signs are hard to see, and if you look closely, you'll see the top of a stop sign. It truly is unbelievable the amount of snow we have.
I wonder how long these cars will stay buried? It may be next spring before we see these out and about on the streets. This little blue sports car probably wouldn't do too well on the streets anyway, as the ruts in the roads are so deep, it would probably take out the undercarriage after the first hit! LOL You'll have to look close to see the car in the second picture...can you see it? It's like that "Where's Waldo" game LOL
DH listened to his ipod today while shoveling. To keep warm, guess what kind of music he was listening to?!?!?!?!?! Hawaiian! LOL Having lived in Hawaii for 4 years right after we were married, it brought back warm memories and it planted a smile on his face. This little "stash" he had in the snowbank was his snack stash. Nothing like ice cold water on a frigid day to warm the cockles of your heart! LOL I would refresh his stash as the day went along so he wouldn't track snow into the house every 5 minutes!! Hey, shoveling is HARD WORK!! LOL
The wind was pretty brisk today and the blue skies in the pictures don't really show how COLD it really was! But I guess that Hawaiian music warmed his soul, because he was out there most of the day.
We shoveled our neighbor out again today, then invited her and her two girls out for dinner. She's from Texas and was a little afraid to drive in the nasty roads out of our subdivision. She hasn't left her house in over a week, so I'm sure she needed a break. I think she appreciated the short trip to a nearby Italian restaurant and we had a nice evening out.
I have a confession to make...LOL Today was a scheduled day off for me. I know the person who was supposed to work was probably not going to make it in, but I decided I WASN'T going to call in and ask if they needed me. I know I'm awful, but I just didn't want to go in to work. No one is scheduled for tomorrow...but I'll probably call in and ask if they want someone. Part of me doesn't want to as I want to watch the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics and I won't get home from work until after they are over if I do go in. Decisions decisions...whatever shall I do? There's an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other...LOL Maybe I'll flip a coin. LOL
Looks like the weekend is going to be clear of snow. *Whew* I must say, I'm tired of the stuff. But Monday is another story. I see more stitching in my future...I'll keep you posted! *Hugs*
Well done on the finish DJ.....looks fabulous.
Wow well done on finishing Camelot sampler looks fantastic :), your asaw is coming along nicely too you'll have that finished too soon xx
Your pieces look great!!
Well done, love, it looks beyooootiful! Glad you are picking up the ASAWsal. Do NOT go to work, lol!
thanks for sharing the pictures DJ. The ASAW is going to be beautiful.
Great photos of the snow but like you I'm fed up of it now! Your ASAW is looking great, won't be long before its done. Camelot...what can I say but FANTASTIC XX
Wow! Camelot is breath taking. Your ASAW is beautiful as well. I'm just glad that we haven't had that much snow this year.
Camelot sampler is GORGEOUS! and the ASAW looks great. WE got snow too today in the deep south. Not nearly as much as ya'll have had but it was a treat for us. We shut the whole city down and hibernate for about 12 hrs and then it's gone! :-)
That ASAW of yours is awesome!
I am sad your DH had to work in such a way to get the snow away.
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