I belong to a few different yahoo groups, but two of them decided to start SALs on the same day using specialty stitches. Since I love learning new stitches, how can I pass up the opportunity to learn from stitchers who are patient and knowledgeable? I had the materials for one already, but the other I had to scrounge for today. Of course I had an endless supply so it was a pleasure to peruse my stash and I came up with a pretty neat combination. So, without further ado, let me show you what I've been up to today...
The first one is from The Stitch Specialists called Tree of Stitches SAL. I started this on 32 ct Cream linen over two using Autumn Leaves by The Thread Gatherer Silk-N-Colors. I love the color of the thread, but wonder if I shouldn't have made the trunk of the tree a solid color. Hm...we'll have to see as the SAL progresses. Thank you Abi! And here is a picture of the first part.
The second one is from the Friendly Stitchers group called Speciality stitch SAL. This is stitched on 32 ct. Butter Cream linen over two using Waterlilies by Caron, Cherry and the beads are Mill Hill 02011. Here is a picture of the first two types of stitches. I love the color of thread on this fabric, though the picture is kind of dark, it's hard to see. Thank you Val! And here is a picture of the first installment.
As I was starting the second project I wondered what I would do tomorrow. I still have a couple of options from the list I listed a couple of weeks back. I've run into a snag with one of them...just the math major in me trying to think too hard about how to proceed and not coming up with an answer just yet...LOL I ran out of q-snaps for the other. Oh well, I'll think about it tomorrow. In a way I'm glad the end is near, in another way it was exciting to begin all those new projects...but each one has it's own charm. When all the starts are finished, I wonder what I'll do then...will I start a rotation? Or will I pick one up and work on it till it's finished? Decisions, decisions...but I'll worry about that later...for in the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara..."Tomorrow is another day"! LOL
Enjoy your Friday! *Hugs*
Hi DJ now who's bragging..lol two SALS done today hehehe love the carons' waterlilies thread :) can't wait to see the progress :) and looking forward to tomorrows offering :) love mouse xxxx
Two more SAL's DJ, really am going to have to send you that gift certificate for the shrink! The only thing saving you at this moment is that they are both over 2 :D
Scarlett O'Hara might have said 'Tomorrow is another day!' But thankfully it is the last day of the crazies. Now all we have to do is complete these projects in the next 350 days.
Oh ooops just put up my Day 15... happy dance.
LiBBiE in Oz
You have some great projects started for the Challenge! Look forward to the finishes...
happy stitching...
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