Yesterday I was able to catch up on two other SAL's, so will post those pictures today. I want to work on my UFO and Tree of Stitches came out with a new stitch today too...I don't know what I'm going to do with myself after surgery when I won't be able to pick up a needle for a few days...*sigh*
The Star Sampler found on this website is becoming a quick stitch. I think all of the pieces are still available on her blog if you like. It is being stitched in many different colors, but I fell in love with the colors the designer is stitching her in (I'm such a copy cat!!) and chose to stitch mine in the same Anchor threads she is using. Here is my progress so far...
Friendly Stitchers yahoo group is also "hosting" a SAL of specialty stitches. The last two stitches were the lazy daisy and the french knot. Unfortunately mine are not as perfect as I would like them to be. I have to wear a pressure gauntlet on my hand these days (a lymph edema flare up is occurring...and right before surgery too...drat it!!) so it makes it difficult to work with thread and needle on those specialty stitches. Maybe after surgery and the edema calms down I'll take it out and redo it...we'll see. In the meanwhile, here's my feeble attempt! LOL
I've been thinking about my Dad a lot lately. I truly miss him. This is one of my favorite pictures of us together...his smile says it all! (I think he was thinking he would have his house to himself...I was the last one to leave the nest...LOL)

Earlier the morning this picture was taken he was in our garage cooking breakfast for a whole bunch of people who had crashed at our place to come to our wedding. He loved to cook bacon and eggs, his specialty! I wish you could see his bright blue eyes...he was a wonderful man. He loved kids, and his favorite thing to do was dress up as Santa each year and pass out gifts to the kids at the annual Christmas party for his fraternal organization. He even dressed as Santa for his co-workers children and would visit their houses on Christmas Eve and give them gifts.

I guess my sense of humor came from him... He always wanted a boy, but only had daughters. So...I learned how to work with my hands (probably why I like framing so much!) so I could spend time with him, I knew what to do when the car I had in college would "vapor lock", I can still see DH's face the first time I popped the hood, took off the carburetor lid, stuck a screwdriver in the butterfly valve, pop back in the car and start it up like nothing had happened...LOL I really think THAT is when he fell in love with me, because he knows NOTHING about cars! So you Dad even had a hand in finding me a mate!! I remember thinking my Dad was the strongest man in the world because I saw him put his oversize van in neutral one day and push it uphill by himself. I was Dad's fishing buddy...and we would ice fish together. I remember going to an ice fishing derby with him one year, and he caught a whopper, so he hopped on his ski do and went off to have it measured and weighed. He left me to tend the tip-ups, and of course one of them nearly was lost as a HUGE Northern Pike took the bait (and the hook!). I had to fight hard to bring that fish weighed over 13 pounds and was 26 inches long...and won the derby. I think Dad had a hard time losing the derby to his 12 year old daughter!! LOL Fond memories...I miss you Dad!
I will have to rush off soon and get my hair done, tonight is the breast cancer support group meeting (always a good time...really...there are a great bunch of ladies in the group!!). I'm meeting Sonya for a girls dinner out...and we'll see what mischief we can get into....tomorrow is a Reiki session and then I wait for surgery Friday. I'm looking forward to getting the rock hard expanders replaced with something a bit more flexible. I guess I should have marked it, that April First was the one year anniversary of my diagnosis. A lot has happened in the past year, but not all of it bad. You learn what is important, what relationships are worth keeping and which ones are not, that life is short no matter how many years you've got, so make the most of every moment, and above all else...take time to spend quality moments with the ones you love. Tomorrow is never a guarantee. Another thing I have learned this year is that TRULY...laughter is the best medicine! Thanks for all your encouragement over the past year, for laughing and crying with me, and for your messages that mean the world to me!! Have a great day!
I was an only girl with 3 brothers and thought I had to compete with them for Daddy. I came to know there was already a place in his heart for me. thanks for sharing your memories with us and I think I know your Dad, or could it be a strong family resemblance there?
Star sampler is eye-catching,love the colors. God bless & keep you safe during and after surgery, and give you strength real soon.
You KNOW what you are going to do........find 27 more SALs to join, lol! I still regret that my father never met the WT. Now you are making me cry! Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers on Friday and the days following.
Your stitching is lovely , as always DJ - and your sense of humour never fails .... I shall be thinking of you and sending you Reiki ..
(((hugs))) Val x
ooo love the updates :) enjoyed reading about your dad ... fingers n toes crossed for friday .. will be like mouse on hot brick till hear you ok :) letter is in the process of being wrote so keep an eye out for the postie :) love mouse xxxx
Loved reading the fond memories of your Dad. What a special relationship the two of you had. Put a smile on my face. Deb, you have enriched my life along with others in so many ways. I feel so very blessed to know you and have you as a dear friend. I admire your strength and courage in everything you do. I have no doubt that God holds you in his hands...therefore I know you will be fine and are on the road to health. Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
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