It's been a strange spring so far this year. We've had HOT days, we've had COLD days, we've had frost warnings and severe weather warnings, thunderstorms and hail. I thought March was supposed to be in like a lion, out like a lamb? May has turned out to be pretty turbulent in my book!!
I've had some beautiful flowers blooming around my house. My pride and joy, though, are the Lady Dianna roses that have bloomed in my back yard. My husband has had a special place in his heart since he was in England when Charles and Dianna were married many years ago. So when he saw the name of these roses he HAD to buy them and plant them behind the fountain in the back yard. They have begun blooming so he brought the first blooms in for me to enjoy for Mother's Day. He can be a charmer!
I just had to share a picture of DH and Thomas being friendly. It doesn't happen too often, and still the look on Thomas' face makes me think he isn't truly happy with the situation, but it's rare the two of them get along like this. A picture IS worth a thousand words! LOL
Mother's Day was bitter sweet this year. I'm not sure why, but it was a comedy of errors beginning with my attempt to take Mother's Day off to spend with my son. My boss wouldn't attempt to find anyone else to work. According to him all of them already had plans. I tried calling the new person, but she wouldn't answer her phone nor did she call back (not a good sign!?!?) My co-worker called in sick that morning so not only did I have to work, but I was going to work alone!! She ended up taking pity on me and came in anyway, though she really did look pretty bad. I was thankful she was there, as we were unbelievably busy that day. She knew I wanted to be with my son this year. I'm not sure why it was so important to me this year, but she understood, and brought me these beautiful flowers. Thanks Christina, it was one of the brightest spots of my day and really warmed my heart! Aren't they beautiful?
Then came the call to my Mother. We've been trying to find a way to get her here so she can help after I have surgery. From the sounds of things, she won't be coming after all. It just got too complicated with people wanting to come from NY and PA and WV to visit her while she's here that I just threw up my hands and said "never mind". In the long run, I think it will be better anyway. I have friends here who have volunteered to sit with me during times we need the help so we should be just fine, and I won't have to deal with finding a place for my Mom to sleep. I have to be honest, I'm not sure I want to see ANYONE after surgery, I can't imagine what I'll look like, and that is freaking me out!! I would like to have Mom here, but not the rest and I'm confused why no one else can understand that. Maybe it's just me being me, but in the long run, it's my house, my surgery and my decision. I'll miss having you here, Mom.
When I started this blog, I wanted to make it cute and funny and enjoyable for people to visit. With the change of circumstances, it hasn't turned out that way. I apologize, and hopefully after all the issues with my health are resolved it will return to the purpose I intended it to be. I still try to look on the positive side of things, but this year has been incredibly hard. The past month I haven't slept much (last week, in 7 days I only had 14 hours of sleep) and though I know the Lord has a purpose for what is going on, getting through this has been a challenge. I'm still looking forward with hope that I'll learn the purpose and in all I want to remain thankful. I would appreciate your prayers. Thanks for reading. *Hugs*
The rose is absolutely gorgeous! Just breathtaking.
Prayers are heading your way until surgery is over. And healing hugs as well.
What a beautiful rose!
Lots of prayers and hugs to you.
We love ya!
Sending hugs and prayers your way.
PS - gorgeous rose!
Hi DJ! It's me, Babs, and your last email seemed to wake me up and I started a new blog and have one post. Please go sign up. I am so sorry you have to go through this, but know that I'm praying for you, especially on the days I'm waiting outside chemo room with hubby. Sent you an email.
hugs, babs
Dear DJ, you'll be in my mind from now on until surgery is over and you are on the way back! So sorry to hear you have to go through all this and I send you lots of good thoughts.
Big hug,
I think that's a wise decision, DJ, re your mum -can't believe people wanting to come and visit her while YOU are convalescing! My BP's going up again concerning your boss too - does he not have one empathetic bone in his body? Lots of love and letter coming, honest!
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Make no excuses about how you feel. You have every right to feel jsut as you do. Please continue your blogging even with the travels through this next "hump" in your life. Perhaps that is the reason you're going through all of this, being an inspiration to live and to life. Thankfully it was found early on. Wishing you the best. Sleep well.
DJ my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am sorry you have not been sleeping well. Please remember that there is nothing wrong with how you feel. Feelings are never wrong, they just are. Feel free to blog about whatever you want or need to talk about, this is your blog and I will continue reading (I am sure others will too).
Your cat is gorgeous, looks like he has a mustache too! LOL
(((((HUGS DJ)))))
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