Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you with the winners, so this will be a short drive-by post as it has turned into a busy week.
First let me thank those who took the time to wish me a Happy Birthday. I had a great day, a lunch out with friends, with a little stitching thrown in. Thank you Sonya and Marie!! (They also gave me a gift certificate to my LNS!!) It continued the next day with another stitching date and lunch! Astrid treated me to lunch and two bracelets, one had my favorite flower (violets) and the other was a "Fight like a girl" pink ribbon survivor bracelet. I love them both! Thanks Astrid!
Now on to the good news...As for the Lizzie Kate patterns, I have two winners, Tracey and Carissa! Congratulations ladies!! If you ladies would please send me your snail mail address I will get them in the mail as quick as I can.
The Sweetheart Tree pattern went to Babs! Guess you are going to have to learn hardanger, Babs! LOL I wish I lived closer to you, I would come by and teach you in person! One day we will have to meet, I feel like I know you!! We truly are Kindred Spirits! *Hugs*
The scissors fob goes to Mouse! Congratulations, my friend! Now I know this may look like it was staged, but I promise you, my son picked these names out of a bowl without looking. So Mouse and Babs, I have your addresses already and will try to get those in the mail soon! (Mouse, the postie is going to become paranoid with all the stalking you've been doing lately! LOL)
And that's all the news for today. Thanks for participating in the giveaway! Remember to spread the word about breast cancer awareness! *Hugs*
13 years ago
Congrats to all the lucky ladies!
oooooo VBG :) congratulations to all the other winners too ... my poor postie heheheh :) love mouse xxxx
Wow! I can't believe I won!! Thank you!! What email do I send my address to DJ? I didn't see an email link in your profile.. thank you so much!
My email address is :)
What a nice surprise - I'd forgotten about your giveaway. I can't wait to get the pattern and start it for my cousin as a Christmas gift.
Off to send you an email.
I can't find your email address on your blog. You can email me through my blog though.
Congrats Mouse and Babs, lucky girls. Happy Belated Birthday DJ, can't believe I forgot!
LiBBiE in Oz :@
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