I've been trying to think of a way to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I finally hit on something that I think might benefit all of us! First of all, since I'm dealing with this on a personal level, I encourage you all to get your yearly tests whatever they might be. Mammogram, sonogram, MRI...whichever way you choose, please pay attention and do your own monthly exam also. I found mine purely by accident while having my yearly mammogram. My tumors were found when they were too small to feel, and if the person reading the tests not been at her best, they would have been missed! I'm growing as a person on my journey here, but it isn't easy and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. So please, take care of yourself! In the long run, it's your way of showing your love to others because they want you here on this planet as long as possible too! *climbing down off my soapbox*
Ok, here's the deal. The picture above is what I'm giving away ... a chart and a pair of scissors with a fob attached (with a hummingbird charm!). I'm also going to post a picture below of my cat Thomas (though it looks mostly like a box LOL). If you want to win the giveaway, you must post a caption for the picture of Thomas in a comment under this post. Please include your e-mail address so I can contact the winner. On Friday, October 29th, my son will choose a name out of a hat. I chose this particular chart because part of the proceeds went to breast cancer research. I actually bought two charts, but decided I wanted to keep one and make it for some "sistas" (said with a Brooklyn accent) who are traveling this journey with me, so that's why you won't see the picture here. Maybe next year I'll be giving that one away. Now I know that some of you may not be able to post a comment here. So if you can e-mail your comment to me at tickledpinkone@gmail.com . I don't want to leave anyone out! So here are the pictures. It's meant to be fun...so have fun! If you give your permission, I'll post the captions in a blog entry after the contest is over. And don't forget to get your yearly exams.
You shouldn't have left the chicken on the countertop - how did I know it was for your dinner?
Wholeheartedly agree about mammograms - had mine a couple of weeks ago. Don't put me in the drawing, love, I don't need another chart right now, lol, but had to put some rather defensive words in Thomas' mouth!
You know it's bathtime when .......
Love this picture. This 1is why you should alway keep a camera handy!
I just know she won't be able to find me here!!!!!
that picture is soooo cute, I can just imagine him jumping out at an unsuspecting passerby!
Please enter me in the drawing..i have 2 people I would like to stitch this for.
And, yes, I already have my mammogram sceduled for Novemeber and I WILL go!!!!
Joanie R.
Ya' know, it was a whole lot easier getting in here then it will be getting out!
I need to schedule my "man"ogram. ;)
"Let me know when the dog has left the building!"
Hope you're well, DJ. Thanks for the opportunty.
"Kitty Clubhouse - For Members Only!!!"
Thanks for the great giveaway :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
HELPPPPP the cat flaps shrunk !!!!!! love the pic :) had quite a few more but unprintable hahahhaha.... love to be entered :)
love mouse xxxxx
"peek-a-boo" I see you!!!!!....yes DJ I had my mammogram in April....xoxoxo
In honor of the season..."Come out! Come out where ever you are!"
thanks for the chuckle, DJ :)
Pssstt, what's the password, doll?
And yes, I just had my mammogram on Saturday!
I will come out after THAT kid leaves!
Love the picture. I just had my mamogram last week.
"I don't want to think outside the box!"
Please enter me! Love the picture. I am such a cat person, but sadly dh and dd are allergic!
You are one strong lady DJ! :) ((((HUGS)))
It's my Halloween costume, do you think Mom will recognise me? Too cute.
Thomas, having found a secret place in which to devour the entire Super-Sized pack of jumbo sausages he'd stolen, now faced a new dilemma . .
Heh-heh-heh! Great pic!
Keep smiling, honey! ((hugs))
"Yes my pretty, come closer...."
I am the proud human of 3 cats, love em! my exam is this wednesday!!!
"Hey Fido! There's no catnip in here!"
Great message and super photo!
"I told them I wouldn't eat that cheap stuff. . ."
Great picture! Hope everyone gets the message and gets their exams. I had my check up during the summer.
"Hmmm....I don't think this is the way I came in."
Proudly owned by one 3-legged cat (shhh, he doesn't know) and had my mammogram last month. :)
Just breath, Thomas!
He is so cute. I just love cats they are so elegant.
Glad you are feeling better. I don't have to feel guilty cause I had my mammogram done this year and all was well.
Please enter me in your giveaway I would love to win the beautiful chart.
Take care and God Bless ~
DJ ~
I have done a little research and it seems that Tabby cats love, love, love boxes. I had one cat, Knee-Hi, and she would jump into any size box even if her big butt didn't fit ~ that was not going to stop her. I have talked to many people and theirs do the same thing ~ give them a box and they are in it.
Cheers ~
"So this is what they call'solitary confinement'. Only a small hole to peek and beg for my chow!"
I know I shud get a mamogram done but I am scared!.Anyway thanks for sharing with us.
"Where IS he? Neither rain, sleet, hail... Yeah; right!!"
Thanks, DJ.
" How will I get OUT?"
Such a cute cat, such a cute chart - please include me!
Pirjo from Finland
Repost since I forgot to add my e-mail
I will come out after THAT kid leaves!
Love the picture. I just had my mamogram last week.
"If only I reach those threads on the other side of this box ... I'd have a lot of fun!!"
Thanks for the timely reminder about mammograms! October seems to remind everyone! Thanks for having such a fabulous giveaway! And you are in my prayers ... take care .... and we rejoice in the fact that "Today is God's Gift"!
"DJ ran over my cat carrier."
Another good October BC Awareness Giveaway to post on my blog!
Keep your spirits up by stitching!
trilliumcreates AT gmail Dot com
" You can't see me but I can see you HEE HEE""
I would love to enter your giveaway.
Love the photo of Thomas. Kind of looks like he is checking things out to see if it is safe. But I know that cats adore boxes of any size. :)
Don't enter me in your giveaway. I have that pattern too. :) Just know that you )and all of the "sistas") are in my thoughts and prayers.
PS thank you for your comments on my blog and for entering my giveaway.
"The things I have to do just to get my picture taken!" or "She'll never find me in here!"
I got squeezed in the spring!
Pssst Let's play hide and seek. I'll hide and you find the mouse.
I've heard of catnip but cat-napped! please let me go I promise to be a good kitty
please enter me into your draw DJ, thank for the chance
"You know, I can smell you standing there!"
LOL! Too cute picture. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!
Awww T is such a handsome male! I wish you the strength to face whatever the future has in store for you.
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