Thursday, March 6, 2025

Whew! It's been a roller coaster ride!

Hello Fellow Stitchers!  March sure came in like a lion....let's hope the lamb shows up soon!  And I'm talking about more than just the weather.  

I'm back on a somewhat schedule watching the granddaughters again.  There's nothing better than todder hugs and baby snuggles.  I'm loving the Gigi life!  However it sure cuts into my stitching time.  

I made myself a little challenge...I'm hoping to put 500 stitches in The Romantic Stitcher a day...and so far, I'm doing pretty good.  My hope is to finish it within a few months...let's see how I do now that my challenge is in print!  LOL!  Here is where I left off last night...   

I also challenged myself that if I finished the 500 stitches during the day, I would stitch on a smaller project afterward.  I was  able to finish off A Quiet Place by The Little Stitcher stitched on 36 count Petite Point Natural over two and framed in the little oval frame.  

This is part of the JCS SAL on Facebook.  Thankfully I've been able to keep up...and I really like how this turned out.  

My  next little project will be an Easter piece.  I had a couple of projects lined up for St. Patricks too...but I'm beginning to lose hope that I will get them done this year.  Oh well, there's always next year!  

Well that's all the news that's fit to print today.  I hope you are all safe from the wild weather, and enjoying some stitching time.  Take care!