Hi Everyone!
Just wanted to share that DH and I celebrated our 25th Anniversary on the 4th of August. In some ways it's hard to believe that so many years have passed, and in other ways, it feels longer. LOL!! We both took the day off to share the day together (DS was in band camp for the day...yippee!) and we had a very enjoyable day. My Mom sent us a lovely silver platter with our names and our wedding date on it, what a sweet surprise! DH went to Jared! And DS went to Game Stop. LOL On our wedding day we gave each other silver crosses and I thought DH had lost his (well he did for a short while) so I searched everywhere for a replacement. Then two days before our anniversary he found his other one...but I think he liked the new one as well. If nothing else it was a sweet memory of our wedding day.
It's been a blur since then. Even though it's a slow time at the store, work has been busy for me. It seems there are not enough hours while I'm there to accomplish everything that needs to be done. Oh the pressure! We are just barely keeping ahead of the orders (but at least we aren't falling behind...yet)
I solved a puzzling mystery the other night. Each night just after I get into bed, I hear strange noises on the deck behind our house. I run down the stairs and peek out the back door and see the garbage can on it's side, lid still securly in place. Well the other night I couldn't sleep and was wandering around the house when I heard the noises again. I ran to the window, and guess what I saw!?!?!?!!? It was a masked bandit! Oh, not the kind you're thinking, this one had four feet. LOL Yes it was a pesky racoon. Now we keep our garbage can lid on securly, and he hasn't been able to pull it off, but he keeps coming back nightly to challenge himself I guess. He sat on the railing glaring at me as if to say..."How's a starving racoon supposed to survive?" I tried to shoo him away but he sat there (the cheeky critter) until I threw the lock on the door, then he scampered away. Who would think, in such a metropolitan area, that I would have racoons and foxes in the back yard, and deer eating the heads off flowers in the front yard? I guess I don't need to go to the mountains to see wildlife! LOL It's a shame, I guess, that we've encroached so far into their territory...but I can't help thinking "What's next? Hopefully not a bear!"
That's it from the wildlife sanctuary. How are things in your neck of the woods?
13 years ago
Happy Aniversary. Wow. 25 years. Your silver anniversary. Congratulations to you both and may you be blessed with another 25 years of love.
25 yrs married is a long time.
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