Just a brief update, as I finished part four of the great escape being offered as a SAL on the Stitch Specialist yahoo group, designed by Abi Gurden.
I also started another SAL being offered through The Thread Basket
I'm enjoying stitching on both of these. Now if I could just get my act together about stitching Christmas ornaments! And if any Friendly Stitchers are reading this....you can let Mouse know that I goofed up this week and didn't stitch on my UFO. I'll assume the position so she can give me lashes with the wet noodle *grin* Happy Sunday everybody! *Hugs*
Well I probably sound like a broken record, but it's been another busy week. First I received a package in the mail with all sorts of goodies in it. I had won second place in the Wet Noodle award from Friendly Stitchers Yahoo group. What fun!! I hope you can see all the goodies that were packed in that package! Thanks so much ladies, I am itching to use each and every item!!
In the same package was a gift from Miss Mouse. She stitched this piece for this box and finished the inside as well. I'm such a boxoholic, she really knew what I would like and it's just beautiful. Thanks so much, Miss Mouse, this means a lot to me!!
I received a postcard in the mail a week ago yesterday about a NeedleArt exhibit at Montpelier Mansion in November, and the entries have to be checked in tomorrow or Monday. So....I thought it might showcase my place of employment (Frames Galore) if I submitted some entries...and I texted my boss to ask him if it was doable. He agreed and so we ordered the supplies and I was out until 10 PM last night getting the final touches on the projects. Whew!! Now I just have to fill out the paperwork and I'll be ready for tomorrow. Wish me luck!!
Here are some pictures (not too spectacular but at least you can sort of see what we've done) of what will be my entries.
Rose Quaker by Wiehenburg
Alla Turca by Pelin Tezer acquired on Stitcher's Heaven yahoo group
Christmas Quaker by Wiehenburg
Little Lace Hardanger designed by Abi Gurden and acquired through The Stitch Specialists yahoo group
Tree of Stitches, designed by Abi Gurden and was acquired through The Stitch Specialist yahoo group.
Hidden Spirits Dimensions Gold Cross Stitch Kit
The exhibit runs from November 4th to November 27th if you are interested and they do charge a modest fee to enter, but it's worth it to see Montpelier Mansion, it's a lovely place!
It's snowing here today, and I'm really feeling the chill. DS got tickets to see a TV show being taped this morning called "It's Academic" where high schools in the area compete on a quiz show. His school was one of the groups this morning, and though they gave a valiant effort, they came in second out of three. It was a close game the whole way through, and all the students that participated should be commended. It was a fun morning. We found our way to "TV hill" which is one of the highest points in Baltimore, and it had begun sleeting there this morning, and as we walked through the parking lot, we heard a loud "thump". A few feet in front of us was a huge clump of snow and ice that had fallen off the very high towers that are situated up there for the TV station. I think if it would have hit one of us it would have been a bit painful!! Honestly, it missed us by |----| that much!! LOL
Off to take a much needed nap. Wish me luck at the exhibit, it's exciting to say the least! *Hugs*
Where do I begin? I've been like Ricochet Rabbit this week, bouncing all over the place, but still...in all the madness, I've been accomplishing a lot!
Now doesn't the picture above make you think that those two are just fabulous friends? I think that as much as they dislike each other, they miss each other when they are apart. Thomas just seems to relaxed there, doesn't he? It wasn't long after this picture was taken that he reached up and bit DH, then stalked off, tail flicking.
First off, after the past two weeks with DH on a business trip, I was completely worn out. I knew I had a ton of things going on this week, so asked for the week off from work. I'm so glad I did, as I am finally beginning to feel rested and a little more like normal. I was really dragging!!
I just want to thank all of you for all the warm Birthday wishes. I seriously celebrated for three days! I had lunch and a stitch date with my buddy Sonya and the lovely Ms. M who is finally home from all her travels. They gave me a gift certificate to my LNS! Oh boy, *rubbing hands together*, I am making a list of the things I want! Thanks ladies, for the gift, but more importantly for your friendship. These two ladies supported me during my cancer treatment, Sonya driving me to support group meetings and Ms. M took me to chemo. I truly love you guys!! Your humor and kindess kept me going. Thank you!
I even got a lovely surprise when my phone rang, and Gillie was on the other end of the line. I was so shocked I didn't think to ask her where she was calling from, but she took time from her day to call me from England. That meant so much, thank you Gillie!
The next day Astrid took me to lunch and a trip to my LNS and gave me some lovely bracelets. She didn't know that five petal violets are my favorite flower when she made this, but just look at these! Don't they just fit me to a T? Thanks Astrid! She and I met online during my battle, and has been a cheerleader in her own right! Can't wait for our next stitching date!
During my stitching dates, and while waiting on Ben here and there I got some stitching done! The final part of the Star Sampler came out (found here) and though it took three days I finally finished up this piece! I've had a lot of compliments on the colors, I love them too. Now...how should I finish this off?
I was finally able to catch up on The Great Escape, being offered on The Stitch Specialists yahoo group and designed by Abi Gurden. This is really a challenging piece!! I've had to stitch, frog, stitch, frog until I got the stitches the way that I like them. Whew!! But I'm learning alot!!
I was able to work on my UFO last night, I am nearing the end!! Can't wait to finish this, it's the Spot Sampler from Wienhenburg.

I also got a nice surprise in the mail. The ribbons and check came from my win at the county fair! Just had to show them to you, how much fun is that? I got a card in the mail yesterday that they are having a Needleart show in a neighboring town and I think I just might enter something over there. I'll have to chose something from some of my finishes this year. I'll let you know how that turns out!
Now it's true confessions time...I started attending a new Bible study three weeks ago called "Made to Crave". I just happened to stumble into this class...and maybe it was a God thing, but it's about dieting essentially. I really do need to lose some weight, and the Tamoxifen I'm taking is not helping!!! Anyway, this week I've had TWO birthday cakes made for me and my sister sent TWO dozen donuts. *Sigh* I have an issue with will power. Thank you kindly for the chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting (NO, Sonya, not peanut butter crust...LOL), the chocolate cake with yummy frosting from my Bible study group, and for the donuts (you have NEVER tasted donuts like my sisters...she made 47 dozen last weekend for orders she had taken, they are THAT popular!!) Everyone was so kind to think of me. I'm dreading my doctors appointment next week though, I don't think he's going to be happy. *Hanging head in shame* LOL But BOY do my tastebuds thank you!
Ok, off to take care of my baby who had 4 wisdom teeth pulled today. Me thinks it's going to be a long day, unless I can get him to fall asleep! Thanks again to all of you who made my birthday so special, and sent warm wishes. You really made my day!
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you with the winners, so this will be a short drive-by post as it has turned into a busy week.
First let me thank those who took the time to wish me a Happy Birthday. I had a great day, a lunch out with friends, with a little stitching thrown in. Thank you Sonya and Marie!! (They also gave me a gift certificate to my LNS!!) It continued the next day with another stitching date and lunch! Astrid treated me to lunch and two bracelets, one had my favorite flower (violets) and the other was a "Fight like a girl" pink ribbon survivor bracelet. I love them both! Thanks Astrid!
Now on to the good news...As for the Lizzie Kate patterns, I have two winners, Tracey and Carissa! Congratulations ladies!! If you ladies would please send me your snail mail address I will get them in the mail as quick as I can.
The Sweetheart Tree pattern went to Babs! Guess you are going to have to learn hardanger, Babs! LOL I wish I lived closer to you, I would come by and teach you in person! One day we will have to meet, I feel like I know you!! We truly are Kindred Spirits! *Hugs*
The scissors fob goes to Mouse! Congratulations, my friend! Now I know this may look like it was staged, but I promise you, my son picked these names out of a bowl without looking. So Mouse and Babs, I have your addresses already and will try to get those in the mail soon! (Mouse, the postie is going to become paranoid with all the stalking you've been doing lately! LOL)
And that's all the news for today. Thanks for participating in the giveaway! Remember to spread the word about breast cancer awareness! *Hugs*
And Why, you ask, is there great rejoicing in the land? Hold on to your hats! I have completed all 15 of my crazy projects!! I finished up my Cirque des Carreaux on Saturday and was determined to finish my Romantique Sampler before my birthday...so worked on it all day Sunday, finishing it in the wee hours of the morning today. Whew! Now I can work on other projects, guilt free, for the rest of the year! I can't begin to tell you what a relief that is!! I signed up for the challenge again next year, but I've since wondered if that was such a wise thing to do. I place too much pressure on myself when I commit to things like that. I'm still thinking about it.
Anyway, I guess I should show you progress pictures. Here are the final pictures of Cirque des Carreaux...
and Romantique Sampler.
I'm throwing in a few pictures that DH took on his trip out west. I don't remember if I mentioned it on my blog that DH was sent to Omaha, Nebraska for two weeks to teach a course he normally teaches here in Maryland. Since he was the "new guy" to his section (he recently changed jobs within the same agency, and has become an instructor in his field) he got the "choice" assignment of being sent to Omaha. He doesn't mind going to different places, but would have preferred to go during a school break so he could have taken us with him. He says it's a quiet city, easily navigated, the people are friendly, and it's very pretty there BUT, he missed the hustle and bustle of the area here. He called every day (often more than once a day), but managed to take my camera and visit some fascinating places. One was the zoo, so I'll share a couple of my favorite pictures that he took in the next few blog posts. I thought this was an amazing and beautiful shot...

Tomorrow is the drawing, so today is your last opportunity to sign up for my give-away. Make sure you put a comment on either of the two previous posts showing pictures of the give-away. Good luck! I'll post the winners on Wednesday!
Today was my Dad's Birthday. Funny how someone who was such a big part of your life for most of your life leaves such a big hole when they leave. I've been thinking about him all day, so thought I would put up the last really good picture of him...hoping that somehow he knows I'm thinking of him and wishing him a Happy Birthday, and missing him like crazy.
I wanted to report that T will be coming home for a few days before his next round of chemotherapy. I asked for prayer for him a few entries back. He was diagnosed with Leukemia and it is a very aggressive form. They are searching for bone marrow donors, and have found 4, but they all live in Europe and only one is below the age of 40. Please continue to pray for T and his family as they battle this terrible disease. We rejoice with them when the news is good (that his numbers are high enough so he can go home for a few days) and we continue to lift them in prayer as they wait on the Lord for their needs. Thank you to those of you who are praying!
I thought you might like this little picture of Thomas. He was in what I call his "midnight madness" mode and squeeeeeezed himself underneath the china cabinet. Silly cat!! He was there for quite some time, I'm not sure what drove him to "hide" under the furniture, but he sure gave us a giggle!
It's been raining the past couple of days, but the weather has been quite mild. The leaves are changing, hopefully this weekend I can get some good pictures while the sun is shining. The mums and the marigolds in the front yard are blooming like crazy! DH takes care of them through the year, and with all the rain this year, they have blossomed like never before! It's looking quite fall like in our front yard!

I haven't had much time to stitch this week, so I'll throw a few pictures of my progress this week. I did work on my UFO yesterday and was able to finish a few motifs. I'm getting closer every week, and can't wait to finish so I can get this puppy framed!!

I worked on Cirque des Carreaux today and now can finally say I have reached the right hand side of the pattern. A few more motifs and I will have finished the 5th page of the pattern with only one more page to go! This is one of the crazies and the second largest piece I had in my original 15. The finish line is in sight!
Well the "old man" will be home tonight! I'll be so thankful to have him home, I missed him and will finally be able to relax a little since I won't have to juggle everything at once. It's going to be a late night, since his plane doesn't land until almost midnight, but it will be worth it to have him home tonight.
I learned this week that I came in second for the "Wet Noodle Award" from the Friendly Stitcher's yahoo group. I'm not sure what I've won, but I'm a patient woman and can wait for it to arrive. As soon as I have it, I'll be sure to post pictures! I'm thrilled and humbled thinking about those who voted for me, thank you all so very much!
And that's all the news that's fit to print. Hope you are enjoying your day wherever you may be! *Hugs*
You wouldn't believe the sunrise I saw this morning! This picture just doesn't do it justice...I was sitting at the dining room table having breakfast when suddenly the room was bathed in a rich rose colored hue. I glanced out the window to see the whole sky lit up in that rose color, but by the time I grabbed my camera, this was all I saw. What is it they say? Red sky at night, Sailors delight, Red sky in morning, Sailors take warning? Hm...I wonder what kind of day I'm going to have!?!?!?!
I was out shopping yesterday...dangerous I know... and happened to run across another item for a giveaway. This says it is a purse charm, but I bought two, took the keyring off one and attached it to my scissors as a scissors fob. It works great! Another reminder to get those mammograms! So, if you would like this purse charm/scissors fob, post a comment on this post, and I will have DS draw a name from the hat on October 18th.
I've been getting very little stitching done. I realized this week that marriage is a team sport, and half my team is missing!! Which means that I'm out there playing the game and carrying the ball all on my own (can you tell it's football season?) which means I have very little time to stitch. Who knew my two guys keep each other occupied so well when they are together? It's made for a very interesting week, and I have four more sleeps before the other half of my team returns. I have a great appreciation for single mothers everywhere! I don't know how you ladies do it!!
So...since you haven't seen stitching photos in quite a while, it may seem that I'm getting loads done, but really, it's in little tidbits here and there.
First off is my UFO. The Mystery Spot Sampler from Wiehenburg. I have been stitching on it faithfully once a week. It's tedious work, as it is stitched on 36 ct over one using Thread Gatherers silk n colors Egyptian Nights. I have had many brain cramps this past week and have had to frog a few things UGH!!! but it's coming along and I hope to finish it before the year is out...so watch this space. When I finish there will be great rejoicing in the land!!!
Next is Cirque des Carreaux from Ink Circles. I've been using Carries Creations overdyed silk Epiphany. I LOVE working with this thread! It rarely tangles and just seems to glide through the fabric. I love the way it feels in my hand too. I need to buy more from her! This is one of my crazies, and it fits as it is driving me insane. SOOOO much counting, but I love the way it is turning out. I know it's hard to see in this picture, but the variations in the thread is really pretty.
Next are the September and October owls from the Oakhaven SAL. I was behind a month but was able to catch up. These designs can be stitched in about an hour, and I find them adorable!
I probably shouldn't do this, but I'm going to do it anyway...LOL The ladies from Friendly Stitchers Yahoo group are gathering ornaments for a tree on a ward in the hospital where one of their beloved members passed away. I stitched one for her last year and two more this year (though I've told someone they can chose one for herself if she would like) and hopefully will get them in the mail tomorrow. These were fun to do and easy to finish.

And last is a thank you gift for Mouse's daughter. She really likes Halloween, so I hope she'll find a place for this in her decorations.
And that, as they say, is that! Off to get my act together for another busy day. Remember Ladies....be good to yourself and your families, and get those mammograms! *Hugs*
Hi there, it's me again! You're probably thinking I have too much time on my hands...LOL Nothing could be farther from the truth...but I wanted to get this out there so folks would have time to sign up.
Last year I gave away a few charts and things that had to do with Breast Cancer Awareness. I decided to do things a little differently this time. I got a couple of charts and kitted them up with fabric and floss. I didn't get anything to finish them off, because there are a number of ways you can do that, so I'll leave it up to you how you want to do that. Lizzie Kate put out a pattern and all the proceeds went to Susan G. Komen for the cure. I thought that was sweet and generous of her, so I bought two of her patterns. If you win, you will receive the pattern, the fabric (28 ct linen) and full skeins of DMC floss. I have two, so there will be two winners for that. The third giveaway will be a pattern from The Sweetheart Tree. This is a hardanger piece, and it also has an embellishment pack but it does not include the beads. I DO NOT have any fabric for it or floss. It will also need Perle Cotton # 8 and # 12. So...here are the rules. If you would like ONLY the Lizzie Kate pattern, mark that in your comment. If you would like ONLY The Sweetheart Tree pattern, indicate that in your comment. If you would like either one, just say you would like to be entered. I will have the drawing on my birthday, the 18th. Please check back on the 19th to see if you have won, and if you don't have a blog, please leave your e-mail address so I can contact you! Here are pictures of what you'll receive.

And remember....speaking from experience...having breast cancer doesn't just affect you, it is like ripples in a pond. It affects everyone you come in contact with...your family, your friends, your coworkers, your online friends (who surprised me with the most beautiful quilt of biscornu squares...and I cherish that more than you'll ever know), even the checkout lady at the grocery store and the teller at the bank. More people care about you than you are aware! The earlier you catch it, the better chance you have of surviving. Get your mammograms!! Those of you who think you are too young for a mammogram, talk to your health care professional and find out the CORRECT way of examining yourself, it's not just about feeling for lumps. A fellow warrior found a dimple with no lump and it turned out to be an aggressive form of the disease, and she is in her 30's. Another fellow warrior has twin 5 yr old boys and she is in her 20's. I've also learned that men can get breast cancer, it's not just about us, ladies. I found my cancer with a routine mammogram. I found it early, there were two tumors smaller than a pencil eraser, but by the time I found mine it had metastasized to my lymph nodes. They couldn't be felt and were barely visible on the mammogram (I was blessed to have a VERY observant Doctor/technician with an eagle eye!!). There was no history of breast cancer in my family, or cancer of any kind, so be vigilant!!! This was a total shock, and if it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone! *climbing down off my soap box* It's only because I care and want everyone to live a long and happy life. So...leave your comments on this posting only, tell your friends about the giveaway and help spread the word about early detection! Good luck! *Hugs*
Hi Everyone!!
It's the first day of October! Guess what month this is? If you guessed Breast Cancer Awareness month then good on you!! Have you had your mammograms? If you don't want to do it for yourself, think of your family and friends who would miss you should anything happen to you. For their sake, go get those puppies squished!
If you remember last year I had a give-away. I haven't had a chance to plan one this year, but I hope to have one later on in the month. So....watch this space!
I've had an interesting week. So many people have posted things on facebook that have lifted my spirits that I just had to share them with you..
Someone posted on my facebook page today that they liked reading my facebook posts because they are encouraging. I have had a tough few months struggling with relationships with a couple of people and I can't begin to tell you how much her words meant to me. Life will beat you down if you let it, why add to someone else's struggles? Words are powerful things, and I've learned that it's better to build people up then tear them down. Spread a little kindness when you can. Life is too short!!
I've been getting a little bit of stitching done. First is my UFO that I worked on this week. This was a mystery sampler from Weihenburg offered a couple of years ago called the spot sampler. I'm nearing the bottom...with any luck I'll finish this one before the end of the year!
I've started another SAL. I know...call me crazy!! LOL This one is called The Great Escape and is being offered on the Stitch Specialists yahoo group. So far we've learned three new stitches. See if you can guess what they are. This is being stitched on 32 ct. Doubloon and I'm using the thread gatherers silk n colors Vintage Browns.
It's just a quick post today, so much is going on. I'm going to see the movie Courageous with my guys today, and then help hubby pack, he's going on a buisness trip for the next two weeks. I don't know what this will be like, he's my right AND left hand man. I don't know if I'll be busy while he's gone or not, but I do know it's going to be a challenge without his help. Wish me luck! He's not going anywhere near as exciting as Gillie's WT, but hopefully he won't be snowed in in Nebraska....LOL!!! His last trip was to Hawaii, and we had snow while he was gone. Now it's his turn to be snowed upon. LOL
Off to spend my Saturday with my guys. Hope you've had a great day and remember to get those mammograms! *Hugs*