Finally, the post I'm sure you've all been looking forward to...LOL!! Yes, this one is totally devoted to stitching!
I didn't get much stitching done for the last few weeks. It was just too crazy here, but I'm hoping that will all change soon, as the visitors have all left, hopefully taking all their belongings and some good memories with them.
I signed up to participate in a round robin with a few ladies from the Friendly Stitchers yahoo group. So far I have stitched on three (if you include the one I submitted) and they have all been sent on their way to a lady in England. Those pictures have been posted in previous posts, so I won't bother posting those pictures here. It has been such fun, and it will be fun to see what the next project that wings it's way here will be. Hopefully I'll have a little breather before it arrives!
I also signed up to participate in an Independence Day exchange with the Friendly Stitcher's yahoo group. I had one already started before I was paired up with someone, but when I found out who my partner would be, I decided to stitch something else. I was afraid she wouldn't like the first one I made, but decided to finish it as a cube and send it along to her anyway. It was a Blue Ribbon design, but the one I thought she would really like was a Blackbird Design, it was from the stocking series they did and this one was from the month of July. While I was stitching, and after the partners had been chosen, I realized Gillie didn't have a partner...and since she recently became an American citizen, I decided to stitch her a stocking as well. I think she liked it as well, and since I've heard back from both of them now, I can post the pictures I took. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed stitching these things for these wonderful ladies. Happy 4th of July Tricia and Gillie! *Hugs* Just a little side note Mom brought along her sewing machine for a much needed we used her machine to sew up the stockings to make sure everything was in proper working order. Thanks, Mom, for all your help...I would have been a bit lost without your help!
The only other thing I've been able to stitch on is Matter's Choice from Carriage House Samplings. I can honestly say I'm now half done! Hopefully after a wee bit more stitching today I can say I'm 3/4 done! After I unpacked my suitcase and got the was started, I sat down to stitch on this piece. It's been weeks since I've been able to stitch and I've truly missed it!! I hope to finish this up soon!!
I will be having surgery this coming week so I know things will be slowing down dramatically for me!! I will post to let you know I'm still alive and kicking after I'm home from my short stay in hospital and recovered enough to sit at a computer. Be patient, it may take a few days, ok? Thanks for checking in with me, and if you are so inclined, prayers would be appreciated for my surgery. I'll check back with you as soon as I can. *Hugs*
13 years ago
Dear DJ
Just to wish your surgery goes well with no complications.
Will miss you while you are away
From another former DJ now a DA
Prayers going out for you DJ! Beautiful stitching!!!
Will be praying all goes well. Beautiful stitching!
Good luck with your surgery!! Hugs and prayers!
Hugs back to you (((((DJ))))). God bless you before and during surgery with peace and confidence that He is in charge. May He also bless you with a speedy recovery. Your stitching as always is beautiful. Did I ever tell you Matter's Choice is one of my favorite UFO's?
They turned out great, I really love the way the stockings turned out!
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