Well, here it is December...Whew what a wild ride the past 6 weeks have been!! I don't have much to show you, and I fell off my scheduled stitching band wagon...but oh well, as my Mom always said, "That's the way the mop flops"!
I THINK this is the last month for the Gifted Gorgeousness SAL I was participating in. I have REALLY enjoyed this SAL. Not only because I got to search and stitch a lot of patterns I was gifted with, but because it also made me think more about gifting others with my stitching. Even if Jo doesn't do this again next year, I just might continue on my own. I like the idea of searching patterns and making something for other people. Just so you know, here are the rules...
And here is where folks are posting what they've been stitching for this SAL...
So...Where do I begin? Let's see, I made another square for Mouse's Birthday quilt. She asked me to stitch a purple butterfly, in honor of her Dad. So...I took part of a larger pattern, changed the color of one of the butterflies and stitched this...here it is before...
BUT...it just didn't look quite right SO...I Fretted, Fudged, and Finaggled until I added a little bit to make it fit into a square a little bit better... and from her reaction, I think I got it just about right! It will be in the mail to you soon, Mouse!!
In case you didn't know, I have been helping my Mom out at her house in NY...nearly 500 miles from my home. She had surgery on her leg and needed quite a bit of care. I'm very fortunate I had the time to spend with her, and that my husband is so understanding and supportive of me and my Mom. She is doing much better, and though she still can't drive, she is able to take care of her daily needs so I felt comfortable coming home. Over the course of 6 weeks, I drove to NY twice (2,000 miles), and to Burlington, Vermont 4 times from her home in NY (another 2,000 miles). Yes, I've spent a lot of time in my van...so not much time for stitching, and not much room to take large projects...so all I was able to accomplish were two ornaments, so here they are...
This one is a Shepherd's Bush from a Christmas issue of JCS a few years ago...don't let the frame fool you, it was one I had hanging around from a sale I stumbled across.
This one is a Brittercup design from a JCS Christmas issue a few years ago as well.
I also worked a wee bit on the hummingbird pattern I was making for my Mom. NO it's not upside down, anyone that knows me, knows I always work from the bottom up...so this is the bottom and the objects just appear to be flying upside down...LOL!!
One last little thing, I have stitched this Santa a couple of times, and always placed him in this little frame. I gave two away already, but love how it looks so much, I made this for me and I'm hanging it on my tree this year!
I feel a little guilty as I haven't had time to make anyone an ornament this year. I've made several but haven't finished any into ornaments but these three, and I made these for myself. If I hadn't been driving like a mad woman for the past 6 weeks, I would have been a wee bit more organized. So...there you have it. I kind of fizzled out at the end, but at least I have a wee bit to show you for the Gifted Gorgeousness SAL.
Thank you again, Jo, for organizing this SAL. I enjoyed every second of it, I only wish I had more time over the past month to stitch more! Unless I can get all my shopping, wrapping and partying done in record time, I probably won't post until Christmas...or even the New Year. So...if I'm not back here beforehand, I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and many rich and wonderful blessings in the coming New Year!
I just want to add a little bit
here...and if you are of the type that doesn't like to read personal stuff, you shouldn't read this next bit. I just feel like writing it here as a reminder to live life to the fullest, no matter what the circumstances. I was getting my list ready to send out Christmas cards (gee I'm
really late this year!! sorry folks!!) and ran across a person I
hadn't heard from in a few years. I wasn't sure the address was
correct, so I looked her up on the internet (where I find you can run,
but you can't hide...scary, huh?) and found her new address and a phone number. I wanted to make sure it was her, so I gave her a call....and found out that after 15 years in remission, her breast cancer had returned. She is a fellow stitcher, in fact she taught me hardanger many years ago, and owned a shop for quite a while. It was wonderful reconnecting with her...but bitter sweet. Adversity changes people, some for the good, others not so much. I try to always look for the silver lining, it's just how I operate. I can't live without hope, so search for it no matter what the circumstances. I'm heartbroken to find she has lost her sparkle. If you are of the praying kind, please offer prayers for the lovely, talented, kind-hearted Ms. C...and all the others I know battling the cruel and destructive cancer beast. I hate that it robs people of loved ones, but more than that, it robs people of their lively spirit. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Ms. C!!
13 years ago
Hi DJ, hopping on from Jo's GG SAL . I have visited your blog many times for this SAL but not sure I ever commented.
Beautiful ornaments you have stitched . Love the colors in the hummingbird pattern. I also start my projects from bottom up.
I like what you have said " to live life to the fullest, no matter what the circumstances". I try and do that most of the times.
Keeping your friend in prayers.
I have enjoyed watching your stitching grow. Your projects are varied, but they have at least one thing in common - absolutely beautiful colours. I love your little Santa in its pretty frame. Happy Christmas.
I think Jo is planning to continue Gifted Gorgeousness into 2016. I'm glad as it's a lovely way to celebrate the generosity of stitchers. Your stitching is beautiful.
What a lovely sentiment. I will keep your friend in my prayers.
Sounds like you definitely have had some challenges in the past few months. Glad your mother is on the mend and sending good wishes for your friend who is battling a recurrence of cancer. I found out earlier this year via Google that an old far-away friend of mine had died 2 years ago and I never knew it. I had been sending her Christmas cards too and her husband never let me know she was gone! You are so right about living life to the fullest. Your ornaments are very lovely. I hope you enjoy the holidays and your new year is less stressful and good things happen.
Oops. I missed commenting on your post! Thanks for being part of GG this year. By now you are aware that it will definitely be continuing into 2016 and way beyond, as long as I have gifted charts and a blog I will run this SAL!
Love all your ornies in their sweet frames.
Sorry to hear about your old friend but how nice that you have reconnected after all this time.
I am happy your Mom is better now. The bird on the black background with flowers is lovely.
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