Hi there, and congratulations to Vickie!! I'm excited to be offering this chart to you! Please email me your address and I will get it in the mail shortly! Vickie won this chart that I happened to have two of!
If you are disappointed that you didn't win, don't despair, I have another one waiting in the wings. I will start by saying I am just learning this new "craft" so please don't expect perfection. In honor of my feeble attempt at "practicing" I'm going to give one of my new creations away.
And....since fall is here, I thought I would celebrate that with something that goes along with the season. It's a scissor fob! I think I'll have the drawing on October 18. All you need to do is leave a comment below indicating you would like to take part in the giveaway. Below is a picture of what you could win...
I've been playing around with these and really enjoying the experience! I've made one for myself...because I love owls.
I've made a few for other exchanges I'm participating in...
And I've made a few for friends, but they will have to remain a mystery until I've given them away.
Now before you ask, I'm NOT a professional, and do NOT want to sell them. I'm just playing around because I like to shake up my world now and then! Hahaha So.....if you would like to win this fun little scissor fob, please comment below...and tell your friends....who knows, I might want to make a few more and have some seasonal giveaways?!?!?!
Ok, I'll share a few pictures of projects I've been working on. I finished up September's portion of the Linen & Threads SAL. If you look back a few posts, I think I posted which colors I found that will substitute for the vintage Bucilla Thread I am using. I'm stitching this on 28 ct black over one. It's not too late to jump in on this free SAL. You can find the patterns here. Normally I don't have too much trouble but for some reason, September's portion was giving me quite a challenge. Lots of frogs came to visit (is it frog hunting season yet, because I'm ready to annihilate those suckers!!) Maybe I need to make some adjustments to my reading glasses?

I finished up the 10th part of This Corner of Earth. This is a SAL offered by Tempting Tangles. I love her choice of colors and those little houses are just too much fun to stitch!! I worked on this yesterday while on a stitch date with Awesome Astrid and the Lovely Ms. D. What a fun afternoon full of giggles and chatting. Thanks for hosting Astrid, and let's do this again soon!
I started another Christmas ornament....I've stitched this one before, but this one is for an exchange. I Love it, and I think I'll substitute a few little things here and there to make it a little more fun. This is from the Hometown Holiday Series by Little House Needleworks.
Last, but not least, is the third part of the Summer Schoolhouse Lesson number 3 by With Thy Needle & Thread. I'm loving this series! This is stitched over one using the recommended threads. Lesson 4 should be out soon! Can't wait!!
Guess that's all the news that's fit to print. I'll see you back here on the 18th for the reveal of who has won the fob. Have a wonderful Sunday and happy stitching!!
Well...I'm kinda amazed at how much stitching I've been able to get done lately. I've actually had more time at home than I have had and it feels good to get some stitching accomplished.
If you are unfamiliar with Gifted Gorgeousness, this is a challenge hosted by Jo over at Serendipitous stitching. If you go to her blog you can check out what others are stitching for this challenge where we either use materials that are gifted to us, or we are stitching for someone else. You can find the rules here and also sign up, it's never to late to join in. So....sign up here....or see what others are stitching here. Thanks again, Jo, for hosting this fun challenge. I just love searching through my stash and seeing what I can find to stitch for this!!
Where do I start? Hm....well while my friend, Donna, was visiting, I asked her to choose some ornaments she would like me to stitch. We started searching the freebies offered by Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum which you can find here. Donna picked out two, from the years 1997 and 2005. Here are the finished stitching. They are stitched on 32 count raw Belfast linen over two. I changed a few things here and there, didn't use all the beads they suggested and substituted a gold thread by Rainbow Gallery rather than the DMC metallic thread. I'm thinking I might stitch them again on 28 count over one, we'll see.

I stitched a couple of patriotic patterns for an auction in August that went to benefit a program designed to help service members and first responders suffering from PTSD. They were received so well, I decided to stitch a couple more. I had so many problems with this pattern though...and still there are errors I didn't want to fix. I haven't decided yet if I'll donate this one or stitch another but here is Lady Liberty by Blackbird Designs. I'll eventually get this made into a drum...and that's another story. I'll have to figure out how to do that...LOL See if you can find my mistake in the bottom picture...

My husband generously gave me this SAL for Mother's Day. He ordered them to arrive when they are released, the fabric and the floss. I have been trying to keep up, and have finished the first two in the series and started the third. These are Summer Schoolhouse Lessons 1, 2, and part of 3 by With Thy Needle & Thread. These are stitched on 28 ct Lugana Light Taupe (the original fabric called for was Mushroom but they were out of it and I took their suggestion and started using this fabric. I can't say I'm overly excited how it looks, but I'm getting used to it.)
I signed up for a Hallween Exchange in one of the Yahoo groups I belong to, and started stitching just in case things get a little hectic later on. Here is a tease of two of the patterns I stitched. Which one will I choose? I'll show you next time after my partner has received her ornament!
While this next one isn't really considered a part of Gifted Gorgeousness, I thought I would show you my progress on This Corner of Earth SAL that I'm participating in. I have finished part 9. This is a SAL offered through Tempting Tangles and I just love stitching on it!
Remember, the drawing for the giveaway is happening on the 24th. If you want to sign up to be in the running and see what I'm offering, please see the previous post and leave a comment! Thanks for visiting...see you next time!
I apologize profusely! I have been preoccupied with so many things lately, I completely forgot I promised you a giveaway. Well.....wait no longer, my friends...here it is.
As usual, I was searching for something last night and ran across this pattern. And then I ran across this pattern again. Yes, that's right, I found TWO and I laughed in glee as I realized this was the perfect thing to have as a giveaway. So....here's the rules. Leave a comment after this post expressing your desire for the chart. I will have a drawing on September 24th. That gives you almost two weeks to tell your friends! Good luck!
This is a sampler I found while touring a house in Londontown, MD.
We found out about this place in the AAA magazine we get for being members. It's only about 45 minutes from here and has lovely gardens and historical buildings. When I asked about this sampler dated 1750, they had no other information other than it was stitched on linen using silk threads. Sometimes I wish inanimate objects could tell us their story. And wouldn't it be fun to stitch a reproduction?
I just loved this set of dishes, I've never seen anything quite like it...
It was a beautiful day that day, so we walked the grounds a little bit. This is the house we found the sampler in. It's had an interesting past, at one time being a tavern, another time it was an alms house for the poor. If only the walls could talk!
And this is another building we found on the grounds, it was a wood working shop and smelled of freshly sawed wood...funny how smells can conjure up memories from long ago...this one reminded me of my Grandparents home and the area my Grandfather used for wood working.
It was the perfect day for sailing....if only we owned a boat...lol....but I'd be willing to bet these folks were having a lovely day out on the South River.
I'll be back in a couple of days to update Gifted Gorgeousness. Until then, Happy Stitching!