Speaking of stitches, let's get a little "show and tell" out of the way first. Here are some pictures of my progress on the Camelot Sampler. I have been working hard at the store so only get snatches of time to stitch. I'm feeling less stressed as it seems to be coming along a bit faster lately. I know it will slow down once I'm down to the outlining of things, but for now...feel the breeze as I whip up the twisted vines and begin the castle!!
Now, on to the tale of the wardrobe malfunction. Let's go back a couple of weeks when I finally got word that the dress I ordered for my co-workers wedding arrived. She and I drove to the store to try it on and see how everything looked. I realized (because there is very little front to this dress and even less back) that I would need some strapless undergarments. Let me premise this by saying that I've been losing weight. Quite a bit actually, without really trying (I didn't want to lose any more weight after I ordered the dress, but still lost about 10 pounds). So, I squeeeeze myself into my bustier, get out my flat heeled shoes that I'm wearing with the dress, and try on the dress. It was a perfect fit when I ordered it several months ago, but now I see that I'm going to need alterations. It's now too long, the straps that run from under my armpits up around my neck are now too long and the hook and eye that is supposed to keep it in place will not stay hooked. So, I walk out of the changing room to let the Bride get a look, while looking down so I don't trip over the hem, the hook unhooks, the straps fall and because I'm leaning a bit forward, well you can imagine the rest. The only thing covering me up was my bustier! LOL!!! Let's face it, ladies, at my age, that bustier wasn't really doing a bang up job!! Thank heavens there were no men around as they would have gotten quite a show! Fortunately the ladies working in the bridal shop see my little "malfunction" and immediately usher me into the room where the fittings take place. No doubt in their minds that this dress needs alterations, not to mention perhaps a snap or two. LOL I now have a new appreciation for Janet Jackson and her little mishap at the Super bowl. I'm feeling like a kindred spirit, even though I only faced a few dozen people. LOL!!!
Now I come home, and explain to my DH that I am going to spend more in alterations than I did for the dress originally and tell him, through fits of hysterical laughing, the story of my wardrobe malfunction. He has a imaginative mind, and can not only picture the scene, but I can tell by that twinkle in his eye that he is getting some impure thoughts. Now he is wanting to go with me to see how the dress fits. I know what HE'S thinking, and I don't believe they allow men back in the fitting room anyway, so I THINK I'm safe. I'm headed there in about an hour. I hope things will now stay where they belong and that I don't become a star attraction at the wedding by doing an impromptu striptease while parading down the aisle. Wouldn't that be a sad sight on you-tube? LOL!!
I think DH has quite an evening planned as DS is going to a "lock-in" at the church tonight. They are going to be playing games all night, kind of an olympic event of games and DS has signed up to play chess. He packed up his "necessities" and our Charlie Brown chess set and is now headed off for the weekend. After my dress fitting we'll be headed out for dinner and a movie. Not sure which one we'll be seeing, but I'll let you know another time. So, ladies (and gents) have a wonderful evening! *Hugs*
Camelot is fantastic DJ you're steaming through it now.
I'm sure you will look fantastic at the wedding, and everything will stay in its place!
Your piece is coming along swimmingly!
Camelot is looking fabulous and the malfunction story had me grinning (thoughts of a malfunction of my own)!!!!!!
You're making wonderful progress - on Camelot and losing weight! Hope the wedding is soon - no more malfunctions!!
Oh DJ you conjured up a very funny picture with your malfunction.... but I am sure the ladies will make the fit fine in the end.
Your Camelot is gorgeous, and your stitching is beautiful.
Beautiful Stitching!!!
Camelot Sampler is looking great!
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Lovely Stitching DJ, and what a funny story. I guess the workers in those bridal shops are used to it in a way.
Lol funny story but least you can see the funny side and have a chuckle about it :), but well done on losing the weight and hope you have a gd time at the wedding with no more malfunctions ;) lol
Your camelot sampler is really coming along lovely looking great well done xxx
Ouch! That dress case was not any nice one.
The CS is awesome!
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