I was expecting a nice quiet day today and was hoping to get some stitching done. I woke up before the guys, got my cinnamon bagel with cream cheese and my Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut coffee and started reading e-mails. I saw a notice on facebook that someone else was stitching and wanted folks to join her, so off I went to pick up part 6 of The Great Escape offered on The Stitch Specialists yahoo group and began stitching. I actually got both of the stitches done before the guys woke up and then suddenly my day was interrupted...
DH decided he wanted to set up the Christmas tree today, BUT FIRST (see, I'm not the only one to suffer from but first disease...it runs rampant in our family...LOL) he decided we would do a thorough cleaning. Suddenly furniture was being moved, out came the mops, brooms, vacuum cleaner, the drapes were taken down (only to find they are dry clean only...) every figurine (and I've decided I have WAY Too many!!) was dusted, shined and rearranged and out came some of the Christmas decorations. Hours later the living room was HALF finished and the Christmas tree was assembled. Then it was time to head for church so everything is in a pile in the middle of the room waiting for stage two tomorrow when we decorate the tree. Thomas decided to place himself in the center and supervise the operation. Poor DH was getting directions from all sides. LOL
I have a good excuse for not getting too much in the middle of cleaning things. The last day I worked I had to leave early as I lost a fight with a plastic doohickey I was trying to trim with a utility knife. The knife slipped and made a bee line for my index finger. Why do extremities bleed like fury? Before I could grab a paper towel, run around the work table and turn on the tap I had left quite a trail...and now I'm wondering if I'm anemic again? LOL The bad thing is that I cut the finger on my left hand, the side that I am struggling with lymph edema. *sigh* So...off to the clinic I went to get some steri-strips to "tape" up my finger (they decided they wouldn't use stitches since I'm not supposed to have needles in that arm) and some antibiotics and hopefully I won't have too much of an issue with swelling. I have had some aching, and I'm wearing my sleeve so hopefully it won't get too bad, I really don't have time for physical therapy right now!! So that means, I can't do dishes, or get my finger wet...DARN...LOL!!
Well, here I am struggling to stay awake, I have to stay up to take my antibiotic but maybe I can get a few stitches in before I lose all my get-up-and-go! Have a good night.
I managed to stitch a little tonight too, been way to busy for the last week to even look at it! It's only a little after 9 and I feel like its Midnight...I think the busy week has caught up with me.
what a bummer about the dishes and that you can't do them. Terrible thing that is.
I too suffer from the but first disease
i just love the owl.
Oh my, whta a nice little owl this is. I hope the cut will heal very fast.
Hey DJ, must be the day for cleaning, I have my sister living with me at the moment (must blog that) and we have decided that it is time of a change, so we spent Saturday, sanding and preparing for undercoat, and Sunday cleaning up all the dust, just when you think it's over, we found MORE DUST!
Love the stitching, love the cat even more :@ Hope the finger doesn't give you too much trouble. Did you get a doctor's certificate? My old Doc always gave out the no washing, no ironing, no vacuuming, no hanging clothes on the line... the list went on forever. I'm sure he charged extra :@ Take care.
LiBBiE in Oz
Oh, I dread! days like that when my dh gets a bee in his bonnet! It usually takes me days to get back on my schedule. Not saying that it doesn't need to get done, and I'm always glad once we've done it. It just usually isn't an especially convenient time. Gotta love them!! : ) So sorry about your finger. I pray it heals quickly!! Oh, and your stitching is fun! What a cute owl!
My DH lets me do the cleaning when he decides the trimmings have to go up..he does that bit and takes FOREVER! Hope your finger doesn't stop your stitching..I'd call it physical therapy though if anyone asks ;-)
Your poor finger. I'm so sorry to hear it DJ. I sincerely hope it heals quickly for you. Or that it doesn't hurt at all!! Glad you got the deep clean done, and can't wait to see a piccy of the tree (hint, hint).
Ouch! Hope your finger heals soon. Lovely owl. Really like the colors.
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