Well...it's either feast of famine in my little world...What's new with you? For a couple of weeks I was run ragged...but then things came to a screeching halt. For a few days I was able to spend some time with a dear friend who is going through some trials lately. I'm so fortunate that I am not working and I can pretty much chart my own course. It did give me a little time to slow down, contemplate my life, and enjoy a little stitching.
I was able to finish up a chart that had been given me as a gift, I used it as a Gifted Gorgeousness SAL entry one month. I LOVE this chart! It was a pretty fast stitch, and hard to keep away from. I love the way it came out!! This is Noble, Right, Pure from Abbey Rose Designs and is stitched on 40 ct over two with one thread of floss.
I did change one thing, as I thought there was a pretty big area that needed "something"...so my friend Sonya suggested some little motifs she found in a book she had. I had to reverse one of the patterns to make it look a little more balanced....what do you think? I also had to stitch the new part over one....on 40 ct...WHY do I do these things to myself? LOL!!
I also finished the April Showers chart from Garden Cottage Samplings. This was a real challenge, as I'm still trying to stitch these mainly from stash. It is stitched on 32 ct over one. After a lot of fussing over threads and things I think I found a nice combination of fibers.
I received TWO round robins (from the same RR group...eeek!!) so my next two projects will be to get those stitched and on their way. I still have one more Christmas/Winter themed piece to stitch. I guess I better get busy searching for the next one...better pick a small one if I hope to keep to my monthly goals!! And of course...continue to work on Aurora Cabin. That poor baby has been sitting on the sidelines for a little while now. Life needs to slow down!! OR...my fingers need to speed up! One good thing, St. Michaels is coming up and I'll have an entire 4 days to let my fingers work their magic. Off to work on my Round Robins, have a wonderful stitch filled day!
13 years ago
Oh I can see why that was so hard to put down -- what a wonderful piece! And your May flowers is perfect too. Many kudos and congrats on your accomplishments. When you work out a way to speed up stitching fingers, please share! :)
Congrats on the great finishes DJ.
Noble, Right and Pure is a great design. I've not seen this one before. Your changes look like they have always been in the chart.
Of course, I love the latest Cottage Garden Samplings too. I really like this series.
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