Yep, it's another Manic Monday...Why is it that lately my Mondays are so crazy? I think they should be abolished from the week...LOL
I woke to the news that we are expecting another storm during the night tonight and into tomorrow morning. Some say snow, some say ice, some say rain. I say PHOOEY! I have plans for tomorrow...plans for therapeutic art, and lunch with Gail, and shopping at Home Goods, and dinner with some Sista had better NOT snow!! Oh well, there's always stitching if it does!! LOL
I mentioned on facebook that I was going to make a "run" to the grocery store for the essentials in case it does storm and keeps me home tomorrow. In Maryland, the night before a storm, people make a mad dash to the grocery store to buy the "essentials", milk, bread and toilet paper. I'm serious, you'll see people in huge lines with these three items (sometimes accompanied by other things) and the shelves are bare where these are usually found. When my family goes to the store the night before a storm, it's for comfort food... That's because we weren't brought up in Maryland, we are originally from New York....Northern New York, where it REALLY snows...LOL...and we know what the "essentials" REALLY are! Chocolate!! *grin*
Today was Heart of America day...also known as stitch along with Babs! I did stitch a bit on Heart of America from Little House Needleworks, but not for long. I have to prop this up in a certain way because it is on a large stitching frame. It makes my shoulder ache to stitch too I did a little bit...sorry Babs, I'll try to do more next week. Here's what it looks like after stitching for a little while...
Then I switched to Winter Band Sampler. also from Little House Needleworks. I made it just past the halfway I'm feeling pretty good about this one! It will still take me a few more days to finish, but it's coming along nicely, I think...and yes, Libbie, it's another of those over one crazies. I like how this is coming out, but it is going to be quite small...I'm wondering how I should finish it...oh well, we'll see when we get there. So here's a picture of what it looks like tonight.
I spent a lot of time on the phone again today. I'm glad my friends feel they can confide in me and I'm happy to listen. I just wish they would not all call on the same day! LOL It's like they called each other and said..."Listen, I'll take the hours between 10 and 12, you call between 12 and 2, you call between 2 and 4, and let's give her a break for dinner, then...between 6 and 8 it's your turn...LOL That's about how they fell, I swear it was a coordinated effort. Luckily I could stitch while I was listening, and that's how I got so much stitching done today! But now my brain is reeling and so I think I'll have to go to bed and rest it, because tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Hope you are safe and warm wherever you are and that you have time for your favorite past time, whatever that might be.
Hi there! Did you have a good weekend? I sure hope you did...mine was fantastic, although it went by a little too quickly for me...I had a blast!
DS was away for part of the weekend with the youth group at church to an event called "Festival of Light". Kids from the area compete in a number of activities (sports, drama, interpretive worship) and if they win in this region the next stop is Boston for another competition. The kids have a great time cheering each other on and watching the events. So while he was away, DH and I got to do some things that I know DS wouldn't enjoy. We usually try to include him in the things we do, we're aware that he'll soon not want to do things with us and we want to spend time with him while he still wants to spend time with us...but we really enjoy doing OUR thing while he's away. We went to see a couple of movies, "True Grit" and "The King's Speech". I must say I enjoyed both of them!! We had leisurely meals with conversation that only included us (that doesn't happen often enough!!). And I have to say, I really enjoyed having his undivided attention. It was a REALLY good weekend!
DS returned Saturday night so today while the guys were catching up on hockey and "guy stuff" I spent a little time stitching. I was able to finish one of the nine blocks in the "Lighthouse Sampler" from By the Bay Needleworks. I love this design, I have for a long time, and I'm thrilled to be stitching it. I have to say it's a bit hard to set it down when I feel I have to stitch on something else...LOL Here's a picture of my progress so far.
I received the next installment of "Tree of Stitches", a specialty stitch SAL hosted by "The Stitch Specialists" yahoo group. The first branch is the February installment. This is a quick stitch and I'm enjoying it very much. Here's my progress...

I was able to finish off the January Mystery SAL hosted by
Here's a picture of that progress as well...
Looks like next week is shaping up to be a busy one. I don't know how much time I'll actually have to stitch (or update my blog) but I'll be back when I can. Oh, and for those of you who have asked about my Mom, she is out of the rehab place but is still having flu like symptoms (I'm actually kind of surprised they let her go...after hearing her account of what has been going on) but am hopeful that this is a good sign. I'm sure she's more comfortable in familiar surroundings. I still wish I could be there, but circumstances have kept me here. Such is life.
Off to get a little more stitching done before I have to turn in. Have a wonderful evening and for those of you in colder climates, stay warm and safe! I hear there are more storms on the way....*Hugs*
Hi there stitching fans wherever you may be! Hope you are having better weather than us, but it seems this storm hit just about everybody, so you understand what that heading was all about!! Hope you are warm, safe, and with power tonight!!
I was all set to sit down and update my blog last night, and just as I was about to gather my stuff, the lights blinked...then blinked again...then blinked again...then went out for a minute, came back on...then we saw a bright FLASH and a muffled BOOM and the lights went out for the night. What a night we had! First it was sleeting, then raining, then sleeting then snowing then sleeting...well you get the picture. The poor trees outside were coated with ice, then a thick layer of wet, heavy snow. The trees began to bend, and a few even broke, and then the transformer in our neighborhood had had enough and went out in a blaze of glory!
We all went to bed early because there was nothing else to do...and considered sleeping in a pig pile because it was beginning to get a bit chilly in here. It was interesting to watch the storm last night. We had thunder and lightning along with the snow/sleet/rain. Just as I was about to drift off, I would hear thunder rolling and lightning flashing...what a show!!
I really got the creeps when I saw this tree this morning, it's absolutely gorgeous in the summer, it just looks like it fainted right over the fence...but it also looks like a giant tarantula crawling into our yard....*shiver*...but this is the devastation you see all around that that storm did to the trees. Poor baby....
Here's a picture of what I was working on yesterday before the lights went out. This is painstakingly slow, as it is stitched on 40 ct gauze over one, but I'm loving the way it is turning out!! It will eventually say "Stitching mends my soul" and isn't that so true?

So today was NO Thursday. There was NO electricity until 1 PM, there was NO school today, there was NO going out to run errands, there was NO going in the fridge for food (trying to save the stuff we had in there, thank heavens we had non-refrigerated food on the shelf!!). DH was told not to come in to work until 12:00 so there was NO hot water for a shower....brrrrr...LOL But thankfully, our power was restored today. We heard reports that some people will be without power until late Saturday!! I pity them, it's so cold...and I'm praying that they and their houses will survive!!
Thankfully for the birds, we had filled the feeders a day or two ago, so we had lots of feathered visitors today...I was able to get pictures of a few different kinds. What fun to watch them, and they are territorial, they take their turns at the feed, but Lord help the ones who were there at the "wrong" times....those cardinals can be quite testy! Sorry for the darkness of the pictures, the sun refused to cooperate with me today.

The sun did shine for a little while today, so I pulled out some fabric and started a new SAL from Oakhaven Designs. I love owls, so when I saw this SAL I just HAD to join...isn't he CUTE!! And we've seen a preview of next months that appears to be just as adorable! He's stitched on Smoke linen from Crossed Winged Collection 28 ct over two. He's not too big, and I tried stitching over one, but it was just too small, so we'll see how it goes over two.

Today was UFO day, so when the lights finally made their appearance I finally got my Rose Quaker out and put a few stitches in. I jumped all over the place trying to finish page 4 and move on to page 5. I hope you can see what I've done. Here are before

And after pictures.
On a more serious note, I got an e-mail from my sister saying that my mother has caught some kind of bug. She's pretty sick, I hear, and they aren't sure if it's the flu or food poisoning but everyone in the hospital she is currently in has fallen victim...the patients and the staff. Anyone who enters the hospital has to wear a mask. I sincerely hope this doesn't set her back in her recovery (she was supposed to go home Friday). I've been told it's best not to call her until she's feeling better, and that is hard for me not to check in with her. So if you wouldn't mind, please offer a prayer for her. I'll admit, I'm worried.
Off to bed, because even though we went to bed early, DS was up half the night sick and kept the rest of us running through the night. He's feeling better tonight, and hopefully he'll be well enough to go to school (if it's open) tomorrow. I'm looking forward to a day when I don't have to entertain my child who is so BORED without power....I've played so many games of Sorry today that I'll be saying "sorry" in my sleep. And on that note, I'll bid you a peaceful night! *Hugs*
What a great day! I hope you all had a wonderful day, wherever you are, that the weather didn't bowl you over and that you got to do something that you really enjoy!
My day started with an early wake-up call and a trip to my LNS to meet a yahoo groupie! I met a fellow Marylander that I met in a yahoo group, and I'll be honest, sometimes you don't know what you're going to encounter. I trust my instincts usually, and I was NOT disappointed today! I haven't asked permission to use her name, so I won't, but she knows who she is, and I just want to say what an absolute pleasure it was meeting you today, and I hope we have more meetings in the future!! Sometimes you just click with a person, I hope you shared that feeling!
After a little shopping (I picked up the new LHN Ornament of the month today...yay!!), we had lunch at a local deli...then said our goodbyes. We spent 3 1/2 hours together but it felt like 15 minutes! We definitely need a stitch day, don't you think? LOL And just look what she made for me...
a banana bread that is just to die for! I took this picture, put the camera down and cut myself a piece! tasted as good as it looks!! Thank you so much, it was so unexpected and a wonderful treat for my family, since I'm not a baker AT ALL!!!
My guys were home today, so we spent a little time playing Risk. It can be a very long game, so we called it quits in the middle to be picked up again tomorrow probably. Then I sneaked up to my room to do a little stitching and guess what!?!?!?! I was able to finish "Under the Tree" from Little House Needleworks!! Here's a picture...
That leaves only one ornament left to do, but since it wasn't one of my 15, I think I'll hold off for a while and work on those other starts for a bit.
I got a call from my Mom today and she's doing so well they are going to release her from rehab (she's been recovering from knee replacement surgery) on Friday! Not too shabby for a 70 something year old chick! (Boy am I going to get it if she ever finds out I plastered her age on the internet! LOL) Thank you for your prayers, it's amazing to me the power of prayer! At the moment I can't be there. That has been a struggle for me as I've always been able to go and help out whenever my parents needed me. And see, she's doing just fine without me. *sniffle, sniffle* Your parents grow up so fast, don't they?
I had a really neat thing happen today. I read other people's blogs, and after a while you seem like you know the person. You've been reading about their life, their struggles, their triumphs, their joys and sorrows and sometimes you just "connect" with them. I've been reading a particular blog for a while and today I decided to e-mail them and I got an answer. It was a very sweet comment that meant a lot to me. Words are a powerful thing, you can raise someone up or dash them to bits. Thank you for raising me up today, Kathy!!
So I'll leave you with a little quote, something to let your mind chew on... "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Aesop *hugs*
I don't know why that tune is galloping through my brain...or maybe I do. The news team in Baltimore usually has a group that meets with one of the anchors on Monday Morning to sing that song. It's a different group each week, and at the end of the year they choose the best one. I guess when I hear Monday, I hear that song...but today it seemed to fit! My Mother always said...."So goes Monday, so goes the week..." I think I'm in for one heck of a week!
It's not that it was so "bad", it was just very disjointed. I woke up in a weird state to begin with from a dream that left me shaking my head in bewilderment. I don't recall all the details, I just know I was confused when I woke up. I did a little stitching on "Heart of America" before I did too much just so I could keep up with Babs! And here is my progress...
Then I rushed around putting on my eyebrows so I could head off to the dentist...who LOVED what I've done with my hair...*giggle* I had to tell her it was a wig. She may have just been saying that to make me feel good...and it did! I rushed home to watch "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" but DS said he wasn't interested, so I went to my room and watched it by myself *sniffle, sniffle*. You know your teenager has reached that age when he doesn't want to "hang" with his Mom anymore. *sigh* Dinner was inhaled as soon as DH arrived because he and DS were off to see a hockey game in DC (a gift to hubby for his birthday). And here I am...all alone again! Oh well, I have my stitching! Better them than me heading off into the frigid night!! It was 11 degrees out there when I got up this morning, so I didn't dilly dally around when I was running errands today. Thank heavens for hot flashes, they kept me nice and toasty today (thanks to the Tamoxifen...*rolling eyes*) LOL But I must say, I'm thankful for those 11 degrees after talking to my Mom today, it was a VERY CHILLY -37 degrees there...that's right 37 degrees BELOW zero! Maybe I should share my hot flashes with her? LOL
I was able to finish something yesterday, one of the 15 from the challenge!! All is Calm from Little House Needleworks. And here it is!!
I decided I liked the feeling of having something finished, so pulled out "Under the Tree" also from Little House Needleworks and did a bit of stitching on that. I don't know if I'll finish it tonight, as I'm headed back upstairs to do a bit more before I turn in. We'll see how that's what I've done so far...

I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I'm going to meet an internet pal from one of my yahoo groups at my LNS tomorrow. We've been trying to plan this since last year...and I think it's finally going to happen! DS has tomorrow off from school, DH has taken the day off, so I don't know what the afternoon will hold, but it promises to be another manic day. I hope the stitching fairies are good to me tomorrow, I really WANT to put some stitching in SOMETHING tomorrow! LOL
I'm going to leave you with this little picture of Thomas. He had to go for his rabies shot a few days ago. I think he's the only cat in history that actually LIKES his carrier. When he hears us bring it upstairs he runs from wherever he hides in the house and jumps in. Now mind you, he meows ALL the way to wherever he's going, spits and hisses at the vet, and whimpers and whines ALL the way home, but usually we have to DRAG him out of his carrier. We felt so sorry for him because we could tell he really didn't feel well after his shot this time, so we put his little bed in the carrier and he's been sleeping in there day and night since, only crawling out for food, litter box and a daily brushing (is he pampered or what?). It must be warm in there....but I thought you'd like a little shot of his new sleeping quarters.

Hm...that's making me sleepy....I think I'll head upstairs and get comfy myself...see you later! *Hugs*
It's DH's birthday! Happy 53rd Honey!! I hope you had a wonderful day and I hope you have many, many more wonderful days because I selfishly want to spend more time with you!! *Hugs*
It was a busy day for me today. I promised my buddy, Sonya, that I would stitch with her today. Thankfully the snow never amounted to much, and though it was a bitter cold, windy day, I climbed in my van and headed off for a few hours to stitch with Sonya. When I went out to get in my van this morning, it had all been cleaned off and I noticed the gas tank had been filled. Am I spoiled or what? We had a fun day, though shorter than either of us would have liked...but guess what? I finished parts one and two of Romantique Sampler SAL so I'm ready when the next two parts are released!! YAY!! I don't know why, but it took me forever to finish these two parts, I couldn't decide if I liked the lighter color and finally threw up my hands and finished stitching...I like it now!! I guess I had to see it in natural sunlight. Unfortunately the pictures were taken after sundown, so you can't really see how it looks. Maybe next time? Anyway, here's my progress! If you click on the picture it should enlarge it for you so you can see it a bit better.
Yesterday the mail man arrived with a round tube...from California...and in it was a little present from Gail. Gail has been my pen pal for a few months, and she's a very patient pen pal because I haven't been the best writer!! LOL My mind just hasn't been in the right place for a few months, but now that chemo is over I hope to be better at writing. My first letter back to her will be a thank you card, because just LOOK what she sent me!?!?!?!?! Isn't it beautiful? I have tried to crochet doilies before and they look like bowls when I'm finished because I crochet too tightly, so I admire anyone who can make them look like this. Thank you, Gail, and your Mom too (who made this lovely doily) I will find the perfect place to display it!! I truly AM spoiled!!!

And then today...a package that was sent on December 13th finally arrived! I can hear the collective sigh from England! Mouse has been anxiously awaiting for this to arrive, and I can tell you it was worth the wait!! Look at the lovely card she made, and the little clipboard "to do list" and one of my favorite candies....Peanut M&M's! I even got a I have two to write...I'll get right on that too...tomorrow. I'm going to put it on my "to do list". LOL Thank you so much, Mouse...I'm spoiled from every corner of the world!! And to think, it wasn't even MY birthday!!

I took DH out to dinner at the Cheesecake factory. YUM!!! I have to be careful because I could become addicted to their cheesecake!! I had the Kahlua Cocoa Coffee Cheesecake for desert, but I was good, I saved half for tomorrow. Then we came home to watch a movie I had given him for his birthday..."Soylent Green". If you've never heard of it, I'm not surprised, it's a weird movie. It's definitely "SciFi" and gives you lots to think about as our world becomes more populated.
And that was the end of my busy day. So as soon as this is posted I'm headed to bed. Thanks for dropping by! *Hugs*
See that face? That's ME!! Look, there are eyebrows...and it looks like I have eye lashes...and even a little color in my face!?!?!? Isn't it amazing what a little make-up will do? My friend, Gail, and I went out last week for free massages at the Wellness House in Annapolis. We were talking and she asked me if I thought it was time to take off the wig (not sure why the topic came up...kinda made me wonder if my wig was looking ok or if it was a little tired from all the wear?) but I told her my hair still hadn't grown back, and hadn't she noticed I didn't have any eyebrows? LOL She told me she thought I had forgotten to put make-up on that day...(I don't usually wear any!!) After our day out last week we made plans to meet for lunch today. She surprised me with a free make-up application at Nordstrom (I don't usually shop there either! LOL) The guy was so sweet, and did such a lovely job, don't you think? And Gail insisted that I have the stuff to put eyebrows on every day, so here's my bag of goodies.
I hope I can do this to myself will be interesting, that's for sure!! I have to admit, it looks like I have a face now instead of a blank canvas! My eyes were totally lost before....and you know what they say...look good feel good, and I feel like a million bucks!! Thanks Gail!!!
Now on to UFO day. Because I knew I was going to be out most of the day, I decided to put a few stitches in my Rose Quaker. I didn't get far, and I probably will stitch a little more on this later tonight, but I wanted to put pictures up so you can see how far I've gotten. My life HAS to slow down sometime soon, don't you think? I need to get some serious stitching done!! So here is before...
And after...
We are expecting snow over night, let's hope the kids make it in to school tomorrow, because Sonya and I have a stitch day planned. It's also DH's birthday so we have a few plans for when he gets home. Please, please don't let it snow too bad tonight!! I want to go out and play!! I'll let you know how that little prayer turns out *wink*. Have a great night!
Hi Fellow Stitchers!
It's Monday, and you know what that means? It's "Heart of America" SAL with Babs day!! I wasn't going to stitch today, but I woke up early, and then I remembered that I promised Babs that once the first 15 days were over, I would try to stitch on "Heart of America" from Little House Needleworks on Mondays. I actually got quite a bit done while DH was at the dentist and DS was sleeping in! Here's my progress so far...
It was a busy day today, DS wanted to see a movie, so we got ourselves around and headed to the Annapolis Mall. We did a little bit of window shopping, picked up something for St. Michael's weekend (Sorry St. Michael's buddies, you'll have to wait to see what I got *wink*), ate lunch, then went to see "The Green Hornet" in 3D. It was a bit...corny I guess, but full of action (to the point where I had to close my eyes a few times!!) and I'll admit, I had to chuckle a few times at some of the lines. The guys enjoyed it, so all was not lost...LOL I can see a part two in the future. LOL We left the theater, came home, packed the car with 10 cases of bottled water and other stuff for the homeless shelter (donations we collect from the church and deposit at the shelter once a week), grabbed dinner and ran to the shelter. Off to the grocery store for a few things we were running out of, and back home to check on things with my Mom who is still in the hospital in NY after knee surgery. (She is recovering but very slowly and could use prayers if you are the praying kind!! Thank you!) Now we are settled in for a cold winters night. Whew! But I have to say, I'm not as exhausted as I would have been a couple of weeks ago. It feels good to feel good!
Oh and before I forget, I did some stitching yesterday and have my third finish for the year!! This is Bird in Hand from Blackbird designs. It was one of the 15 challenge pieces, so I guess that leaves 13!! I'm working my way through the list...LOL
DS and DH are back to school and work tomorrow, with the storm on the way I'll probably just stay home and stitch...we'll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully it won't amount to much as DS has mid-term tests this week and I would hate for him to have studied for nothing *rolling eyes and snickering*. World History is tomorrow...and I was helping him by asking questions...they are covering quite a bit this last half of the year. I'm glad it's him testing and not me!!
Ok, off to do a little more stitching and wait for Hawaii 50 to come on...I love watching and waiting to see if I can see any familiar sights. The first show I think they filmed down in Wialua where DH and I had a small apartment when we lived there. I think I recognized the sugar cane fields...anyway, we have fun reminiscing while the show is on. Have a great night!
Here I am again! It's finally Day Fifteen!!
I have had a lot of fun picking out fabrics, threads and patterns and trying to figure out a rotation or way of finishing (still working on that one!!), but I must admit, it will be nice to have the pressure off somewhat. I think tomorrow, since it is Sunday, I will let my needles rest (not to mention my eyes!!). Monday is a holiday here too, so another day of rest as we are making plans.
I had a list of things I was going to do back in December, but I did have to tweak it a little bit. I was in a quandry this morning, and puttered around a bit before I finally decided what I would do. I had a piece of 40 ct flax linen calling my name and after a bit of scrounging, decided I would start this piece.
This pattern, "Bienvenue" , is found in a book called "Un petit fil rouge m'a dit..." by Isabelle Vautier. I purchased it this fall from Violarium. I have been to Isabelle's blog and just love her stuff! She's been featured in a few French magazines and has a number of pattern books published. There are several patterns in this book I would love to do, so again, I had to decide which one was calling me. I don't know why I like this one so much, I think it's the flowers. But...hopefully I have enough thread, as I've decided to stitch it in Manor Red from Crescent Colors. I have three skeins, and hopefully that will get me by. I'm stitching it on 40 ct over two threads. Did I hear a sigh of relief, Libbie? LOL I hope it turns out ok, I'm a bit worried as sometimes the hand dyed threads tend to leave "lines" where the colors change...*sigh*

I also worked on the January Mystery SAL as the next installment had come out today. I'm shocked and slightly dismayed...LOL I have this thing about eyes...when I have eyes in a project that I'm stitching, I leave them for last, as they tend to stare at me and it creeps me out. Well, if I keep on the way the colors are being released, I'll have these eyes staring at me from now on. At least they look like eyes....don't they? *shiver* The other thing I discovered after the last color was released, is that the first yellowish color I stitched in was the wrong DMC number. Meaning, I picked up the wrong skein and started stitching. So when the next yellowish color came out I finally realized my I just exchanged the colors. Hopefully it won't make that big a difference. Let's keep our fingers crossed, shall we? I would HATE to frog all that yellow when it's on 28 ct over one...*starting to shiver and shake thinking about it!!*
Today was a day for phone calls!! I am considering yanking the phone from the wall. I love my family and friends, really I do, but I reached my limit today, so if you are having problems, please wait till tomorrow to call. I'm taking my counselors shingle down for the day! LOL
Ok, I'm off to get some shut eye, hopefully I'll have time to hang ten tomorrow and see how my fellow challengers did. Catch ya' on the flip side! *Hugs*
Hello!! Can you believe it's still daylight (barely) and I'm posting? My head is not hanging low and my nose is not tap dancing on the keyboard!! I might even get to spend the night hanging with the guys instead of frantically stitching upstairs!
I belong to a few different yahoo groups, but two of them decided to start SALs on the same day using specialty stitches. Since I love learning new stitches, how can I pass up the opportunity to learn from stitchers who are patient and knowledgeable? I had the materials for one already, but the other I had to scrounge for today. Of course I had an endless supply so it was a pleasure to peruse my stash and I came up with a pretty neat combination. So, without further ado, let me show you what I've been up to today...
The first one is from The Stitch Specialists called Tree of Stitches SAL. I started this on 32 ct Cream linen over two using Autumn Leaves by The Thread Gatherer Silk-N-Colors. I love the color of the thread, but wonder if I shouldn't have made the trunk of the tree a solid color. Hm...we'll have to see as the SAL progresses. Thank you Abi! And here is a picture of the first part.

The second one is from the Friendly Stitchers group called Speciality stitch SAL. This is stitched on 32 ct. Butter Cream linen over two using Waterlilies by Caron, Cherry and the beads are Mill Hill 02011. Here is a picture of the first two types of stitches. I love the color of thread on this fabric, though the picture is kind of dark, it's hard to see. Thank you Val! And here is a picture of the first installment.
As I was starting the second project I wondered what I would do tomorrow. I still have a couple of options from the list I listed a couple of weeks back. I've run into a snag with one of them...just the math major in me trying to think too hard about how to proceed and not coming up with an answer just yet...LOL I ran out of q-snaps for the other. Oh well, I'll think about it tomorrow. In a way I'm glad the end is near, in another way it was exciting to begin all those new projects...but each one has it's own charm. When all the starts are finished, I wonder what I'll do then...will I start a rotation? Or will I pick one up and work on it till it's finished? Decisions, decisions...but I'll worry about that later...for in the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara..."Tomorrow is another day"! LOL
Enjoy your Friday! *Hugs*
Hello fellow stitchers and friends out there in blogland...
There is a weary DJ sitting at the computer tonight!! LOL Yesterday, I was minding my own business, planning my Crazy January Challenge strategy when I got a phone call from a "Sista Warrior". (Yes, I mean "Sista". We have to say it that way because the lady who coined the term is from Brooklyn, and we have to tease her about her accent! She's ok with it part of a fund raiser for a local center, she bought a tree and had a plaque placed under it that said it was for her "Sista Warriors". LOL) Anyway, I digress, back to the story...She told me she had an appointment for a massage at the Wellness House in Annapolis and then told me I should go get one. I told her one of these days I would make an appointment. We finished our conversation, and I went back to stitching. A few minutes later she called back to say there was a cancellation near the time of her appointment and would I like to take it. I hesitated, and she said, "I'll make the call for you!" She hung up then called right back to say I had an appointment the following morning, and I should meet her at 10:00 AM. Sometimes you have to hit me over the head with a brick...LOL I met her at 10:00 this morning and never left Annapolis until 4:00 this evening. We not only got our massages (which were like heaven on earth!! and really helped the lymph edema in my arm...why haven't I done this before??) but we shopped for cars, clothes and that order! I snagged a Starbucks Grande Mocha Frappichino and blueberry scone for lunch and met a few of her friends. It was a long day for me!! But I loved every minute of it. Unfortunately it didn't give me much time to stitch. I did make a start, and also put ONE THREAD in my UFO. I would have loved to get more stitching in, but I have to thank my Sista Warrior, as she really did me a huge favor by getting me out of the house. I'll admit, I am struggling with depression...just a wee bit...(wow, that was really hard to say "out loud"!!) I'll admit, I haven't been posting in my yahoo groups, nor talking to folks much on facebook, nor going out with friends, nor calling people on the phone. You almost need a crowbar to get me out of here....LOL I'm not sure why I feel this way, you would think with chemo over and most of the side effects dwindling, that I would begin to feel hopeful and happy. Maybe it's the let down after the holiday, or just the yucky time of year, or the fact that my Mom recently went through knee surgery and I can't be there for her right now...whatever it is, today was a good day and hopefully the first day of many with a little more hope in it! Did I mention the massage is free? And I can sign up for 2 free massages a month? I am so psyched!! I can't express how much that helped me today, my arm feels the best it's felt in MONTHS!!
Ok, on to stitching... here is my start for today. All is Calm from Little House Needleworks.
I was hoping to get more done on it while I waited for my friend to have her massage, but me and my motor mouth was yacking with people that were waiting for an appointment for one reason or another. It's funny how sometimes you meet someone and instantly connect. I met another lady who had the same type of cancer I do and we were exchanging information about things we had learned along the way. There is a bond we "Sista Warriors" have, I can't explain it, but it's there. Sorry, I digress again!
Here is a picture of my progress on Rose Quaker. My progress is just amazing isn't it? *said tongue in cheek and rolling eyes heavenward* I took a closeup so you wouldn't miss it. The little pink half flower to the right of the Z is all I was able to do today. I hope it's enough to stop the noodle from flying across the pond to my little corner of the world! Take pity, Mouse, I needed this day more than anyone will ever know!
I'm also showing what it looked like before I worked on it today.
Ok, that's all from my little corner of the world! Thank you for leaving comments, they mean the world to me! *hugs*
Ok, I think I've officially lost my mind. Twelfth just doesn't look right...but that's how the dictionary says to spell it. Am I dreaming? If I wake up, I still hope it's the twelfth day because I would hate to begin all these starts again! LOL
I was talking to my buddy Sonya on the phone last night, and she says I've inspired her to have finishitis! At least I'm inspiring someone positively (I think) LOL One thing I did think last night as I was drifting off to sleep, that all those projects are now started, the thread is sorted for each one, and all I have to do now is pick them up when I'm ready and just stitch. Sometimes starting a project is half the battle!! I can't believe I'm nearly at the end, now all I have to do is finish them! LOL
Today I started something I've had hanging around since 2008. I picked this up with the fabric and thread and set it aside. I had someone in mind to make it for, and now it's on the way. Their birthday is in June, so if my luck holds out I'll have it ready for their birthday. It's about time don't you think? This is a pattern by Crossed Wing Collections called Buff Bellied Hummingbird. I'm using the recommended 28 ct Blue Spruce linen (and don't fall off your seat Libbie) I'm stitching it over two linen threads! I'll be using some Balger blending filament and it just wouldn't look right over one (in my humble opinion) and even though I'm doing this over two, it won't be much bigger than 5" X 7". After the past couple of years I realized, if you are going to do something for someone, it's better to do it sooner than later, you don't know what is in store tomorrow. Anyway, it's in the stitching frame and on it's way to being finished.
Remember the snow storm that was headed our way last night? Well here's a few pictures of what we received. It wasn't much and I wish my pictures showed how beautiful it was with the morning sun shining on the snow as it huddled on the branches. It was such a glittery wonderland this morning. School was delayed for 2 hours, but at least the kiddies got a little education today.

Tomorrow was going to be a solid stitching day, and then I got a call from a "sista warrior" who talked me into going with her to Wellness House tomorrow for a free massage. She even called and made the appointment for me, so how could I turn that down? This massage is not like going to a "spa" as it is a lymph edema massage. They usually feel really good, help with swelling and the achy heaviness you sometimes feel. The Wellness House has several free programs going for people going through chemo therapy and fighting different types of cancers. I've heard it's a wonderful place, and at first I didn't want to go, but now I'm looking forward to it. Sometimes you don't know what you need until it's served up on a sliver know what I mean? So thank you, Gail...I'll see you tomorrow, I look forward to hanging out with you!
Tomorrow promises to be a busy day, I will have to start my thirteenth project, and it's also UFO (Unfinished Object) day, and unless I work on something that's been hanging around for ages I will have the wet noodle lashed in my direction. Since I cower in fear of Mouse and her noodle, I will have to find time to stitch on my Rose Quaker. I'm bound and determined to religiously work on a UFO each Thursday just so I can finish up some of the stuff I have floating around here. This is going to be a year of finishes!!
Ok, off to stitch a little more. Have a great night...
Good Evening Folks!
I've been trying to start and finish something in one day, and guess what? Today was the day!! I was able to start and finish "Peppermint Twist" from Little House Needleworks on 30 ct linen over two. I fell in love with this pattern from the moment I saw it on the internet, and have been looking for the little candy cane "pretty" for ages before I started it. I found it on Monday when I was visiting my LNS so today was the perfect day to start it! I'm so excited!! And here is a picture of it in all it's glory!
DH and I thought DS's dentist appointment was yesterday. Turns out it was today. BUT... the school called this morning to say there would be a two hour early dismissal due to a storm headed our way. The storm was supposed to start at 4:00 and that was the same time as DS's appointment. At 1:00 the dentist called to ask we could either come early for his appointment or cancel it altogether. I asked if we could come in one hour then DS and I got our act together and got to the dentist on time. Then we had to wait...and wait ...let's just say we were over an hour there waiting for them to fit him in. We needed a few things from the grocery store (in the same parking lot as the dentist) so stopped in there and got supplies, then headed home at 4:00. Still NO SIGN OF SNOW!! Only in Maryland would they close school early, and have the dentist call to rearranged a schedule with nary a snowflake in sight! Finally the snow started at 6:00 and at last check we have a little over an inch of snow. My guess is they'll cancel school tomorrow...but we'll have to wait and see. They are so unpredictable, you never know what they'll do.
Ok, off to bed. What will I start tomorrow? I haven't a clue!! LOL See you then!
Wow!! We're two thirds of the way there! And what a day it was!!
I mentioned yesterday that I was surfing and found this Stitch a long and just had to do it!! Well I received the first two parts today and I'm so excited!! I drove to my LNS to pick up supplies (and a few other things I needed) and started almost as soon as I walked in the door. It was a busy day today and though I really didn't have much time to work on it, I was able to get a pretty good start. You can find information about the SAL here.
I decided to make this one on 36 ct natural linen over two (does that make you happy Libbie?) because there is some backstitching, and if I didn't use two threads of floss for cross stitching it wouldn't have the same 3D effect that I think they are looking for. I hated to put this down because I wanted to see what the first section would look like completed, but I've had a long day and I'm completely shattered. Here's a picture of my start...
Today has been a long and stressful day. My Mom had surgery to replace her knee today, and though she went through surgery fine, she's having some difficulties tonight. Please, if you are inclined, say a prayer for her? I am aching to be there, but cannot due to the health issues I'm having myself right now. I talked to her tonight and it was good to hear her voice, but I wish with all my heart I could be there with her. I'm going upstairs to prop up my feet as I've had quite a bit of swelling myself today. If it's not one thing, it's another! *wink*
Speaking of crazies...did I tell you about the contest my DH and DS had just the other day? With temperatures dipping below the freezing mark, they are still running around in shorts and t-shirts (if you can believe that!!). They were making fun of me and other people who are sensible and wearing long pants and coats. They decided on their way home from a basketball game to turn on the air conditioner full blast and open all the windows until one of them cried " UNCLE". Neither of them did, and they came home after a 30 minute drive and tried to give me a hug. I could feel their frozen bodies through my clothing!!! *shaking head* ...and you guys think I'M the crazy one???
See you tomorrow! *Hugs*
Hello folks! Here it is, Day Nine already!!
After today I hope I make it the rest of the way! I didn't get much stitched today, it was one of those days spent on the phone. Lots going on in the family and I'm feeling useless living so far away. Oh well, nothing I can do but pray, and talk on the phone. I'm pretty good at both by now!!
I have been wanting to stitch the piece I started today for a long time. I've had the fabric and thread sitting in a box calling out to me. They don't sell the recommended thread at my LNS so I substituted something else. I wasn't sure if I had enough thread, but hopefully Sonya's and my calculations are correct and I do. *fingers crossed* So I reluctantly started today. Like I said, I didn't get very far today. Here is what Cirque des Carreaux from Ink Circles is supposed to look like...
And here is what it looks like stitched on 32 ct Maritime white over one with The Thread Gatherer Silk-n-color Forget-Me-Not silk thread. Yep, it's a bit dismal, but as I said, I didn't get much time to stitch on it today.
I also got the next step in the January Mystery SAL and so stitched the next color in this one. I could prop the phone on my shoulder and stitch this in hand, so that's why I'm caught up on this particular one. Well at least I am keeping caught up.
Now for my list...I think I might do a bit of tweaking. As you know I was "hanging ten" on the internet yesterday when I ran across a SAL that begins tomorrow...YES I SAID TOMORROW!! So I signed up then realized that they give you the first piece, and you must show progress before they send you the next piece. Hm....Well, what is there to do, but substitute this for something on my list. It's such a pretty piece, I cannot pass this one up. I ran to Michael's tonight and discovered that I could only buy two of the five threads I need. There are times it's good to live in a metropolitan area...there is another Michael's in another direction that I plan to hit tomorrow. If they are out there, of course there's another one 20 minutes away...and there is always my LNS, but I have to go there tomorrow anyway to get the fabric. I'll show you what I'm up to tomorrow, provided I get my materials AND find the time to stitch. I learned tonight that DS has a dentist appointment after school tomorrow, we have to drop some things off from our church to the homeless shelter between 5:00 and 6:00 tomorrow and then have dinner out (who, I ask you, has time to cook??? LOL) I'm tired just thinking about it. My trip to Michael's tonight along with an hour long stroll around Target and dinner at KFC while DS was attending Youth Group services nearly did me in!! I never should have told DH I was feeling better. His military training is to take folks on forced marches to build up stamina. I swear his military training will be the death of me yet! LOL
And now my tale of woe is done. Hopefully I'll have something to show you tomorrow. Wish me luck!! *Hugs*
Hello, it's me again...getting tired of me yet? LOL
Here it is the 8th day and YES!!! We are more than halfway there! I'm glad because I'm driving myself mad thinking about changing my list, then not being able to find patterns, and needing more supplies and finding more Stitch-a-longs on the internet. Someone save me from myself before I go totally insane (Yes, I'm not there yet! Or maybe that's the first sign of insanity...that I can't admit I'm there already?)
Anyway, it has been a crazy day! I spent the morning trying to read e-mails, then trying to find patterns, until I finally settled down and started to stitch. I didn't get very far when I was interrupted by meals, and spending time with my guys while they were home, and then going to church. I have to admit it's darned cold out there today and I've been busily trying to keep myself warm since I got home (it's not easy with a bald head! LOL) Hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive day! is my very slow and painful start on "Snowflake Serenade" from Country Cottage Needleworks. It was stitched on Lambswool (as the pattern suggested) but I think I'm having the same troubles as Mouse, who can't see the white color against the background fabric. The picture truly doesn't show it very well, but I'm bound and determined to MAKE IT WORK!! I've been stitching on 32 ct over one. I know, I should have my head examined! But since it is such a high count, and over one, I REALLY hate the thought of onward and upwards.
And here is what it's supposed to look like. I don't know folks...guess we'll have to wait and see.
I just wanted to make a quick note here, I had a really good day!! Food is finally tasting like food again so it's a joy to eat!! It doesn't feel like I'm wading through wet cement anymore, my muscles don't tire after 5 steps, and I can make it from the basement to the third floor without resting at each landing!! I know this may not sound like much to many of you, but believe me it's liberating for me! And I also noticed tonight that I can hear noises I haven't heard in a long time. I had a little hearing loss during the chemo and I was afraid it was gone for good. You don't know how good you have it until you start to lose it!! I still have a little trouble with clumsiness in my fingers, I'm not sure if it's swelling (which presented itself during the final two chemo sessions in my hands and feet) or numbness or maybe the combination of the two. My fingers just aren't as nimble as they used to be, but hopefully with time that will come back too! When I realized all this today it made me really happy, I can't describe it in words. There is light at the end of the tunnel!!
So, I'm off to dreamland, hopefully a good night's sleep and tomorrow, I'm going to pick a project and get started, none of this folderal that I put up with today! We are on the downward slope now my friends! *Hugs*