Hi folks! Just dropping in to show you what I've been doing for the gifted gorgeousness. If you are unfamiliar with Gifted Gorgeousness, then you should go see Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching and check out her challenge. You can find the sign up page here. And if you are interested in seeing what others have been doing, you can check out her page here. Jo has lots of interesting things going on all the time, things to challenge us and things to just have fun. I really enjoy this challenge, it's one of the few things that keeps me blogging!!
Ok, so here's what I've been up to. I have been participating in the Linen & Threads SAL which is a freebie and you can find the patterns here. I have been using vintage Bucilla threads. These threads are no longer being manufactured and so far I haven't found a conversion chart. I found these in a flea market and thought I would have enough to finish out this sampler....so far so good. I sincerely hope I don't run out!! I'm stitching this on 28 count black over one. Yes, a challenge, but I really like how it's turning out!
I am stitching this for my Mom. This was a Dimensions kit called Sweet Nectar. I started it more than a year ago, but it's stitched on 36ct over 2 with 2 or 3 threads....I have trouble getting my threads to lay right so I get tired of this quick. I've been working on it lately though, I really need to get it finished.

Now for the little extra! I'm going to have giveaways when I blog. I have quite a few so I'll add a new one each time, that way I'll know which ones you are interested in and you don't get something you don't want. First up is a chart I stitched a Looooooong time ago. Yes, it's framed and hanging in my house!! (One of the few BAPs I did frame! I love it that much) So it's time to let go of this pattern. This is Lighthouses of America by Cstitch. It has a diagram in the pattern to tell you which lighthouse it is. If you would like this chart, please write a comment that indicates you would like it. I'll be away from home for a week and when I get back, I'll randomly pick a person.
And that's all the time I have for today. I hope you are all enjoying the weather (whatever that might be wherever you are!) We are having a heatwave here right now so I've been sticking close to the air conditioning....and still spring cleaning (hence the giveaways!). Happy Stitching everyone!
In a land, far away, lived a couple of kids who were madly in love. One day the boy asked the girl to marry him....and all H E double hockey stitcks broke loose. I honestly don't remember this much trouble when I was getting married. My Mom and I have discussed this many times over the past couple of months. I mean...sure there were a couple of hiccups, like the minister backing out two weeks before the wedding, and oh yeah, there was a bat dive bombing the guests before the ceremony took place. But those were minor, right? (Funny now that we can look back at them, but a little hair raising at the time...)
Well....hopefully the "hiccups" that have been happening are finally corralled and we are finally making headway. The two churches (one for the ceremony and one for the reception located 1/2 mile apart) have been researched, reconnoitered, and reserved! The wedding dress has been ordered, and flowers sorted. Oh yeah, and we have a date! April 28, 2018. I think those are the big things and most necessary...on to the details. Which I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be a part of. I kinda like being the mother of the groom. LOL
I've decided to let the Bride-to-be have a breather before I ask her about stitching a wedding sampler. I'm pretty sure that's low on the totem pole at the moment. Which is ok, it can be a first anniversary gift, right? She surprised me with this lovely mug for Mother's Day. I think I'm going to like being a Mother-in-Law to such a sweet lady!!
So now that the BIG news is out of the way....on to the stitchy stuff. As you can imagine wedding details and spring cleaning my house have taken priority. So that leaves little time for stitching. It makes the time I do spend in my happy place that much more meaningful. I finished another of Erica Michael's 12 Berries of Christmas, Three French Hens. And here they are in all their glory!
I am also working on a new SAL called Corner of the Earth. I have finished the first two parts and waiting for part three (which is supposed to come out this week). I'm enjoying this piece...stitched on 40 ct over two. This is a Tempting Tangles SAL.
I have attempted to work on Sweet Nectar for my Mom, and have made a little headway. This pattern is so detailed...but you know what the hardest part of stitching this is? I'm stitching on 36 ct over two using two strands of thread. I'm so used to stitching with one thread that I'm having problems getting two threads to lie evenly next to each other. UGH!! It's slowing me down, BUT...the effect of seeing the flowers appear with all the shading and 3D appearance has me addicted. I like looking at it after I've stitched for a while. The next headache is going to be all that outlining...ok enough complaining and back to stitching!! Here is my progress on Sweet Nectar so far.

Other news....we've been spending some time with the kids, and having a little fun. We went to a comedy club called McGoobies Joke House to see Tom Cotter (who came in second to a dog act on America's Got Talent a few years back). We laughed til it hurt...he's pretty funny. We went to see The Beauty and the Beast at Toby's dinner theater last week. It was such a great performance! And I especially loved the signature drink called "The Grey Stuff" (they sing about it in the song "Be Our Guest"). It's cookies and cream with a red rose on top!! I love it that you get to take the glass home with you!
So...I'll be back in three days for the Gifted Gorgeousness post. I'll see you back then...and I have a couple giveaways planned so stay tuned!