It's also a great day because I have wonderful news...I finished another UFO. This was called Le Marquoir de Sophie and I did change some of the letters and dates to suite myself. The letters I searched on the internet for, and some of them I designed myself. I have been working on this particular UFO for over 2 years. I started it in April 2009, according to my stitch diary. I used 32 count platinum Belfast linen over one and one strand of DMC 3808. This pattern was originally offered on this site http://www.histoiredelin.canalblog.com/ but the owner has since closed this blog and started another http://grenier2sophie.canalblog.com/ and has begun selling her designs now which you can find here http://www.histoiredelin.net/ When you find a picture on this site, there will be a place to click that will take you to her boutique and you can purchase her designs there.

I said all that because someone has asked me where I found this design. It was a free SAL two years ago, but I haven't found it anywhere since, and I'm sure if you visited one of the sites above and e-mailed historiesdelin she will be able to give you an answer.
I often have this dilemma. What do you do with a chart you have finished stitching and you know you will never use it again? I've taken charts to thrift stores before and have found charts there myself. I've given some away. I've never sold them myself, but I've seen them offered on e-bay. I know that one designer in one of my yahoo groups doesn't want us giving them away when we are finished and I do honor her wishes. It's a quandry, and above all else I want to do the right thing, it's just hard to know what that is. I welcome any comments on this subject, as I truly do desire to do the right thing. I would hate for all the wonderful designers to quit because their designs are being pirated but I also hate to see wonderful designs being wasted when others can use them.
I just want to say I belong to the Friendly Stitchers yahoo group and they encourage us to work on a UFO on Thursdays. Thanks to them I am finishing off some long standing UFOs including the one I finished this morning that I started two years ago. Thanks Mouse, for wielding that wet noodle so well and keeping us on the straight and narrow! Now I have to start looking around for the next UFO I'm going to continue working on...
I hope you are all having a wonderful day! *Hugs*
What a beautiful finish. It looks stunning.
What concerns the chart. If you are the rightful owner of a paper chart, you can do with it (almost) whatever you want. You can keep it, give it away or sell it. Trade it...whatever suits you. A designer doesn't have the right to ask you not to do so.
You are however not allowed to keep a copy. And if it's an electronic chart, you cannot give/sell/trade it, because you can only give away a copy. That's the copy right law in a nutshell :)
Wishing you a wonderful day too
Imagine, another beautiful finish by DJ! Can't wait to see what you're working on next week.
I've never sold any charts, I've either given them away to someone I know would like it, or donated them. What does that designer expect you to do with your chart when you're done - hoard it or give it back?!
woooo hoooo happy dance for the finish :) looks lovelyyyyyy .... I have sold some , passed others on and stitched many, more than once ..lol Gabi has written the law in a nut shell ..lol .. love mouse xxxxx
ps has the postie been with a letter yet ????
That's just beautiful---- and love the choice of thread that you used,
as for the pattern- I would put it away - at least for awhile, since this pattern is not available anymore. at least this is what I would do....put it away- and have it in my stash for someone down the line-----maybe a giveaway-or in a traveling stash box- a RAK....the list goes on...these are my suggestions.
Congratulations on the finishing! It's beautiful.
Normally, I keep my charts even though I know I'll probably never use it again. I've had stitcher friends who request to buy some from me. Others I've given away as well if there were stitchers who expressed interest in stitching it.
What a beautiful sampler! ...and over one too!
Beautiful finish! Congrats!!!
You tamed it! Woohooooo! I'm happy for you!
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