Hi Folks!
I know you've been patiently waiting for the results of the giveaway...well have no fear, the results are in and the winners are....
Charlene, who has won the chart and scissors with the fob!
Connie, who has won the limited edition Little House Needleworks "Where there is life" kit.
Congratulations ladies!!! Please e-mail me your addresses to tickledpinkone @ yahoo. co. uk and I'll get them in the mail as soon as possible!
Just a reminder, the winners names were picked from a hat by my son. I loved all the captions and it would have been too difficult to choose the caption that was my most favorite. I had such a giggle over all of them, you guys certainly are creative! Thanks so much for participating!! I hope you had as much fun as I did!! I know that many of you commented on the fact that you had, or were going to get your screenings. To those who haven't or are too afraid to go, please get checked, or at least perform your monthly self exam. Don't be afraid to go, it's a bit uncomfortable but not unbearable, and they have new tests now that don't involve "getting squished". Check with your doctor and see if you can have a sonogram instead! It's perfectly painless and it's better to catch these things early, trust me!!
I know I haven't answered e-mails in forever, or posted in quite some time, but things here have been insanely busy!! The past two days I've rushed around from morning until late at night. Most of it good fun (I have to say, I had a few rough days after my last chemo but I'm back on track now and back to my crazy schedule) as I've been spending time with my friends. My stitching buddies threw me a 50th birthday party...what a blast! If we had done nothing but stitch it would have been a fabulous birthday for me, but I was showered with cards and gifts. I'm sure this has been my absolute best birthday ever, thanks for celebrating with me. Here are a few pictures from the party. In case you can't read what is on the cake, it says "Oh No! The Big 50!!" (Thanks Sonya!! That oreo cake was the best!) Pat took the pictures, but she is camera shy and is always BEHIND the camera...one of these days though, I'm going to get a picture, Pat, so watch out! LOL

I've been stitching up a storm lately, finishing a lot of little kits I had lying around. I'm trying to clear up some of the stash and sort through things. Once the holidays are over, I'm going to haul out some big projects I've been wanting to work on, and I want a clean conscience! LOL Here are a few of my newest finishes.

Lastly,I attended a concert for the local High School last Thursday. Shaun Barrowes (an American Idol contestant) has benefit concerts "Live for music" for High Schools around the country. Students audition to have a solo during his concert, or to be backup singers. Shaun showcased a few students, but also the entire choir, select members of the band and dancers from the school. It was a fun evening. My friends daughter was chosen as one of the backup singers and is in the picture below, along with one of Shaun playing the piano. 75% of the proceeds of the concert went to the school arts department. I have to say I admire Shaun for giving back to the community in this way, and I hope he has a long and prosperous career.

Ok, off to get some other things done that has been let slip over the past few weeks. It's good to have some energy back! Thanks for participating in the giveaway, and keep checking back, I'm trying to think of another giveaway soon!
Hi Everyone!
I'm so sorry I'm late posting this, and not everything will be here that I wanted to post...but I'll give a little update now and a little more later.
First, I want to thank everyone who had a hand in making my birthday so special! I don't know if I told you but DH had planned to take me away for the weekend before my birthday. We spent three days down at the National Harbor in Washington DC. I knew we had plans to see Cirque du Soliel, Ovo! It was fantastic by the way!! It couldn't have been a better plan, as we were able to run out for a little while to see something, come back to the room to rest, then run out to see something else. We were able to visit the new Madame Tussaud wax museum in DC (it's been there a little while but was new to us!) and have a few pictures taken with our favorite stars. My guys make everything so much fun! Here's a picture of me and Johnny......Look Depp into my eyes! LOL
The next surprise was that DH had actually TOLD people which birthday this was...and so many folks went out of their way to send cards and gifts and even my stitching buddies threw a surprise birthday party!! I will have more pictures of the party later, because I didn't bring my camera to a "stitch day" with my buddies, who would have thought? I was literally showered with cards, a lot of them homemade, and some of them so outright funny I was in stitches reading them!! It took me over 45 minutes to open all the cards that were sent. How can I thank you? I really was overwhelmed by your good thoughts and best wishes.
About the giveaway update...anyone who has already entered in the previous post will also be entered for this giveaway too. Some stitching buddies donated this limited edition kit from Little House Needleworks "Where There is Life" to be offered as a giveaway. The words say "Where There is Life, There is Hope". All the proceeds from this kit were donated to breast cancer education and awareness programs. Thank you Sonya and Debbie! These ladies have been there with me on my journey from the beginning, and unless you've been in the same position you cannot understand how much a support system means. Sonya takes me to support group meetings and encourages me in ways she'll never really know. Even though they live near me and I see them face to face when I can, they still send cards of support and give me hugs when they see me. I don't say it often enough, but I love you guys!! You'll never know how much your friendship means to me. (sorry for the sappy post...LOL) Anyway, this is the kit, and you can still enter to win this, even though the drawing is only a few days away now.
I have a few finishes to show you. I was able to get some stitching in while away on my weekend, and the days since. Even though this new medication is easier to tolerate, I find myself getting tired very easily, and so I sit and stitch. It's been hard to do much else lately. I haven't made phone calls, or written any letters, I am just too tired. That's also why you haven't seen me post much. I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things soon. I guess I just needed a rest. Anyway....
I finished my violet sampler. I must say this was such a "fun" stitch. I thoroughly enjoyed it (thanks again Pat!!) and will have to see when I can get it framed. My bedroom is in lavender and I know it will look fabulous there!!
I finished a few Christmas kits I had lying around. And I also finished this ornament that was in the most recent Just Cross Stitch ornament issue and the pattern is from Plumstreet Samplers. I just love her stuff! I have a few charts sitting around here and I MUST stitch them soon....(yeah right) I'll be stitching long after I'm dead if I plan on stitching everything in my stash! LOL
The other two snowman pieces were fun to do, and done mostly in one day. They were kits offered at my LNS quite some time ago and finally made it to the top of my "to do" pile.
I almost forgot to mention the UFO I was working on and finally finished at my last chemo treatment. That was my sixth and treatment... I only have two left...I can't wait until this is behind me!!
I have so much more I want to post, but I'm going to quit now. I'll try to update a little here and there so it's not so overwhelming for you (or me!!). Till then, know that I'm grateful to everyone for their kindness and encouragement regarding my journey and my transition to the other side of the hill. LOL I'm sure there are better days ahead!! Thank you so much! *Hugs*
Hello stitching fans out there!
I've been trying to think of a way to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I finally hit on something that I think might benefit all of us! First of all, since I'm dealing with this on a personal level, I encourage you all to get your yearly tests whatever they might be. Mammogram, sonogram, MRI...whichever way you choose, please pay attention and do your own monthly exam also. I found mine purely by accident while having my yearly mammogram. My tumors were found when they were too small to feel, and if the person reading the tests not been at her best, they would have been missed! I'm growing as a person on my journey here, but it isn't easy and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. So please, take care of yourself! In the long run, it's your way of showing your love to others because they want you here on this planet as long as possible too! *climbing down off my soapbox*
Ok, here's the deal. The picture above is what I'm giving away ... a chart and a pair of scissors with a fob attached (with a hummingbird charm!). I'm also going to post a picture below of my cat Thomas (though it looks mostly like a box LOL). If you want to win the giveaway, you must post a caption for the picture of Thomas in a comment under this post. Please include your e-mail address so I can contact the winner. On Friday, October 29th, my son will choose a name out of a hat. I chose this particular chart because part of the proceeds went to breast cancer research. I actually bought two charts, but decided I wanted to keep one and make it for some "sistas" (said with a Brooklyn accent) who are traveling this journey with me, so that's why you won't see the picture here. Maybe next year I'll be giving that one away. Now I know that some of you may not be able to post a comment here. So if you can e-mail your comment to me at tickledpinkone@gmail.com . I don't want to leave anyone out! So here are the pictures. It's meant to be fun...so have fun! If you give your permission, I'll post the captions in a blog entry after the contest is over. And don't forget to get your yearly exams.
Sorry Pat! I've been baaaaad again!! Life just has a way of getting in the way!! I swear I sleep my life away at this point!
First I have to say, I made a mistake on my title of the previous blog post. I have only had five treatments...I'm jumping the gun I guess. I can't wait for them to be over! I DO still have three more to go...but I feel like I'm finally on the downhill slope!
It's been an interesting week, and I must say I'm very tired. Chemo was strange this time, it was the first dose of a new medication and I wasn't sure how it would affect me. The first day or two wasn't too bad, and then the fatigue and body aches set in. I have never taken so many naps in one day for so many days in a row! I feel much better now, even stayed out past my bedtime last night (thanks for the fun, Sonya!) I'm glad I have two weeks to "play" before the next round! I have physical torture...I mean physical therapy today (I'm wondering if part of the body aches were from my last session where the therapist knelt over me and put her full weight on my shoulder trying to stretch it out and "push" it back where it belongs... I tried to tell her it will take more than that to erase 50 years of bad posture!! LOL) I also hope to get some UFO stitching in today and avoid the wet noodle so precisely wielded by the Friendly Stitchers Yahoo group! Hm...I wonder how physical therapy and the wet noodle wound up in the same paragraph? Interesting eh? LOL Can you spell t-o-r-t-u-r-e?
Oh, and that reminds me!! I LOVE reading your comments!! I especially love a few that have been written to the past two posts. Edy, my dear, you crack me up!! I'm off sometime today to buy an eyebrow pencil so I can paint interesting expressions on my face! I laughed out loud when I read your comment, to the point where DH was ready to commit me to the loony bin. I mentioned what you said at the support group meeting last night too, that comment is making the rounds, girlfriend! What a hoot!!
Also, Rose Mary asked me where I got the pattern for my "D" that I have been working on the past few UFO days. Well, you know me, right? I'm a sucker for freebie charts and YES, they have the whole alphabet on this site. Here is the exact page, but do look around her site as she has some really interesting patterns (including another monogram alphabet chart that is rather pretty!). If I've done my job right, you should be able to click on the link and it will take you there! Have fun!! http://commelacigale.canalblog.com/archives/2010/05/29/18022573.html
Ok, I am off to get ready for physical therapy, and get some UFO stitching done. I'm anticipating a day with my friend Sonya tomorrow, stitching my day away with some good company and a few belly laughs if I know my buddy Sonya! Hopefully I'll have pictures in the near future of my progress. Till then, keep stitching and giggling, and leave some comments, I love to hear from you!!
Oh, by the way, I am seriously thinking about a blog giveaway to commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month...so keep your eyes peeled, and come back soon! *Hugs*
Hello fellow stitchers and friends!
I hope you have a cuppa handy as this may be a long post, but I promise pictures too, so sit back and I'll tell you a little tale of my week...
I finally got some stitching in last week. Whew! I really WANTED to stitch, the mind was willing but the flesh was weak! LOL I think I finally got around to it Sunday. You can't keep an addicted stitcher down! So here is my progress on my violet sampler. I really love this one!! Thanks again Pat!!

I had a visit from my co-worker who had a little gift for me. This little mouse is hand made, and when Christina ordered it she told the lady I was a cross-stitcher and about my diagnosis. So she stitched a pink ribbon on the front of this mouse. She also told Christina that she had donated part of her payment to cancer research. I just loved this little mouse, it would have been such a sweet gift, but with the rest of the story it has become very special! Thanks Christina *hugs* and big *hugs* to the lady that made it!!
Monday I was supposed to go for a physical therapy appointment but a phone call mid morning put a squash to that. For a strange reason (later explained but not THAT day) I had been discharged from the clinic. Five phone calls later (after already getting paperwork from my surgeon to say I could RESUME physical therapy) I was notified I needed more doctors orders and a referral. My primary physician is usually only working Tuesday and Thursday and I knew I would have to wait at least one day so I cancelled my appointment. The director called me back (she left a message because by that time I was so ticked off I didn't want to talk to any of them for fear I would become verbally abusive..yes I DO have a temper! LOL) and when this whole PT experience is finished I will then tell her what I think of her clinic!! *sigh* Even though I missed that appointment I spent several hours on the phone trying to get paperwork together and trying to find an answer to the discharge. That was exhausting!!
Monday wasn't a total waste though, because I got some surprises in the mail. Abi sent me a homemade birthday card and some silk to go along with it. The card is so precious Abi and the silk is lovely. I'll have to find something very special to stitch using it. I just love the colors!! Thank you so much! *hugs* I am blessed to have so many talented friends! I also received a juicy letter from Mouse. *hugs* I am so far behind in my letters and thank you cards, I hope you all understand life is just out of control at the moment but I'll get to them as soon as I'm able. So here is a picture of Abi's card and the silk.
Tuesday was a trip to the Plastic Surgeon. He had to check out the gallbladder surgeon's handiwork...LOL...and I was told I was healing well. He was surprised at the size of the one incision but when I read the report it said my gallbladder was 14 cm long and the largest scar is 18 cm long so that makes sense. When you consider it's supposed to be the size of a plum, you could say it was a LITTLE enlarged!! I got a fill up and was told we aren't there yet. I am finally beginning to look like a more woman then a cross dresser! LOL The good news is the pathology report said that though the gallbladder was purulent, it wasn't cancerous. *Huge sigh of relief* The Doctor had also said he checked the liver and the kidneys while he was in there and everything looked good. Always good to check things out visually. Did I mention that one incision was extremely small just above the belly button. There was a staple straddling it, right where a belly button ring would go? DH thinks I should get a belly button piercing there. Hm....what do you think? I have to say that staple bothered me the most, it rubbed against my clothing and eventually got infected (another week of antibiotics...oh joy!!). I don't know how people wear them....it drove me crazy! No offense to those that wear them... you have my admiration... but the irritation would drive me nuts (not that I'm not there already!) LOL
Wednesday was my PT appointment. With documents in hand I had to fill out all the paperwork again and the first appointment was a re-evaluation. I had lost some range of motion because now when I raise my arm over my head on the right side it pulls the incision OUCH. I'm sure that will get better though. My arms measured equally, so the wrap did it's job and I'm back to wearing just the sleeve!! There was great rejoicing! LOL I learned that because I was admitted to the hospital that my account was reassigned to the hospital and in order to resume PT I had to resubmit all the paperwork and have my account switched back to the clinic. I still see other doctors at the medical center so I'm a little suspicious of that, but when in Rome...
Next was a trip to the radiation oncologist. I love that doctor!! She seemed very harried and was called on the intercom several times. She's popular and I'm very lucky to have her as my doctor! She told me that it was a very gray area and there was only a 5% less chance of reoccurence with having radiation, but there are a lot of short term and long term effects that would have minor and major consequences. The surgery and chemo and hormone therapy would probably take care of everything without the radiation, but there is a slight chance it won't. Decisions, decisions. I was even told that I may have been cancer free after the surgery and that everything I do now is like buying insurance. There does come a point when you have bought too much. I'm seriously considering skipping the radiation and DH agrees. The only thing that scares me is that one of the tumors was very close to the skin and the chances of a few microscopic cells escaping is slight. Would chemo and hormone therapy take care of that? She seemed to think it might. I hate making these decisions!!!
After those jolly experiences I ran to the lab to have blood work taken for the next day's chemo. We left right at rush hour so spent some time listening to Mamma Mia soundtrack in the car on the way home. LOL We stopped to pick up our Market Day order (a school fundraiser), ran home and threw it in the freezer, stopped to say goodbye to your neighbors (they are moving to Texas...we will seriously miss those guys!) and then went out to dinner. After that exhausting day we got home at 8 and I just went to bed. It was quite a day.
Thursday was chemo....but first a doctor's appointment. They had just moved their offices so there was lots of paperwork to fill out since they are now associated with the medical center. It's nice, all my doctor's offices are in the medical center now except for the Plastic Surgeon. If I could get him to move over there, it would be perfect! It sure cuts down on time when I don't have to drive all over town to make all these appointments, and I can schedule things closer together on the same day. The medical oncologist makes me laugh!! After the usual exams, questions and answer period, he mentioned that his phone was driving him crazy because the intercom was too loud. I suggested there might be a volume button, and of course there was. He turned it down and it was much better! I told him he could pay me my consultation fee at the end of my treatment! LOL I was given the go ahead to have chemo (even though the incision seems a little stressed and with the bloating from the steroids I have to take he was afraid it might not be strong enough yet...but so far so good!) After his appointment I had 5 minutes to get to the infusion clinic which was right next door! The new medication is not nearly as bad as the first two!! I didn't get a headache or the usual brain fog and with the IV steroids I was full of energy!
So...after a marathon session on facebook with Mouse I was encouraged to get some UFO stitching done. I decided to work on a different UFO last night because it was smaller and I can work in hand, so I didn't have to lean anything against my tummy...so here are before and after pictures of my progress.
Lastly, I got a box in the mail from my cousin who lives in Pennsylvania. Here is a picture of what she sent along with the note. I don' t know if you can read what she wrote, but she said two of her friends were walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-day race for the cure this weekend in Philadelphia. My cousin donated in my name and they gave her this little ducky with the ribbon on his chest for me. I'm blown away by the response to my condition. Thank you, Judy, for thinking of me, and for helping others who have this disease. Research has carried this disease out of the dark ages, and though there are so many more being diagnosed each day, research has advanced the treatment of this disease to the point where it's no longer a death sentence when caught early. I truly feel lucky to have been diagnosed early and at this stage in their research. So please!!! Perform your personal exams regularly and get those mammograms, I know mine surely saved my life! *climbing off my soapbox* LOL Here's a picture of Judy's ducky! Thanks again Judy! *Hugs*