Hello friends and fellow bloggers!
This has been a crazy week! But the good news is that I have been getting some stitching done. So without further ado, let's show some pictures!
I'm slowly digging things out from my mad dash to straighten up my house from my Mom's visit. The first thing I uncovered was Winter's Majesty. It seems like ages since I've worked on this. When I first started I was stitching up a storm, and I guess that all the confetti stitches finally got to me. I picked it up this week and worked a bit on it, but I will admit, confetti stitches cause me to lose interest quickly...not to mention this is a big pattern, and my hands ache if I work on it for too long. *Gasp* Dare I say...old age is setting in??? So here's a picture of the pattern in case you have forgotten what it should like finished...
and my progress so far...
I also received a nice surprise in the mail Saturday. Mouse sent me a little something. I have loved this pattern from the time I first saw it. Surprisingly I had all the materials to make this and started that night working on it. It's Violet's Blue from Black Bird Designs, and is very hard to put down!
Here is the pattern...
and my progress so far...
AND...last but not least, another little surprise in the package.
Mouse knows how much I love lighthouses! Thank you so much, Mouse!! How nice of you to think of me on your stitching weekend to the shore and pick this up for me.
Thanks for dropping by!
I'm beginning to think I have too much time on my hands...LOL
I stumbled across another giveaway yesterday, so am posting it here so you can sign up too. I've enjoyed a few of her free patterns (they are so cute!!) and now that I've seen her threads and such, may have to try a few of them out. Such lovely colors!! Please follow this link and you can enter to win too! http://thesnowflowerdiaries.blogspot.hu/2013/07/my-first-giveaway.html
If you don't win the giveaway, you're still a winner. Check out her freebies on the left hand side of her blog!!
You have until August 4th and the drawing will be announced on August 8th. Good luck!!
Hi fellow stitchers and bloggers!
I'm just posting this really quick because I think this is so important! It will give you time to think and act if you are able. I'm always late reading my newsletters from the designers I subscribe to, so this has been out nearly a month and may be old news to some of you, but since it involves something near and dear to my heart, I thought I would post this and give you a chance to participate if you so choose.
Belinda, from Blue Ribbon Designs is giving away a lovely chart, "Red Rosies and Pink Posies", if you donate at least $15.00 to Susan J. Koman under Belinda's name. Please visit this entry on her blog that explains what she is doing and how to donate to receive the pattern. http://blueribbondesigns.blogspot.com/2013/07/red-rosies-and-pink-posies.html
I have decided that as soon as I receive the pattern I'm going to stitch something as a giveaway in October for Breast Cancer Awareness month. Many of you know I am a 3 year survivor and if it hadn't been for early detection the outcome would have been vastly different. I encourage you to get your yearly mammograms, as that is how I found mine at what the doctors considered a young age. Belinda will be walking for three days and covering 60 miles in honor of her friend who is a survivor. The walk takes place in November, so you have time to save your pennies! Thank you for taking the time to read this and best of luck Belinda and the twinkle toes! I'll be rooting for you!
And don't forget to get those mammograms! *Hugs*
Hello fellow bloggers and stitchers!
I hope your weekend was as productive as mine! I'm sure my guys don't think I had a productive weekend, but it was in my book! The biggest news is....*drum roll*...I finished The Heart's Content Soie Surfine Silken Birds Splendor XXIV kit. Whew...what a name huh? This was stitched on 40 count (lambswool?) linen using Soie Surfine Premium silk fiber imported from France. It is much finer than anything I've ever worked with, but I rarely had trouble with it...no knotting or twisting, it was truly a joy to work with! Since it was Hermitting Weekend with the Friendly Stitchers Yahoo group I have a before and after picture so you can see my progress.
I also did some crocheting. My church will be having some baptisms next weekend and I usually make cross bookmarks for each of the people getting baptized. Here are the ones I made this time. I guess there is quite a group this time!
And last, I had a bit more time so started working again on One Nation. This was a SAL I was doing with Astrid. It was one I had started during the January challenge last year. I would really love to finish this one this year so I guess I'll put it on the front burner for now anyway. I get bogged down working the stars because they are so repetitive and there are so many of them!! I think once I get past the star field things may pick up a bit. Anyway, here are before and after pictures of my progress this weekend.

I had a wonderful day last week when both Marie and Astrid came over to visit. Marie brought some cake...it was so yummy!! And Astrid brought over some frozen yogurt that is also very yummy!! Thank you both so much!! What a lovely time we had chatting and just hanging out together. It's been a while since I've had friends over, it was a nice break. Thanks ladies! But I was also able to show Astrid the birthday gift I had made for her. It wasn't framed yet, but hopefully that will happen soon. It's been an entire month since her birthday so I thought I should give it to her so she hasn't thought I had forgotten her. So...now I can show it to you! The close up picture from last post is the tail of the mermaid. I found this pattern on the CITA pattern from a few years ago. It was the SAL that Papillon Creations did. Happy Belated Birthday, Astrid!

Not much else is happening lately which has been a blessing as I really haven't felt like doing much. There are a few movies out now that I would love to see, hopefully before they leave the big screen. Wish me luck! I'm feeling better every day so hopefully soon I'll be able to get out and about.
Till next time, Happy Stitching!
Don't you just love that phrase? Stitching to my Heart's Content...that's exactly what I'm doing.
Last fall I found this pattern, I have been dying to dig out of my stash and stitch. Since I'm a bit less mobile and sore I thought stitching something "in hand" would be a relief at the moment, so I did indeed dig this out of my stash. It's been slow going as I am not proficient at stitching in hand yet, and this one happens to be on fabric that is 40 count...and I'm stitching over one. Please don't shake your head (I saw that Gillie!!) or call me crazy (you won't be the first as someone told me today that I am). I love the way things look stitched over one. This is actually a kit from The Heart's Content and came with exquisite silk, such a joy to stitch with, and 40 count fabric...just enough to stitch it over one. It was meant to be stitched this way. So don't blame me if I go "round the bend" blame the designer!! LOL Can't wait to finish and get it hanging on my wall...this one just speaks to me.
Just to put it in perspective I photographed it with a dime...
And here is what it should look like finished.
I'm so excited, I finished stitching someone's gift, but as I haven't completely finished it off, I can't show it to you yet. I did learn a stitch though, and wanted to show you a close up of it. I thought it looked really cool! You'll have to be patient while I find a way to finish it off and send it on it's way. Once the recipient gets this, I'll show a picture of it. Here is the fly stitch.
I've been working on small things, and finished off a few Christmas Ornaments. I just need to pick up another sled and put them together. I thought these were really cute! These were stitched on perforated paper so was easier to stitch on while recuperating.
I worked again on Friendship Blooms and here is my progress for this week. This is a SAL I'm working on with Mouse and Babs. I know they won't be happy that I've progressed this far, but I'm loving stitching on this, it's hard to put down.
So...finally I'm back in the stitching groove...and happily staying home, though the walls are beginning to close in on me. I did make a run to my LNS today to pick up fabric and floss for another project I'm hoping to start in the very near future. A dear friend sent it to me in the mail this week...she knew I wanted this pattern, and I can't believe how generous she's been. Thanks again, Ms. A. Can't wait to get started!!
On the health front, the pathology report came back from my surgery...they found several cysts in different places but all are benign YAY!! They also found endometriosis and the "cure" for that is the surgery that I had done. One surgical site had to have a little repair last Thursday as it wasn't healing quite right (and is still a little painful). I'm still experiencing vertigo and it hits at the oddest times so I could use prayer for that as that is what is keeping me locked up at home. Thank you for those who have been praying and sending well wishes. *Hugs* Onwards and upwards!
Hi there blogging buddies!
Here I am, trying to get things back to normal...and hoping that will happen in the near future! People have been so wonderful to my husband and myself, bringing meals, and flowers, and balloons! It's almost like this has been a party...and hopefully will be the last surgery ever!! We can hope anyway!
So...I've been trying to keep busy while lounging around the place by stitching up a storm! It's gone a bit slowly as for some bizarre reason I'm still having trouble with vertigo. It's kept me from traveling the stairs (quite a feat while living in a townhouse I assure you!!) but thankfully hasn't bothered too much while stitching. I was able to finally finish my Matter's Choice from Carriage House Samplings. Now the tough decision will be how/when to have this framed...or should I make it into a pillow?
I also received a lovely exchange in the mail from Tricia over at The Stamper's Stitches last week. I just haven't found the time/energy to post this until today. It is lovely!! And I found a red handled pair of scissors to put it on straight away! Not only did she send the scissors fob, but several hand made cards, that are so lovely, it will be hard to part with them!! Tricia, you are so talented, I love what you've stitched and will treasure it always! What a fun exchange!
I heard of a new giveaway happening on a blog called Everybody Loved Clark. You can click on the title to visit the blog...she is looking for new followers so lets help her out, shall we?
I don't know whether to thank or curse my pal, Astrid. She told me about this show that her parents have been watching called McLeod's Daughters which I found on Netflix. I'm almost through the 6th season! What a fun adventure I'm having watching these shows, but fear that the show ends soon. What ever will I do to fill my hours once I've watched all the episodes? If you tell me it's time to switch to another British show your parents watch, I'll have to find something else to rest up from so I can immerse myself in whatever comes next. LOL I hope I'm feeling better soon, I need sunshine and stitch dates or I'll go bonkers!
Off to heat up our next dinner provided by our church pals. I don't know how I've managed to lose weight while eating all these healthy and delicious meals...let's hope I continue down this path, though, I could stand to lose more!! I hope you had a very happy and healthy 4th of July! See you next time! *Hugs*
I was trying to think of a clever title for my post...but my brain is still a bit foggy from the activities of the past week. I know I've been talking about this surgery I was supposed to have for ages, but I can finally breathe a sigh of relief as it is finally behind me. I'm praying as I type that this post will make sense, as my brain was scrambled under anesthesia and my family tells me some things are not making sense. LOL All I can do is apologize in advance and hope you can fill in the holes as you see them!
On the stitching front...I received Lynda's RR while still in the hospital. I had my ipad with me and while on Facebook, Mouse waved her paw and said she would post on the yahoo group that I had received the package. Thanks Mouse!! I tried to achieve a lady like drool while in the hospital, but let's face it, there's nothing lady like about those hospital gowns they insist we wear. I think it's a conspiracy to embarrass us into leaving the hospital as soon as our little legs will hold us! If nothing else the breeze from the hind quarter area will freeze us out of the place!! I couldn't wait to depart and my fingers began itching to stitch as soon as I had a peek at the lovely fabric and floss. It's been too long...and I think I will need lots of stitch therapy to overcome my latest hospital fiasco.
Did I mention the brain fog? It did take three days to finish stitching my square of the lovely pattern Lynda sent our way. Not only was I out of practice from stitching, but I had to do so without a hoop!! Thankfully I was able to adjust quickly, and finished my portion today. If all goes as planned (I can't find a darn thing since my Mother came to visit and I had to shove all my stash and projects into nooks and crannies to get them out of sight to make DJ's digs look a little more presentable.) and I find all the necessary items, it should go in the mail today. Whew!! That little accomplishment really rocked my small corner of the world. So...without further ado...a picture of what has been accomplished by myself and two RR'ers before me (Gillie and Sally)...
and the portion I have stitched.

Now...for those with inquiring minds...a little info about my surgery. It was on June 25th. It was supposed to last 6.5 hours, but lasted 8 hours. I was supposed to stay 24-48 hours and stayed 84 hours. As always, I did it DJ style. I have never done anything the easy way...LOL!! I have never had the kind of reaction to anesthesia (at least that's what I'm blaming it on) that I did there...and they had to find 4 vertigo medicines which I took round the clock once the room stopped spinning to stop the sensation that my world was spinning out of control. They sent me home with two and I am STILL taking them. It was not fun my friends! Once they had that under control, the next goals were easily met and they let me out late Friday night. It is wonderful to be home, without bright lights shining in my eyes, and someone poking and prodding me around the clock, waking me at least 8 times during the night for one reason or another. I'm not complaining, the nurses and doctors did an excellent job!! I couldn't have been treated nicer, and in fact, if I ran into a few of the nurses I would love to make friends with them! Funny how you can bond with someone who is poking you with a needle 8 times a night!! Recovery is expected to last 8 weeks...so you'll know where to find me...under my stitching lamp with a project on my lap!
Till next time...happy stitching!